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Shane Nicole C.

March 3, 2021

Choose 1 Caricature/ Illustration/picture from any Editorial section of the Newspaper
and explain the content/issues of this according to your own understanding.


Upon entering the month of March, several cities went down to alert level 1. This
means that public vehicles can now have 100% capacity, no restrictions for indoor and
outdoor capacities, and interzonal and intrazonal travel is allowed. It is a great news for
the workers since workplaces can now operate without the skeletal schedule. However,
we are still at risk of COVID-19. It was said that alert level 1 is our new normal which is
different from our usual life before. It was shown in the illustration that a man is wearing
mask is being careful and looks nervous to step onto the rock that symbolizes the alert
level 1. One mistake, he may fall which symbolizes the possibility of being infected of
the virus. He can also be at risk even though he is following the protocols if the people
around him are not mindful enough to protect themselves. The problem with the alert
level 1 is that most people tend to think that they are already free and safe from the
Shane Nicole C. Somido
March 3, 2021

virus. Also, the government is not strict in implementing the health protocols in the
country. This can get worse when the cases for the next weeks will constantly increase
and it may start another COVID-19 surge in the country. To avoid this uncertain
situation, the government should still be strict in implementing protocols to avoid
increase of COVID-19 cases. Also, as responsible citizens, we must follow the protocols
and be careful while going to public places. If we practice these protocols even if the
whole country is in alert level 1, we can avoid another surge of cases that may lead us
to back again from the start; the lockdown.

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