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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM VW TPBank Independence - Freedom - Happiness donee Freuiont Es? No.: 09/2022/BC-TPB.HDQT Hanoi, April 22, 2022 2021 OPERATIONS AND 2022 PLAN REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Respectfully to: General Shareholders Meeting of TPBank I. 2021 MACRO-ECONOMIC SITUATION ‘The world and domestic economic situation in 2021 will have many changes that are both positive and intertwined difficulties affecting the operation of the entire banking industry. In 2021, the world economy will recover faster than expected and gradually regain growth momentum thanks to effective use of economic stimulus policies and Covid-19 vaccination activities, Global trade has prospered again thanks 1o countries easing many trade restriction measures to switch to a strategy of "safe living with COVID-19" instead of closing down to implement "Zero COVID". The economic growth of major countries affecting the global economy such as the US, China and European countries all reached a high level (all negative in 2020), the financial market was active thanks to the stock market and the price of basic goods increased. However, the world economic recovery has shown signs of slowing down in the last 6 months of the year due to uncertainties caused by the new wave of Covid-19 variants, with a divergence between countries depending on the effectiveness of COVID-19 disease control and economic support policies. The economic recovery brings the pressure of inflation risks tending to increase, which led to narrow the economic stimulus policy in many countries to control the increase of inflation. Risks of supply chain disruption and energy crisis, labor shortage and trade disruption are likely to increase, increasing business production costs and negatively affecting people's lives... In domestic, the Covid-19 epidemic wave broke out-from the end of April.2021 with a new strain that has a rapid and dangerous spread, complicated developments in many localities, especially in key economic localities. In addition, Vietnam still has restrictions on vaccination against COVID-19 epidemic, it has seriously affected the lives and safety of people and the achievement of the Govemment’s socio-economic development goals (For the first time since 2000, Vietnam recorded a negative quarterly GDP as 3" quarter of 2021 at - 6.17%). However, with the proactive and flexible management of the Government, the ministries and branches in organizing the effective implementation of policies to focus resources to control the epidemic, remove difficulties for production - business, supporting people and businesses to overcome difficulties caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, production and business activities in many fields are maintained and developed, socio-economic indicators ~~ ~ ~ Still at a positive level: GDP increased by 2.58%, the average CPI in 2021 increased by 1.84% compared to 2020 (reaching the target of less than 4% approved by the National Assembly); total export turnover increased by 19%; imports increased by 26.5%; the total state budget revenue for FY2021 exceeds the annual estimate and is in balance with the total state ‘budget expenditure; The financial market is stable, the stock and real estate markets are vibrant but still under safe control. Regarding the banking system, despite being significantly affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic, with the initiative, flexibility and anticipating negative impacts, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBY) and the system of credit institutions have well organized to implement solutions in order to ensure system safety, actively support people and businesses to overcome difficulties to maintain and restore production and business, contribute to control inflation and promote economic recovery under the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister. The SBV operates monetary and credit policies flexibly and in accordance with the actual situation in order to ensure the goal of controlling inflation while supporting economic growth and ensuring the system safety: Credit institutions have drastically implemented solutions, supporting people and businesses to overcome difficulties caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, such es saving costs to reduce lending interest rates, simplifying credit granting procedures but not lowering credit granting conditions so that customers can access credit favorably, but credit institutions cen still control risks; Promote digital transformation and apply digital products and services to facilitate people to use banking services in the context of implementing COVID-19 prevention measures, promote cashless payment activities and ensure security and safety in banking activities. Asa result, in 2021, the currency and foreign exchange markets are stable, credit growth meets the target of 14%, loans interest rates decrease by nearly 1% in 2020, the operation of the credit institution system is smooth and secure. Il. OPERATIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN 2021 The Board of Directors (BOD), with the task of strategic orientation, management and senior supervision (including the key role of EXCO), closely followed the actual situation, the State's legal policies and the Government and the SBV’s directives to proactively develop and organize the implementation of flexible, feasible, practical and drastic business solutions and scenarios to ensure the health safety of employees, maintain smooth operations, achieve and exceed business targets according to the plan approved by the General Shareholders Meeting (GSM). Specific activities are as follows: 1. The BOD organizes focused and non-focused meetings, working sessions with business units (BU) to promptly grasp and direct the handling of issues in the Bank's business operations: ~ In 2021, to ensure compliance with social distancing measures to prevent the COVID- 19 epidemic, the BOD can only hold one focused meeting, and the rest are mainly non-focused meetings in the form of collecting opinions via email. + Through focused and non-focused meetings, the BOD voted and approved works within the duties and authority of the BOD or submitted to the GSM for approval in accordance with the law and TPBank's Charter: Issuing Resolutions to approve Regulations on organizational structure and operation of units, Regulation on risk manegement, Regulation on credit limit granting, bond issuance, capital contribution, the policy of network expansion; Approving works submitted to the GSM for approval such as the plan to increase charter capital, pay dividends ..; Approving credits granting, investments, capital contribution for amounts and transactions within the limits of subjects under the authority of the BOD. ~ The members of the BOD are members of the Committees under the BOD who Participate in monthly or irregular meetings with the Councils of the CEO (Risk Management Couneil, Aleo Council, Credit and Investment Council, Index Council .. to perform the senior supervisory role of the BOD, 2. The BOD performs the function of managing TPBank's operations through its affiliated Committees in order to effectively complete tasks assigned by the GSM, perform the role of senior supervision well in accordance with the Law on Credit Institutions and relevant laws: 2.1.The EXCO Committee ~ The EXCO Committee, consisting of permanent members of the BOD, has closely followed the operation plan of the BOD to direct the implementation, orient to the CEO, the Board of Management (BOM) to directly handle and implement BOD’s Resclutions; direct the CEO, the BOM to develop business; deeply participate in the strategy of risk management, ALCO, liquidity, human resources, credit and build the system, new policies; ~ Focus on drastic implementation of solutions to overcome difficulties, especially those caused by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to ensure that business operations are maintained stably and with high efficiency, a the same time, still ensure the safety of the Bank's operations and the health safety of TPBank's staff. ~ Direct the CEO, the BOM to seriously implement the Government and the SBV’s Directives on solutions to manage monetary policy, ensure inflation control, stabilize the macro-economy and money market and concentrate all resources to share difficulties and accompany people and businesses affected by the Covid-19 epidemic through rescheduling debt payments, exempting and reducing interest and fees, keeping debt groups unchanged and promoting the transformation digital, creating new lending conditions to restore and stabilize production and business, contributing to promote the recovery of economic growth, ~ The EXCO Committee continued to hold regular meetings with the CEO, the BOM on different topics and scales. Through meetings, the EXCO Committee grasped the work situation of the Bank's management, listened to the managers’ summary reports on business operations and discussed key issues that had a great impact on the Bank's operations, thereby helping the CEO and the BOM to come up with business solutions in line with the policy of the BOD, solve difficult problems and obstacles for smooth banking operations and ensure compliance with the law. Every year, at the end of the plan year and before implementing the ew year's business tasks, the EXCO Committee holds direst meetings with Divisione/CentersBUs to listen to thoughts, spirations and insights of the organization and operation situation of units, thereby encoureging timely and making iretional requirements for units, synthesizing comments to build business strategies, improving effective governance and supervisory role of the BOD. 2.2. The Human Resources Committee (HR Committee) ~ Monthly, the HR Committee meets and considers deciding on personnel issues within the competence of the Committee, and at the seme time directly directs to carry out activities in line with the Benk’s orientation. Direct the CEO and the HR Division to implement solutions to increase scale focusing on new opening units and new activities, establish a mumber of units ‘under TPBank: expand payroll for business units based on ensuring manning principles with annual practices (5 ~ 8%), ensure optimal use of human resources, promote labor productivity, enhance staff development from infernal sources, ereate promotion opportunities for stall In 12021, the Ht Committee considered and advised to appoint one Deputy CEO, 2 Deputy Head of Division and 353 managers fiom internal sourees. "At the same time, the HR Committee advised the BOD to drastically deal with disciplinary violations of eadres, replace inappropriate and weak positions: disciplining 52 cases of violations in which there are 8 casos of HO and 24 cases of BUs. In addition, the HR Committee also directed to strengthen training activities and human resource development in the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic through the E-leaming system and online training, The Committee also reviewed and proposed adjustments to documents on organizational structure, functions and tasks of units and internal regulations at TPBank. 2.3.The SALCO Committee = The Assets/Liabilities Supervision Committee (SALCO) has effectively supervised the balance sheet structure management in line with the risk management policy; supervise the implementation business activities control to ensure compliance with the liquidity risk limit, interest rte risk limit on the bank book, total asses calculated acvording to interest rate risk on the bank book; supervise the formulation and decision of deposit and loan interest rate brackets, price brackets for other products, capital mobilization and use plans, FTP principles and other contents related to essets/liabilities management. The SALCO Committee advises the BOD to develop and issue Regulations related to “Asset/Liabilities menagement, capital management and financial indicator management. 12.4,The Credit and Investment Supervision Committee ~ Advise the BOD to approve: “s-Decisions on credit granting with a value equal to or less than 20% of the charter capital for related persons of the Bank, major shareholders and related persons of major shareholders and related persons of the BOD in accordance with the law, invest in value papers of TPBank from 10% or more of the charter capital; decisions to buy and sell bonds between credit institutions. ~ Approve and promulgate documents related to credit activities, documents related {o security assets and investment in purchase and sale of valuable papers within the functions and duties of the BOD in accordance with the law and TPBank’s charter, + Implement solutions to remove difficulties for BUs, ~ Closely supervise activi * Approval of the Senior Investment Credit Council and the CEO to ensure the safety of credit activities at TPBank by supervising the approval activities of the Senior Investment Credit Council related to the credit granting; + Supervise the approval of the CEO related to activities of granting and adjusting the credit approval authority of the credit approval levels under the CEO; + Supervise the CEO in issuing documents related to credit granting and investment activities, buying and selling valuable papers under the CEO's authority; Supervise the CEO and individuals and units in the whole TPBank system to perform tasks related to credit activities, investment, purchase and sale of valuable papers. 2.5.The Risk Management Committee (RM Committee) ~ Advise the BOD to approve documents related to risk management, including regulations, provisions on market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk on the bank book, liquidity risk... advise the BOD to approve proposals related to risk management within the authority of the BOD. ~ Advise the BOD in developing and implementing the application of Basel standards at TPBank. Accordingly, TPBank is one of the few banks in the whole system to apply Basel international standards early time as prescribed by the SBY. In particular, in September 2021, TPBank announced to complete all the requirements of Basel II and IFRS 9 and will comprehensively implement both these important international standards from the 4 quarter of 2021. By meeting all the requirements of both Basel [II and IFRS 9, TPBank will become the first and only Vietnamese bank at this tine to simultaneously apply two rigorous standards ofrisk management and financial reporting in the worldwide banking sector. ~ Make reports to the BOD on safety ratios, credit risk reports, market risks, etc. periodically and when necessary. ~ Direct the assessment of risks and potentials, opportunities of economic sectors and fields in the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic or when it is under control to have business orientations and solutions to exploit maximize opportunities and keep risks to a minimum, 3. Strategic direction, implementation of the bank restructuring plan: Asa senior management role in banking operations, based on the 2021 operation plan set out at the previous meeting and the resolutions of the Annual GSM in April 2021, the BOD has closely directed to implement the Bank's strategic activities, specifically as follows: ) Develop, issue and implement the development strategy: Continue to direct the implementation of the "IPBank development strategy for the period of 2019-2022 and a vision to 2030", which requires concretization, institutionalization and legalization of strategic targe's, continuously adjust and’ closely follow reality, so that there is quarterly evaluation mechanism, compared with the set strategic goals on the completion of the targets. Q) Follow and complete the solutions in the "Bank restructuring plan for the period of 2016-2020" submitted to the SBV for approval, the Chairman of the BOD joined with the ‘SBV in developing the Bank restructuring plan for the period of 2021- 2025. Up to now, the Bank has elways adhered to the approved plan, propenly implemented the approval of the SBY. controlled to improve the financial capacity, operational eapacity and governance capacity. (@) Direct to increase eapital and improving capital own quality: in December 2021, with the approval of an additional increase of VND 4,100 billion from the SBV, TPBank's charter capital reached more than VND 15,817 billion ‘TPBank was jnoreased by more than VND 4,100 billion by issuing shares ftom equity. Ths is the second lime in 2021 that TPBank has been approved by the SBV to increase the charter capital. Previously, in the third quarter, TPBank increased its charter capital by VND 1,000 billion, #o more than VND 11,716 billion, through a private placoment. With the improved capital, TPBank meets the requirements of the SBV in terms of financial ‘capacity improvement, meeting the needs of business expansion, medium and long-term capital growth, investment in technical infrastructure, making the most resources as well as bringing maximum benefits fo shareholders, improving the share value in the market, building trust for shareholders. ‘The capital increase in 2021 has helped TPBank to increase its finaneial capacity to expand its operation scale, develop an effective and sustainable bank, ensure capital adequacy ratios according to regulations of the SBV and approach international standards, Total Tier | capital (after deductions) is VND 25,987 billion, Tier 2 capital (after deductions) is VND 4,241 billion; Total consolidated equity as of December 31, 2021 is VND 30,048 billion and the asset structure is high, TPBank always ensures # minimum capital adequacy ratio of 11-12% (higher than the rate prescribed by the SBV of 8 %). (8 Direct to improve the quality of shareholder, share management and investor relations: = On April 23, 2021, the BOD suecessfully held the 2021 AGM, receiving a high consensus of shareholders for TPBank’s operations. At this meeting, the GSM unanimously approved the Report on evalueting the operation situation in 2020, approved the plan of profit, dietribution in 2020, and entrusted the BOD and EXCO to implement the specific business plan in 2021. «Following the performance of TPB share from the previous year, from the beginning of 2021, TPB was selected to participate in the VN30 index (group ofthe best stocks on the stock market) contributing to the growth of positive TPB share, the value deuibled compared to the beginning of the veat, continuously broke historical peaks and set new milestones, purple color wns covered in many trading sessions, bringing TPBank's market capitalization reached more than USD 2.8 billion; helping shareholders increase benefits, promoting the Bank's activities to develop more and more strongly. After a long time, the share liquidity improved significantly, 6 ‘he number of investors interested in and trading TPB increased suddenly, often exceeding 10,000 shareholders. ~_In investor relations, TPBank always focuses on promoting transparency, protecting interests and equality among groups of shareholders, actively shering information, participating in connection with the investment community, optimizing the Bank's value, helping to attract abundant investment capital and ensuring TPBank's good position in the market. Investor relations activities have improved significantly over the years, helping the investor community regularly and continuously receive a lot of outstanding informetion about TPBank, access to Positive analysis reports and recommendations from securities companies, thereby making the right investment decisions and getting good results. ~ Issue employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in order to create more benefits and Income for employees; linking the interests of employees and the Bank; atiracting, maintaining and promoting qualified employees to dedicate with the Bank for a long time, ~ Maintain the dividend payment level to shareholders over 20% (20% in 2020, 35% in 2021), as a form of recognition of shareholders’ trust and contributions to the Bank, ~ In order to increase the number of outstanding shares, restructure capital, supplement Working capital to invest in business operations, from April 2021 to May 2021, TPBank sold all 40,016,056 treasury shares. The sale of treasury shares is within the price bracket approved by the BOD, meeting the effective new regulations of the law. ~ Maintain the diversification of shareholder structure: TPBank's shareholder structure complies with the limit on credit institution ownership ratio of Vietnamese law. As of December 2021, TPBank has 6 major shareholders and famous shareholders in the financial market including FPT Corporation, DOJI Gold &. Jewelry Group, PYN Elite Fund (Non-Ucits), SBI Ven Holdings, Vietnam National Reinsurance Group and Intemational Finance Corporation. (9) Direct to expand the business ecosystem with flexible interactions and growth in operation scale: - Continue to contribute capital, buy an additional 9,010,000 shares from the right to buy shares of Tien Phong Securities Joint Stock Company (TPS) to ensure the capital contribution ratio is 9.01% of TPS’s charter capital, With this investment, TPBank can support TPS more actively in many aspects, including focusing on supporting the latest technologies, applying to infrastructure, contributing to an increasingly better experience for customers; helping ‘TPBank's operations to be diversified, flexible and especially favorable in the bond market. + Continue to support Handico Finance Joint Stock Company (Hafic), thereby restructuring into a subsidiary of TPBank to implement the plan approved by the GSM. During the year, TPBank has gradually brought personnel to participate in the administration and operation of Hafic, completing the Project to support Hafic sclfhealing with TPBank's support. Up to now, this project is approved by the SBY's Spocial Supervisory Board and currently completing procedures to submit to the Prime Minister for review and approval. It is expected to complete in June 2022, _ Bxpand the network throughout provinces and cities in the country: In 2021, 2 times approved by the SBV to expand the network, branches and transaction offices. As of December 31, 2021, TPBank’s network covers all 3 regions with 43 branches and 50 transaction * ices, With the VIM system, by the end of Devember 31, 2021, TPBank had 381 points (0 Direct to focus on developing digital banking. Currently, TPRank has completed the digital transformation phase, focusing on the digital innovation phase. ‘TPBank's position as adigitel bank has been further confirmed trough prestigious domestic and international awards such as: Best Digital Bank in Vietnam, Best Digital Banking Application, Excellent Digital Transformation Enterprise in Vietnam ... (7) Direct business model transformation through inereesing nonvinterest_ income activities, drastically reducing dependence on income from credit activities, shifting to developing non-credit income sources, identifying key customer groups & products, building and diversifying foreign exchange (FX) products, forex derivatives and interest rates, growing sn size and network, continuing to drive growh customer base size at an average rate of about 30M%iyear, By the end of 2021, TPBank has reached a total of § million individual customers (2020: 4 million). (6) Strengthen the supervision of senior management over operating activities, risk ‘control and creating favorable conditions for the business operation of the bank: 1n2021, TPBank’s BOD reviewed and issued 147 Regulations and Provisions, including important internal regulations such as Internal Regulations on Bank Govemance, Regulations on Organization and Operation of the BOD, ec. In addition, in order to fully mect the strict standards of risk management to ensure operational sefety according to Cireular No. A1O16/TT-NHNN dated December 30, 2016 of the SBV on capital adequacy ratio of banks, in September 2021, TPBank announced the completion of all the requirements of Basel Ill TERS 9 and the comprehensive implementation of both these important international standards from the fourth quarter of 2021. By meeting al the requirements of both Basel IIT and IFRS 9, ‘TPBenk became the first and only Vietnamese bank to simultaneously apply two rigorous standards of risk management and financial reporting in the world-banking sector. (9) Accompany the SBY in handling the restructuring of the credit institution system: In 12020 and 2021, TPBank assisted in handling 4 weak People's Credit Funds with an amount of nearly VND 40 billion. In December 2021, TPBank coordinated with the State Bank of Dong Nai branch to complete the disbursement of special loans for 02 People's Credit Funds, namely ‘Tan Tien and Thanh Bin, with a total disbursed amount of VND 100 billion. According to the plan, TPBank is expected to disburse this amount in 2 years (2021 ~ 2022). However, 10 stabilize the psychology of depositors at the People's Credit Fund, the State Bank of Dong Nai branch suggested that commercial banks need to disburse the committed amount into the escrow account and when the People's Credit Fund completes the procedures according to regulations; payments will be made to depositors, Therefore, TPBank has proactively disbursed loans in early 2022. 4. Social security activities in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic are constantly stressful and complicated: ~ 1n2021, in the spirit that no member of the Purple common house has to face difficulties or adversity alone, but there are always thousands of other Purple hearts with the same heartbeat, EXCO has directed to establish the Fund "Purple Love Bank" with 33227226780 account number which means "Mindfulness accompanies all things", The amount of support is VND 16 billion, the total supported amount paid in 2021 for 981 employees and relatives is VND 4.04 billion, ~ In addition, TPBank also contributed nearly VND 100 billion to the Covid-19 prevention programs of the Government and localities affected by the epidemic, of which VND 10 billion went to the government's Covid-19 vaccine program, donated an additional VND 5 billion and 6,000 doses of vaccine, donated 1 high-class special-purpose ventilator OXYLOG ‘E300 and 1,000 masks and essential equipment and supplies to the Central Lung Hospital. ~ The bank has also exempted, reduced and lowered interest rates for more 72,300 customers with a total supported loan balance of up to VND 92,300 billion. ~ In particular, in the 3" quarter of 2021, in the context that many localities across the country were subject to social distancing because of the outbreak and spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, the percentage of employees working ftom home pushed up to the highest level (70%), EXCO promptly directed the launch of the Program "Sharing the fire on the front lines ~ Reeching the finish line together" in order to share difficulties among BUs that performed ‘well and were able to exceed the targets, The sharing will split (receive the target) with the BUs affected by the epidemic, the possibility of not completing the received plan, from which the total plan of the whole bank is still guaranteed, so that the Bank achieves excellent business results during the year. TI. SUCCESSFUL RESULTS IN 2021 Despite facing difficulties ftom the overwhelming Covid-19 pandemic, TPBank still successfully completed the challenging goals set out at the 2021 AGM, increasing the Bank's operational scale: Table 1 - Some key financial indicators Unit: VND Billion, % He ot No. Indicators Fy2020 | 2021 ss compared | 2021 to2020 | Target 1 _| Total assets 206,315 | 292,827 250,000| 86,512 | 117.13% Charter capital 10,717| 15,818 | 11,717 5101] 135% 3_| Total mobilization 184,911 | 262,385 |221,893| 77,474 | 118.25% 4h % of 2021 No. Indicators wy2020 | 2021 | root | compared 2021 to 2020 | Target 3.1 | Customer deposits & fixed | 143,342] 174,967 172,010 31,625 | 101.72% income issuance Fa [Deposits & other credit | 40,880] £7,016] 49883) 46.136 17444% institutions’ loans 33 | Trost fund 39 | 402 87) Outstanding loans and 132,347 | 160,817 165,434 28,470 | 97.21% financial institutions’ bonds 4.1 | Loans to customers 121,042 | 142,196 -| 21,154 “42 | Financial institutions’ bonds | 11,305] 18,621 - 7,316 investment 3 | NPL ratio according toCIC | 1.17% | 0.81%] 2% 036% - 6 _| Profit before tax 4,389 6,038 | _ 5,800 1,649 | 104.10% 7_| CAR 12.95% | 13.39% | _>9%|__ 0.44% 8 | ROE 23.54% | 22.61% | 22.07% | __-0.93% | 102.45% 9 |cIR 40.48% | 33.82% =| 6.66% : "TPBani’s total assets as of December 31, 2021 reached VND 292.8 trillion, an increase of nearly 42% compared 10 2020, Total mobilization reached nearly VND 262.4 trilion in which capital structare and utilization also had a qualitative change when market 1 mobilization reached VND 175 trillion, an increase of 22% compared to 2020. “The Bani’s eredit activities continued to grow well while maintaining the credit growth rate licensed by the SBV, with otal outstanding loans reaching VND 160.8 trillion, TPBank’'s credit quality is strictly controlled, with NPL oa belance sheet as low as 0.8174, ‘TPBank's total net operating income in 2021 reached VND 13,517 billion, of which net interest income reached VND 9,946 billion, accounting for 73.6%; net non-interest income reached VND 3,571 billion, accounting for 26.4%, Profit before credit risks provision reached VND 8.947 billion, In 2021, TPBank has made a eredit risk provision for loans of VND 2,908 billion, of which general provision is VND 191 billion, specific provision is VND 2,717 billion. With the abovermentioned positive business results, TPBank continued to be ranked by Moody's rating agency, maintaining the issuer's eredit rating, long-term domestic and foreign currency deposits at BL. Atthe same time, the credit outlook ofthe above indicators at TPBank was also uperaded to "positive" fiom "stable". TPBank is also recognized by state agencies, domestic and foreign financial institutions as a leading bank in technology, prestige, and a rapidly increasing number of customers such as Top 10 strongest banks in Vietnam, Top 500 strongest banks in Asia, joining the Club with a profit of over VND 6,000 billion, Typical Digital Bank in 2021, ADB's leading partner in Vietnam... To achieve the above results, there is a synthesis of the strength of the whole system with the drastic and effective leadership role of the BOD, which is mainly the EXCO Committee, the efforts and high determination of the BOM and TPBank's staffs needs to be inherited and strongly developed in 2022, TV. OPERATION ORIENTATION IN 2022 1, Macro-economic forecast in 2022 affecting banking activities: According to the assessment of the Government, the SBV and economic experts, the world economy in 2022 shows signs of recovery, but there are still many uncertainties depending on the vaccine coverage process as well as the complicated evolution of the epidemic affecting economic development in general and banking activities in particular. Global economic growth in 2022 is forecast to slow to 4.1%, as goverments shrink their monetary and financial support programs to be implemented during the pandemic. World GDP growth in 2022 is adjusted to only 3.5%, The growth rate of developed economies is forecast to slow to 3.8% in 2022, lower than 5% in 2021. For developing and emerging economies, the pace growth in 2022 will be at 4.6%, down from 6.3% in 2021. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has created a major humanitarian crisis, affecting millions of people and isa severe economic shock, creating a major drag on global growth in the short term and creating stronger inflationary pressures, In addition, the re-emergence of the Covid-19 cpidemic in China along with the goal of "zero Covid" once again threatened the global supply chain, increasing price pressure and reducing output. On March 16, 2022, the FED raised interest rates by 25 basis points (0.25%) and reached 0.5% to reduce the increase in the consumer price index. The FED also said it planned to raise more six times in 2022, with interest tates expected to hit 1.9% by the end of 2022. U.S. monetary policy abatement should tighten slobal financial conditions, putting pressure on emerging market currencies and developing economies. Along with that, the news that the Sti Lanka Government announced a default because it could not pay its foreign debt of up to USD 51 billion and was waiting for a bailout from the Intemational Monetary Fund (IMF) all created an overall picture. These risks could slow growth, the recovering global supply chain at risk of severe disruption again, energy crisis, protectionist trade policy, sanctions of Eastern European countries against Russia, impact of pandemic and climate change will also push up world food prices... They are negative impacts on world economic development and banking activities, Domestically, Vietnam will continue to maintain and promote the achievements in the dual goals: effective disease prevention and economic recovery and development; along with thet is the GDP growth target of 6-6.5% in 2022 as assigned by the National Assembly when implementing economic stimulus packages of VND 350 trillion. Economic growth has been bolsicred by the steady recovery of major trading partners, the active promotion of domestic vaccination to help control the epidemic, facilitate economic opening, promote public investment, and take advantage of FTAs, Export tumover is expected to keep increasing thanks to good disease control and no disruption to production and business. State budget deficit in ‘2022 is targeted at 4% of GDP (estimated level for 2022), equivalent 10 2021. By the end of the first quarter, the epidemic situation across the country was under control. It is expected that in the near future activities will retum to normal, thereby promoting the purchasing power of society, stimulating the economic development. Together with that, Vietnam is also controlling fluctuations well fiom the outside. This is a positive factor to help Vietnam's economy develop in the coming time. For the banking industry, the SBV issued Directive O1/CT-NHNN dated January 7, 2022 to direct key tasks of the banking industry in. 2022. Accordingly, the objectives and tasks of the SBV in 2022 is to actively, flexibly and synchronously administer monetary policy tools to control inflation below 4%, contribute to stabilize the macro-economy, promptly adapt 10 domestic and abroad merke: movements, and closely coordinate with fiscal policy to well implement the program of socio-economic recovery and development, The SBV's management solutions to the operation of credit institutions include a number of main contents: Continue to encourage credit institutions to save costs to reduce lending interest rates, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses to reduce capital costs; active and flexible exchange rate ‘management inline with domestic and foreign markets, macto balances, currency and moneiary policy objectives; continue to announce eredit growth targets for each credit institution based on the overall credit growth target of the whole system and evaluate the performance quality and credit expansion ability of each credit institution, direct credit institutions to increase safe and effective credit growth, control and handle NPL, striving to maintain the on-balance sheet ratio at a safe level (below 3%); promote digital transformation and ensure information security and safety in banking operations; continue to effectively implement the Plan to restructure credit institutions in association with NPL settlement, strengthen inspection and supervision to detect and promptly handle violations to ensure system safety... 2. Operation orientation of the BOD in 2022: Based on a number of shorteomings and problems in the organization and operation of -rpBank in 2021, such as the scale of total assets is still modest compared to the development target to improve TPBank's position, but the increase in total assets face difficulties because increasing credit is a basic activity that needs to be consistent with the control targets of the SBV, developing the ecosystem to expand and diversify TPBank’s operations is still facing difficulties due to the banking system in the process of restructuring, there are still legal problems, the proportion of fee-based service revenue in operating income has not been sienificantly improved; NIM credit is till thin; the potential risk of NPL in business activities due to the complicated the epidemio; .. atthe same time, based on the macro forecasts in 2022, the BOD set an operation orientation in 2022 to overcome existing problems and promote the senior management role of the BOD, specifically as follows: 2.1.For executive management and strategic direction: Review; direct the development and adjustment of 2022 Business strategy to suit actual conditions, build dhe Business strategy for the period of 2023 - 2028 with the ideology and 2 direction of PIONEER ASPIRATIONAL NOT STOP BREAKTHROUGH. This isa very 'mportant 5 years elevate TPBank’s position as well as prepare its potential to respond to the Profound and unexpected changes of the 4" technological revolution on the entire economy, Towauds dhe Development Strategy for the period 2028 - 2033 and a vision to 2045 to match the actual situation and the SBV’s policies. ~ Aim to become one of the first banks to implement the most advanced international risk management standards/practices, applying digital technology and initiatives to reduce operational risks, improve governance capacity, build trust, and improve the evaluation of regulatory agencies, domestic and foreign partners and rating agencies, ~ Develop and implement the restructuring plan associated with NPL settlement of ‘TPBank for the period of 2021-2025 under the direction of the SBV, with special emphasis on reviewing and building business indicators and coefficients in accordance with regulations of the SBV and approach intemational practices, expand the scale of operations, develop the ecosystem. At the same time, it is necessary to improve assot quality, control credit quality, actively implement solutions to resolutely control NPL below 2%, and ensure operations safety ratios of the Bank, ~ Complete the restructuring of Hafic in order to successfully implement the developing banking operations strategy into the consumer finance field, develop a business ecosystem with flexible interactions. At the same time, ensure to maintain the investment rate at TPS to constantly innovate and develop business activities between the two parties, ~ Promote investor relations and share management to affirm TPB's strong position in the market and attract the attention of the investor community. ~ Focus on further developing the bank's governance, ensuring to meet the provisions of Vietnamese law and international practices, in which special attention to the senior supervisory role of the BOD based on the adviee, assisting the Committees/Boerds in developing and Perfecting the intemal document system, risk management, monitoring the maintenance and assurance of banking safety indicators, monitoring compliance and asset quality, especially controlling NPL at the rate approved by the GSM and the BOD (under 2%); Continue to improve the culture of internal control, risk management and compliance throughout the bank; Supervise the BOM to strengthen control over compliance with regulations/processes specially at branch level to ensure safe, efficient and sustainable operations of TPBank, ~ Monitor and well manage budget management in the most optimal direction, which is botheconomical, efficient, controllable and reduces costs, but still ensures investment resources for business development goals, strategic objectives of the Bank, ~ Continue to review and adjust the human resource policy to suit the operation scale of ‘TPBank in order to attract and retain talents and reoruit good quality personnel. Strengthen ‘taining to standardize titles, plan and develop management staff, improve professional capacity and leadership capacity to ensure the quality of abundant human resources for long-term development and sustainability of TPBank. ~ Expand and upgrade infrastructure commensurate with TPBank’s size and position, 13 2.2.For business operations: " Direct to strengthen forecasting, analyze opportunities and challenges, develop ccenarios to closely follow the domestic world economic situation, the operating policies of the Government and the SBV in order fo promptly seize opportunities and identify difficulties and risks to make timely, wise and effective business decisions; closely supervise and direct the BOM in business operations. Grientation and supervision of eredit activities in accordance with the direetion of the SBV and the actual operation of TPBanlk in order to make the most effective use ofcredit quota as announced by the SBY, improve eredit quality, control credit applied to risk areas as wamed by the SBV and control the NPL ratio and increase market share according 10 the target. Maintain the position of No. 1 Bank in digital technology in Vietnam, comprehensively deploy the Digital Innovation phase in the whole bank. Stick 10 the draft contents of applying electronic methods and automate the lending process of credit institutions for small loans of individual customers to proactively implement as soon as there are regulations ofthe SBV of apply to the SBV for approval for pilot implementation. «Comprehensive development orientation, strive to become a multi-purpose commercial bank, operate effectively and sustainably, develop an ecosystem of financial products and services based on the new, modem and catching up 4.0 revolution. Banking development is hased on three business pillars: Retail banking, Corporate and SME banking, Capitel and jnvestment market operations. Continue to promote the large customer segment based on strictly controlling risks, avoid tho arising of overdue debts and NPL. Strengthen and expand relationships with domestic and international financial institutions, business cooperation with sntemational partners and organizations, sesking business opportunities in many fields. ~ Exploiting existing customers, inreasing the proportion of about 70-80% of active customers/eustomers opening accounts at TPBank. Orientation to develop and effectively implement polleles to attract corporate customers to establish the customer base that chooses TPBank as the main transaction bank, on that basis, best exploits eredit needs, deposit payment and banking preducts and services of this customer segment, and at the same time offer flexible pricing policies, issue more interest rte incentive packages for each different group to crete a vompeitive environment, supporting customers to recover after the epidemic. Tn order to eredit quality to be associated with the credit structure to be controlled, the rate of overdue debt should be minimized, ensuring control at less than 2%4/otal outstanding balance; safe and effective eredit growth monitoring based on selecting suitable customers and low-tisk industries, monitoring NPL handling and recovery. = Promote multi-service business, increase non-interest income activities in total income; develop and diversify foreign exchange (FX) products, forex derivatives and interest rates, deploy commodity services; actively develop intemational payment services, intemational trade finance; promote remittance products for study abroad, settlement, traditional foreign currency products and products combined with credit: CCS, AIRS,..Continue to select waves and provide gold and foreign currency trading 4 services; develop CNY business, implement cross-border payment activities 10 increase non- credit ineome (service fees). ~ Promote marketing activities to support business strategics development and build 2 Sustainable position of TPBank's brand as amodern and top favorite bank in customers’ minds. ~ Continue to expand the network of branches and transaction offices as well as the Live Bank VIM system to meet the needs of business development, promote the image to a wide range of customers, and maximize customer service, ~ Direct the CEO to pay attention to review and amend processes and operations to match the actual operation, and et the same time thoroughly handle problems in the interaction between BUs and headquarters to both ensure risk control but still create favorable conditions for smooth business operations and contribute to increase labor productivity, reduce costs for the bank, and promptly respond to the reasonable needs of customers in order to increase the Competitiveness of TPBank's service quality. ~ Pay more attention to compliance control and risk control through the senior supervisory role of the BOD: direct increased review; direct inspection and supervision activities to promptly detect violations in order to take appropriate handling measures based on the clearly defining responsibilities of organizations and individuals; adjust risk management policies, upgrade risk management systems to meet practical needs; promulgate regulations on operating procedures and internal control in order to minimize business and operational risks. Table 2- Business plan in 2022 Unit: VND Billion, % 2021 No. Indicators (Audited) 2022 Plan | Growth 1_| Total assets 292,827 350,000 120% Charter capital 15,818 21,143 134% 3 __| Total mobilization 262,385, 292,579 112% 3.1 | Customer deposits & fixed income 174,967 201,212 115% issuance 3.2 | Deposits & other credit institutions’ 87,016 91,367 105% Joans 3.3__| Trust fund 402 - = 4 | Outstanding loans and bonds of 160,817 188,800 118% financial institutions (1) 5__| NPL ratio 0.81% <15% 6 _| Profit before tax (3) 6,038 8,200 136% 7_ | CAR 13.39% >12% : 8 | ROE 22.61% 22.41% : 9 {cr 33.82% 33,00% : 15 Note: () The plan for loan balance and investment in corporate bonds is VND 188.800 billion, which needs approval from the SBV ‘Thus, with the 2022 plan, TPBank will reach total assets of VND 350 trillion; Unconsolidated pre-tax profit of VND 8,200 billion; The NPL ratio unde: control is not more than 1.5%; Safety ratios in banking activities are always guaranteed, liquidity is always good. Inorder to promptly implement the business plan for 2022 as mentioned above, TPBank would like to submit to Shareholders to assign the BOD to consider and decide on the implementation and adjustment of business targets (if any), in order to be consistent with the actual situation and relevant decisions and regulations of the SBY. Ladies and gentlemen, ‘The 2021 operations and 2022 operation orientation ofthe BOD is presented above, The BOD will continue to promote its role in order to develop TPBank's operations in an efficient and transparent manner, ensuring the Bank's sustainable development. Sincerely reported! BEHALF OF THE BOD As recipients; CHAIRMAN - Supervisory Board (for report); ~ Archived by: BOD Office. (Signed) Do Minh Phu 16 Vv TP B: ank SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness No: 06/2022/BC-TPB.HDQT Hanoi, April 4, 2022 2021 BUDGET REPORT AND 2022 BUDGET PLAN OF THE BOD Respectfully to: General Shareholders Meeting of TPBank Regarding the Board of Directors! 2021 budget and 2022 Budget plan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (BOD) would like to report as follows: 1, Budget Allocation in 2021: The total expenses of the BOD in 2021 is VND 20,032 million (equivalent to 89.56% of the budget plan approved by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting - AGM). In particular: ~ Expenses for remuneration is VND 16,604 million (equivalent to 99.54% of the plan), ~ Other operating expenses is VND 2,955 million (equivalent to 80.19% of the plen). ~ The consultant expenses is VND 473 million (equivalent to 23.65% of the plan). ‘The BOD complies with principal of budgetary governance approved by the General Shareholders Meeting and uses effectively in accordance with the policies of the bank. Some activities related to strategic financial advisory, merger and acquisition, investment in subsidiaries, risk management...are not implemented in 2020-2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic. 2. Budget plan in 2022: 2.1 Operating budget of the Board: ‘The 2022 BOD budget will be estimated to VND 26,300 mi mn, as following details: Unit: VND Million Comparation Sios| Sexpens 2021 Planning 0. Remar Expenses | budget for 2022 | Absolute a Number Remuneration 16,604 19,700 3,096 | 18.65% Consultant a3 3,000 2,527 63425% 3_| Other 2,955 3,600 645 | 121.83% Total 20,032 26,300, 6,268 | 131.29% Thus, in 2022, the total budget of the Board has adjusted as follows: = Remuneration of BOD inerease by around 18% in comparison with numbers in the Resolution of the 2021 AGM. - Consulting expenses were about VND 3 billion to focus on the following activities: Y Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), investment in subsidiaries and associates. Consultation on building corporate governance system, ¥ Digital innovation consultancy activities. % Marketing activities to promote brand identity of leading digital banks in Vietnam, 2.2 Budget for additional incomes of the Executive Committee ‘Approve edditional inceme budget for the Executive Committee, specifically: Tem % Complete! Planned profit Reward 1 From > 90% to <100% ‘Equal 0.5% profit after tax 2 From 100% to 105% Equal 1% profit after tax 3 Above 105% Equal 1,2% profit after tax: Sincerely Report! Recipients: ON BEHALF OF THE BOD + Asabove; CHAIRMAN = The Supervisory Board (to report); = Archived: BOD's Office. (Signed) Do Minh Phu SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Vv TPBank Independence - Freedom - Happiness 'No.: 060/2022/BC-TPB.BDH Hanoi, April 22, 2022 REPORT ON 2621 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE, BUSINESS TARGETS AND BUSINESS PLAN IN 2022 Respectfully to: General Shareholders Meeting of TPBank The Board of Management (BOD) would like to submit to General Shareholders Meeting The report on 2021 business performance, business targets and business plan in 2022 of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank with the following specific contents: 1, Economy overview and banking industry activities in 2021 In 2021, the Covid-19 epidemic continued to spread and affected the global economy, including Vietnam. In particular, the outbreak of the epidemic in the country since May 2021 has seriously affected all areas of the economy; many key economic localities have had to implement prolonged social distancing to prevent the epidemic. However, thanks to effective and flexible control measures by the State and the Government, that ereated conditions for individuals and businesses to return to the new normal, restore and expand business activities. As a result, the GDP of the whole 2021 increased by 2.58% compared 10 2020. Playing the backbone in the economy, the banking operation is inevitably negatively affected by the pandemic, especially in the management of monetary policy, credit, structure and handling NPL. The banking industry has also stepped in early, actively waiving and reducing lending interest rates, supporting the recovery of the economy, making an important contribution to maintaining growth and restoring the economy, towards achieving maximum goals of 2021. I. Performance results and business indicators in 2021 1. Outstanding performance results 1n2021, TPBank recorded the following 10 outstanding milestones: > Impressive breakthrough with business results, TPBank exceeded many set targets, TPBank achieved VND 6,038 billion in pre-tax profit, and an inerease of VND 1,650 billion, equivalent to more than 37% compared to the previous year, Total assets reached over VND 292,800 billion, up nearly 42% compared to 2020 and exceeding 17% of the target. TPBank is in the group of the best commercial banks according to the ranking index of Circular No. 52 of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) in terms of soundness, transparency and efficiency in business performance. > Charter capital increased 10 more than VND 15,000 billion, TPB shares reached YN30. In 2021, the SBV has approved 2-inerease charter espital for TPBank, bringing the total charter capital to moxe than VND 15,818 tllion. With a market capitalization of more than USD 28 billion on the stock market, TPB were selected in the VN30 list, the best shares on the stock market, > The first bank in Vietnam met many strict international standards such as Basel I, IFRS 9, ILLAP. TPBank has proactively planned to optimize capital sources and develop business plans to ensure fast but sustainable development. By soon fully meeting strict jntemational standards such as Base! Il, IFRS 9, ILLAP, ... TPBank has improved the quality of sustainable growth as well as introduced more effective business strategies, while increasing credibility in the eyes of customers and investors. > The total number of individual customers grew strongly to 5 million customers, by the end of 2021, TPBank had increased by neerly 1.5 million individual customers (as of December 31, 2020 the number was 3.5 million individual customers). TPBank always pioneers the application of many new technologies in order to provide customers with safe, convenient and the most modem services on the market. At the same time, TPBank also serves more than 2.4 million regular customers on electronic transaction channels; TPBank is still the bank with the leading transaction rate and number of trensactions via digital channel in the market, > Powerful, intensive digital transformation, leading the banking market. TPBank has continuously launched the most modem technologies, updated the most prominent trends to bring the most value and convenience to customers. TPBank Mobile App uses voice to support search, virtual assistant AI to take care customers, TPBank digitizes operating processes, deploys 90% of paperless banking. In 2021, TPBank maintains its position as the Best Digital Bank in Vietnam with dozens of prestigious domestic and overseas awards such as Best Digital Bank in Vietnam, Bank with Best service quality, Best digital banking application, Digital innovation businesses, Most innovative mobile savings apps ... > TPBank’s creilit outlook is at a high level in the Vietnamese banking system, Rating agency Moody's maintains the issuer eredit rating, long-term domestic and foreign currency deposits of TPBank at BI. At the same time, the credit outlook of the above indicators at “TPBank was also upgraded to "positive" from "stable". This is a high credit outlook rating in the Vietnamese banking system and only nine banks have achieved this outlook. > Top three best places to work in the banking industry, Top 10 prestigious commercial banks in Vietnam, TPBank was ranked in the Top 3 best places to work in the banking industry and ranked 31° in the ranking of "100 best places to work in Vietnam”. A creative and effective ‘working environment has created TPBank’s success over the years, In 2021, ‘TPBank's ranking continues to increase 1 place in the ranking of Top 10 prestigious commercial banks in Vietnam. > Honored for the second time as Asian Enterprise Excellence and Inspiring Brand, These ate the leading prestigious awards in Asia from Enterprise Asia organization. > Launched the Fund "Purple Love Bank" - side by side with each Purple puzzle. In the spirit that no member of the Purple common house hes to face difficulties or adversities 2 alone, but there are always thousands of other Purple hearts with the same beat, TPBank's "Purple Love Bank" Fund was officially established to help TPRank’s employees to overcome difficulties, especially during the recent pandemic, > Actively and proactively in supporting, sharing difficulties with customers and the community, More 72,300 customers were exempted, reduced and lowered interest rates with a total loan balance of up to VND 92,300 billion, TPBank contributed nearly VND 100 billion to the Covid-19 prevention programs of the Government and localities affected by the epidemic, 2. Key financial indicators for 2021 Unit: VND billion Total assets 206,315 | 292,827 | 250,000| 86,512 | 117.13% 2_| Charter capital 10,717 |__ 15,818 | 11,717 5,101| 135% 3 _| Total mobilization 184,911 | 262,385 | 221,893 TIATA | 118.25% 3.1 | Customer deposits & fixed} 143,342] 174,967| 172,010] 31,6251 101.72% income issuance 3.2 [Deposits & other credit} 40,880 87,016 | 49,883 46,136 | 174.44% institutions’ loans 3.3 | Trust fund 689 402 = (287) - 4 | Outstanding loans and | 132,347 160,817] 165,434 _ 28,470] 97.21% financial institutions’ bonds 4.1 | Loans to customers 121,042 |_ 142,196 =| 21,154 : 4.2 | Financial institutions’ bonds} 11,305] 18,621 - 7316 : investment 5 | NPL ratio according toCIC | 1.17% | 0.81% | <2%| 0.36% - 6 _| Profit before tax 4,389 6,038 | 5,800 1,649 | 104.10% 7_|CAR 12.95% | 13.39% | _>9%| 0.44% : 8 | ROE 23.54% | 22.61% | 22.07% | _-0.93% | 10.45% 9 |cIR 40.48% | 33.82% =| 6.66% - TPBank's total assets es of December 31, 2021 reached VND 292.8 trillion, an increase of nearly 42% compared to 2020, Total mobilization reached nearly YND 262.4 trillion, in which capital structure and utilization also had a qualitative change when market 1 mobilization reached VND 175 trillion, an increase of 22% compared to 2020. “The Bank’s oredit activities continued to grow well while maintaining the credit growth rate licensed by the SBY, with total outstanding loans reaching VND 160.8 trillion, TPBank's credit quality is strictly controlled NPI on balance sheet as low as 0.81%. ‘TpBank's total net operating ineome in 2021 reached VND 13,517 billion, of which net interest income reached VND 9,946 billion, accounting for 73.6%; net non-interest income reached VND 3,571 billion, accounting for 26.4%. Profit before eredit risks provision reached VND 8,947 billion. In 2021, TPBank has made a eredit risk provision for loans of VND 2,908 billion, of which general provision is VND 191 billion, specific provision is VND 2,717 billion. 3. Specific activities 3.1L Mobilization activities Market 1 mobilization as of December 31, 2021 reached VND 175 trillion, an increase of 22% compared to 2020. In which, demand deposits from customers reached VND 32,495 billion, accounting for 18,6%. Deposits in foreign currencies reached VND 7,401 billion, accounting for 4.2%. In 2021, TPBank focused on promoting demand capital mobilization for the individual customer segment to be able to balance deposit and lending interest rates to suit the economic situation being affected by Covid-19. Mobilization grows in the right direction, in line with the Bank's capital needs. Mobilization products have focused on diversifying savings products portfolio to meet customers’ needs, meet liquidity requirements and save capital costs. 3.2.Credit activities Tn 2021, despite being heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, TPBank's business activities are still guaranteed and achieved positive results, In addition to continuing to develop the main lending areas, the Business Divisions have deployed to boost outstanding loan growth control NPI. and increase market share to ensure profitability. Market 1 outstanding credit by the end of 2021 reached VND 160,817 billion, of which outstanding loans to customers reached VND 142,196 billion, corporate bonds reached VND 18,621 billion. 3.3.Jnvestment activities, trading in foreign currency and gold With the goal of managing the investment portfolio well in the direction of ensuring profitability, liquidity and complying with the regulations of the SBV, by the end of 2021, ‘TPBank’s total investment in Government bonds and other credit institutions’ bonds reached neatly VND 44 trillion, up about 19% compared to the beginning of last year, helping to ensure the Bank's liquidity reserve as well as diversify the investment portfolio structure, ‘TPBank will continue to be on the list of Government debt instruments market makers in 2022 announced by the Ministry of Finance. The sharp decrease in interest rates on credit institutions’ bonds in 2021 also poses a challenge to the reinvestment of mature credit institutions' bond portfolios. However, ‘TPBank vas mote flexible in adjusting its investment proportion to short-term eredit institutions’ bonds to enjoy higher interest rates than Government bonds and reduce interest rate risk. Despite being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, the number of new customers trading Foreign Exchange increased significantly, foreign currency trading volume reached USD 4,69 billion, In the last months of the yer, international money transfer products developed strongly thanks to TPBank's good selling promotion policies, TPBank took advantage of most of the gold price fluctuations to control in time, bringing significant profit. 3.4.Financial Institutions Operations Thanks to its enhanced reputation, TPBank expanded many limits and relationships with Financial Institutions, specifically: limits (MM, FX, Trade finance (TF)) from domestic and foreign financial institutions for TPBank's in 2021 equal to 136% of the total limit in 2020. Many big Financial Institutions have increased many limits for TPBank; especially ADB increased the TF limit from USD 125 million to USD 175 million. This expresses trust and confidence of major domestic and foreign financial institutions in TPBank. ‘TPBank's total scale of borrowing and lending to other eredit institutions related to trade finance has reached VND 37 trillion (~ 242% compared to 2020), helping to enhance TPBank's position in the domestic and overseas TF market. Tn 2021, TPBank is still rated B1 by Moody's in the fierce competition in the banking industry in terms of prestige and position. 3.5.Risk management activities TPBank continues to perform well in developing « framework, model, operating monitoring, and management, proposing measures to ensure thet TPBank's financial indicators are in line with internetional practices and the SBV, improving the assessment of management agencies, domestic and foreign partners and rating agencies. ‘TPBank completed the application of 3 Pillars according to Basel II in terms of capital adequacy and became one of the first banks in Vietnam to complete the implementation of the 3 pillars of Basel II, coordinating with partners to implement the ICAAP in accordance with the SBV’s regulations. TPBank is also the first bank in Vietnam to implement Basel II] and implementation results have been reviewed and confirmed by KPMG Co., Lid. to fully comply with Basel II] regulations. At the same time, TPBank has completed the requirements of IFRS- 9 and completed a review of all requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (including 41 Intemational Accounting Standards - IAS and 16 IFRS) with Vietnamese Accounting Standards - VAS, thereby identifying differences and converting entries to prepare financial statements in full compliance with IFRS. Accordingly, TPBank becomes one of first Vietnamese banks to apply IFRS early before the regulations of the Ministry of Finance (the voluntary application period is from 2022 to 2025). 3.6.HRR and training The total number of employees of the whole system as of December 31, 2021 is 7,505 people, an increase of 311 people (an increase of 4.3%) compared to 2020, mainly due to the orientation of expanding the seles force, key projects, opening new branches and boosting retail credit, In 2021, TPBank continues to focus on evaluating and creating promotion opportunities for employees, the appointment rate of managers from internal sources reaches 54%, Among them, 27% are middle and senior-level managers (Section Managers/Heads/Deputy Managers or higher). In 2021, TPBank continued to achieve prestigious awards in human resources field, such as: (1) Top 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam (3" place in the Banking industry - up 2 ranking compared to 2020, ranked 31" in the 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam - up 11 ranks compared to 2020); (2) Top 50 Vietnamese Enterprises with Attractive Employer Brands. 3.7.Information technology (IT) field In 2021, in the spirit of drastic Digital Transformation, TPBank has invested specialized resources, simultaneously implemented many new projects/solutions with high technology content, creating a breakthrough in digital innovation: > Building a team of dedicated staff for digital innovation of each division through the Rocket project. Establishing an R&D team is pivotal in developing new features for eBankBiz. > Completing BioCenter research (FaceID; Finger!D; VoieeID; Liveness Detect) based on building a centralized biometric application platform, as the basis for standardization and rapid and uniform deployment of biometric applications in the bank. > Deploying 228 bots in 2021, far exceeding the original 145 bots plan, bringing the total number of existing bots to 303. > Deploying Open API on Sandbox, helping to integrate quickly, safe test environment with fintech companies, other financial service providers. > Deploying All in One-application helps to improve 30-50% in operation time of call center and teller at the counter. > Deploying key projects such as Sale app integrating most sales support features for sales staff. > Deploying the eBankBiz project with many outstanding new features using internal resources with investment costs up to millions of USD. > The first bank to integrate ID chip card into eBankX and the first bank to deploy two- way bilateral payment QR code with Thailand. > Quickly and flexibly adapting the WFH model due to the Covid epidemic, operating safely and smoothly during the epidemic season. > Handling 62,000 security tickets, 495 vulnerabilities, deployed on 20 safety information projects (WAP, Malware Review, Hard Drive Encryption, DNS Sec, PAM, QNI, PCI, FireEye, NCM, Swift...) In addition, with dozens of large and small projects implemented, TPBank has 2 solid technology foundation and « breakthrough in digital transformation. 3.8.Product and customers development > Individual customers: ‘The Bank has implemented a variety of programs, produets and services to serve the task of developing individual transaction banking customers, thereby having a resonance and synchronization of policies on channels to increase the number of individual customers to about 5 million customers (in 2021, increase 1.5 million new customers). This is the main factor that helped CASA of individual customers increase to 90% compared to 2020, which has helped the Bank's mobilized capital cost of continuously decrease, support to reduce lending interest rates, and provide incentives for customers. In 2021, a series of newly designed or additionally designed products and services have brought remarkable resonance and effectiveness. Typically, NickName/ShopName, VietQR products, etc, in addition, the Bank also modified a series ofloan products such as "CV -covid" product to help customers have reasonable cash flow, beautiful numbers account products meet the existing needs of customers. ‘The establishment of a 100% digital lending center (DICO) has been successfully implemented, thereby combining with partners such as MOMO, implementing 100% automatic and instant lending, > Corporate customers: 2021 continued to be affected by the epidemic, but businesses have gradually adapted and transformed their operations to suit the reality and the impact of the epidemic. The Bank continues to screen and classify customers, continue to support interest rate reduction and structure for customers greatly affected by the epidemic. In addition, the Bank continues to develop many new products to best serve customers! needs as well as increase the number of new customers, Key industry produets and industries less affected by the epidemic are selected to exploit the target customer group, Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, construction, iron and steel, telecommunications, electrical equipment supply. For the business e-banking segment, TPBank continuously improves and deploys new products suitable for customers in different segments from small and medium scale to large scale, The bank continuously expands connections, from connections with state agencies, payment centers such as tax, customs, treasury, etc. to connections with financial and fintech companies such as wallet connection, ... and connections with each enterprise to provide diversified products and services and tailor-made needs to each specific business. 3.9.Network development In 2021, despite being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, TPBank still maintained the speed of opening new Livebank, with 80 new openings nationwide, reaching nearly 400 points as of December 31, 2021. The number of provinces/cities with LiveBank continues to increase from 24 provinces/cities in 2020 to 36 provinces/cities in 2021, At the same time, TPBank opened 5 branches in: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Bac Giang, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh and 4 transaction offices: 2 transaction offices in Hanoi, 2 transaction offices in Ho Chi Minh City. The number of branches and transaction offices licensed by the SBV in the provinces and cities across the country by the end of December 31, 2021 is 53 braniches and 67 transaction offices, respectively. Ii. Business plan in 2022 Continuing to implement the strategic goals, with the achieved results, in 2022, TPBankk aims to strengthen its position as a reputable, effective and quality bank. ‘Action programs and many solutions are given such as improving efficiency, quality as well as quantity of unit management team and sales force; developing a diversified and high-quality customer base, enhancing cross-selling products and services: focusing on efficiency, increasing non-interest income, implementing strong personalization in customer policies and products for each separate customer segment; strengthening the applicetion of modem technology and comprehensive digital innovation in all banking activities. ‘At the same time, TPBank must manage balance sheet well, harmonizing short-term and Jong-term goels ensures optimal efficiency for the bank; specially focusing on raising CASA ratio reduces capital costs, increases NIM to increase business efficiency and strengthening control, recovery and handling NPL. With the orientation and goals throughout, the BOM proposes the 2022 Business Plan and action programs and implementation solutions to achieve the plan. 1. Business target in 2022 Specific financial target for 2022 are as follows: Unit: VND Billion, % 1 __| Total assets 292,827 350,000 120% 2__| Charter capital 15,818 21,143 134% 3__| Total mobilization 262,385 292,579 112% 3.1 | Customer deposits& fixed income 174,967 201,212 115% issuance 3.2. | Deposits & other credit institutions’ 87,016 91,367 105% loans 3.3_| Trust fund 402 : 7 ‘Outstanding loans and bonds of 160,817 188,800 118% financial institutions (1) S__[NPLratio 0.81% 15% bs 6 _| Profit before tax 6,038 8,200 136% 7_|cAR 13.39%, >12% : 8 [ROE 2.61% 22.41% 9 lor 33.82% 33.00% Note: (0) The plan for loan balance and investment in corporate bonds is VND 188.800 billion, which needs approval from the SBV Thus, with the target, in 2022, TPBank will reach total assets of VND 350 trillion; Unconsolidated profit before tax of VND 8,200 billion; The NPL under control is not more than 1.5%; Adequacy ratios in banking activities are always guaranteed, liquidity is always good, 2. Action plan and implementation solutions 2.1.About business strategy 2.1.1. For the individual customer segment > About the market: In 2022, it is necessary to strongly grow the customer base with the goal of increasing 3 million new customers, increasing the active rate by at least 10% compared to the current one, retaining customers with good products, services. > Target customers: (1) Mass customer segment: focus on exploiting existing customer base through cross-selling, customer retention. (2) High-end customer segment: continue to develop the size of the high-end customer base according to the selected sub-segments, deploy activities to highlight the orientation of the high-end customer, focus on upper-class customers, manage efficiency in taking care of the high-end customer base, improving experience, satisfaction, increasing the average number of products and services used per customer. (3) Enhance the contribution of Digital Banking channel: improve the operating model of livebank business centers focusing on sales, promote the development of new customers through digital channels, and focus on deploying products and programs program to have more interactions with customers on digital platforms. > Products and services: Continue to maintain TPBank's position in the market with a number of products for car loans, real estate and project houses. For insurance products, promote the life insurance business cooperation by increasing the quantity and quality of TPBank's sales force, continuing to implement appropriate business development programs and new products with the market situation. 2.1.2. For the corporate customer segment > Markets and customers: Determine to maintain economic development, living with the Covid epidemic when vaccination is widespread, will help many industry groups begin to recover and develop in the post-covid period, TPBank needs to seize opportunities parallel as construction industry, construction materials industry, export industry. The target industries continue to exploit such as electricity, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. > Products and services: For credit products, consider preferential packages to target cuustomers from Upper and above, classify customers and categories, strictly control debt quality and have a plan to handle early, limit the rise of NPL. 2.1.3, Funding and liquid capital management, gold and foreign currency trading activities > Market and customers: Determine TPBank's position in the market for its main business activities to have a suitable business plan, maintain and improve its position (standing in the top 10 market maker in the field of Government bonds). > Products and services: Continue to perform MM's traditional operations (borrowing, depositing money on the interbank market, bonds trading), interbank currency business continues to maintain and increase according to the size and needs as TPBank continues 10 improve its position and ability to mobilize capital. 2.1.4, Investment and depository banking activities > Markets and customers: Continue to promote the exploitation of the southern market, especially with credit granting activities because the southem region still has @ lot of room to dovelop large corporate customers. The North region focuses more on SOE customer base and cash flow management activities. > Key products and services: Focus on term deposits, keep CASA sources stable. Build processes, specialized product packages for strategic partner customer groups. 2.1.5. Financial Institutions Operations > Strengthen multi-faceted cooperation with financial institutions, seek business opportunities in many segments as well as increase and open new MM, FX and TF limits to serve the BU and ensure liquidity of the bank. > Continue to seek medium and long-term capital sources and supplement capital for ‘TPBank from other large and reputable intemational organizations as well as develop a network of ODA partners to support medium and long-term capital sources with good price for the bank, > Continue to seek cooperation opportunities with new partners in the market to diversity sources and increase choices for customers. Expand the search and arrange good TF sources to inorease the prive competitiveness and service quality of TPBank in the market. > Continue to seek, promote and expand the money transfer service segment with more portners/markets and diversified strictures; Research and implement the money transfer structure from Vietnam to abroad. > Continue to perform well the work of re-checking the financial statement limit for 2022, with all domestic and foreign banks that have a limit relationship. 2.1.6. Risk management and control, internal audit > Monitor risk management indicators according to Basel II, Basel III > Complete the implementation of the IFRS9 phase 2 project, in automating calculations by the system. > Continue to maintain established standards such as the internal capital adequacy assessment (ICAAP) system. > Apply Machine learning in building quantitative risk models; increase the technology application in the credit appraisal and approval process, ete. > Well control the appraisel of customers, apply technology in the credit approval process, and control NPL. > Step up the inspection and control of cross-linking features, system vulnerabilities, IT safety, processes and operating regulations. 10 2.2.HR policy Ensure resources for the system; continue to improve the quality of input candidates to meet the requirements timely according to the schedule and requirements of units (total staff until December 31, 2022 is expected to be 9,460 employees). Focus on adding enough resources for key projects and opening new from 20 to 27 BUs nationwide. 2.3.Investment in technology development, banking modernization In 2022, TPBank makes intensive investment, focusing on spearhead technology towards data driven. > Powerful application of AI, ML in banking activities, Application of Computer Vision technology in actual operations, reducing outsourcing and saving costs. > Further improve the maturity level of automation, replace RPA with AI-RPA with API... Research on automation test implementation and in epplication development. > Deploy the wide application of data usage and data analysis across the bank towards data democratization. > Upgrade the infrastructure system to meet the needs of fast growth, deploy comprehensive Information Security solutions. > Improve service quality (Control programming quality, standardize system monitoring indicators, raise awareness in compliance, apply technology to improve labor productivity). 2.4.Network development > In 2022, TPBank will complete the construction and opening of 3 new branches and 2 transaction offices approved by the SBV to be established in 2020, as well as find resources to implement the plan to open 5 new branches and 16 transaction office under license 2021 just approved by the SBV on December 30, 2021. Simultaneously, propose a network development plan in 2022 and submit it to the SBV for approval. > In 2022, TPBank expands its network with at least 40 more points, aiming to open 70 new points in 2022, bringing the total number of LiveBank points to 420 - 450 points. 2.5.Control costs, improve operational efficiency > Improve operational processes, shorten transaction times, and increase service quality and customer experience. > Shorten time with internal processes through continuous process improvement. > Orient the customer service force to not only "serve customers well" but also "refer, close the sale well", in order to increase the soles force to contribute to the overall growth of the whole bank. > Improve customer care capacity to promptly and quickly solve customer problems and complaints. > Strictly control costs, ensure economical and reasonable spending, but still ensure investment resources for business development and strategic goals of the Bank. > Make and control detailed budget plans according to operating units and operation ficlds, Implement budget discipline in the direction of saving and efficiency. > Manage operating cost to net income ratio (C/I) of the whole system under 33%, u Ty. Conclusion The report of 2021 business performance and business orientation for 2022 of TPBank is presented above. Sincerely reported! ON BEHALF OF THE BOM GSI CEO - BOD, BOS; - BOM; - Archived by: OP Office, FA. (Signed) NGUYEN HUNG 12 SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Vv TPBank Independence - Freedom - Happiness No.: 006/2022/TTr-TPB.BDH Hanoi, April 22, 2022 PROPOSAL TO 2022 ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Re: Approval on Business plan for 2022 Respectfully to: GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Pursuant to Law on Credit Institution no, 47/2010/QH12, adopted by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam XI on 16/06/2010; Pursuant to the Charter of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank; - Pursuant to the business plan for the period 2022-2025; Pursuant to the network development plan for 2022; The Board of Management respectfully propose to Board of Directors and General Shareholders Meeting for approval on the Business Plan for 2022 as below: KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS PROJECTION FOR 2022 Unit; bil. VND, % No, Item 2021 2022 Plan Growth 1 | Total assets 292,827| _350,000| 120% 2_| Chartered eapital 15818| 21443 | 134% 3 Total deposits, including: 262,385, 292,579 12% SiC || ee Re 174,967| 201,212 115% income tgruanos 32 Deposits borrowings from other 87,016 91,367 105% credit institutions 22 Investment Trust 402, s £ 4 | Loans and Corporate bond (*) 160,817| _188,800| 118% 5 _| NPLs 081%] <1.5% z 6 Profit before tax 6,038 8,200 136% * CAR 13.39% >12% : 8 ROE 22.61% 22.41% - Note: Audited figures for 2021 (*) Loans and Corporate bond expected to increase 18%, which needs to be approved by the SBV Kindly propose to General Shareholders Meeting for approval. ON BEHALF OF BOM Recipients: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER = GSM, - BOD, BOS, EXCO; - BOM; (Signed) = Office (archived) NGUYEN HUNG Vv T P Bank SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM No.: 001/2022/TTr-TPB.BDH Independence - Freedom - Happiness Hanoi, April 4, 2022 PROPOSAL TO ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 2022 Ref; Approval on the 2021 audited financial statements Respectfully to: GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING - Pursuant to Law on Credit Institution no. 47/2010/QH12, adopted by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vieinam XI on 16/06/2010; + Pursuant to the Charter of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank; = Pursuant to Decision No, 49/2014/QD-NHNN dated 31/12/2014 of the Governor of State Bank ref: financial reporting policy applicable to the credit institutions; + Pursuant to Circular No. 39/2011/TT-NHNN dated 15/12/2011 ref. Regulation about independent audit ro the credit institutions, foreign bank branch; - Pursuant to Decree No. 93/2017/ND-CP dated 07/08/2017 of the Government providing financial policy applicable to the credit institutions, foreign bank branch; + Based on the 2021 financial statements of TPBank, The Board of Management respectfully propose to General Shareholders Meeting for approval on 2021 Audited financial statements issued by Emst & Young Vietnam Co., Ltd. according to the following specific contents: - The auditors’ report is unqualified report on the attached 2021 financial statements released by TPBank. + Some key financial indicators were audited in the 2021 financial statements, as follow: (Unit: VND million) No, Item To 31/12/2021 1_| Total assets 292,827,078 2_| Profit before tax 2021 6,038,222 3_| Accumulated profit after tax by the end of the year 2021 4,829,179 4 | Deposits from customers & fixed income issuance 174,967,409 5_| Loans to customers & bond 160,816,870, 6 | NPLs 0.81% The full version of these financial statements will be uploaded on website: Kindly propose to General Shareholders Meeting for approval. eciatagiie ON BEHALF OF BOM * OSI CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER = BOD, BOS, EXCO (to report); ~ BOM: = Office: to archive Gigned) NGUYEN HUNG Vv T Pp B ank SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM ‘No: 03/2022/BC-TPB.BKS Independence ~ Liberty Hanoi, April 4th 2022 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THE 2022 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Respectfully to: Sharcholders of TPBank ‘The Board of Supervisors (BOS) of TPBank would like to report to the General Meeting of Shareholders on the results of the BOS’ duties in 2021 and the key work of the Supervisory Board in 2022 as follows: T- MAIN DUTIES OF THE BOS 1. Monitor and supervise the implementation of the Resolution and Business plan approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. 1.1. Contribute ideas to develop the Bank's development strategy, risk management policies and the implementation of orientations and directions of the Government and the State Bank of Vietnam (SBY). 1.2, Through monitoring and evaluation of financial indicators and the implementation of the Business plans, the Board of Supervisors closely followed the Bank's performance in each period, each tenure, and each sector to carry out supervision and advice on effective management, administration and risk control of the Bank's operations. 2. Govern Internal Audit to successfully achieve the Plan for 2021: 2.1, The scope and subject of audit in 2021 has been expanded, in comparison to the previous years, through assessment of material activities and risk analysis. The BOS directed the Internal ‘Audit to innovate operating methods, apply technology in auditing, and coordinate with Risk Management and Internal Control to effectively perform their duties. Audit consulting activities have been effective, contributing to the improvement of business performance and risks mitigation. 2.2, Through auditing, the BOS summarized categories of problems and reported, proposed specific solutions to the Executive Committee of the BOD (EXCO); while suggesting the General Director (GD), Directors of related divisions to raise awareness and deal with problems in a systematic way. By achieving the aforementioned, the document/product system, the system errors fixing, and the correction mistakes in professional activities can be completed. Officers who do not comply with regulations and violate ethics will be held accountable and subject to strict sanctions. 2.3, Organize the appraisal of financial statements, monitor financial safety criteria and the implementation of other safety ratios. Reports and recommendations on relevant works were sent to EXCO, CEO. 2.4. The BOS maintains financial supervision and risk assessment duty to guide the implementation of internal audit activities. 25. Direct the Internal Audit to participate in a number of projects: Deployment of the Compliance Assessment in accordance the Basel III Capital Treaty; Intemal Capital Adequacy ‘Assessment Process (ICAP); In-depth eppraisal of some necessary subjects of the Bank. 2.6, Evaluation of the supervision duties of the Board of Directors, and the CEO related to the internal control system, risk management, 2.7. Exchange information about the Bank's business performance and financial statement with the Independent Auditing Company. 2.8, Review and amend internal regulations: - Promulgate a document amending the Regulations on the operation of the BOS in accordance with Circular 116/2020/TT-BIC. ~ Promulgate the revised Intemal Audit Process with updated auditing methods and application of technology in auditing, = Comment on a number of internal documents in risk management, corporate finance and accounting, human resources, capital resources, regulations on grading compliance ... of ‘TPBenk as well as comment on draft documents in accordance with current regulations. 2.9. Monitor and urge remedial actions after the audit is carried out systematically. Internal ‘Audit maintains coordination with functional units to grade compliance, apply sanetions to handle violations 3. Evaluation of BOS' performance 3.1, The members of the BOS closely followed their duties, actively innovated methods, adapted to the requirements of capacity improvement in new conditions and fulfilled their duties as stipulated in the Charter of the Bank. 3.2, The BOS coordinated with the Board of Directors and the Board of Management to implement the objectives and complete the plan for 2021 3.3, Successfully govern the intemal audit function, the advisory role; recommend to the Board of Directors and the Board of Management to improve the quality and efficiency of the Bank's internal control system. 4, Coordination mechanism of BOS ‘The BOS has well implemented the mechanism of coordination with the Board. of Directors and the Board of Management in supervising, inspecting and controlling activities of the Bank. 1. Maintain good exchange and update of information on banking business activities and risk control measures. 2 2. Coordinate the development and implementation of inspection and audit plans and direct post-audit remedial actions, 3, Regularly discuss with the Board of Management, Risk Management Division, Center for Internal Control and Compliance, and other relevant units about issues arising in operations to ‘warn about risks and recommend preventive and handling measures to ensure the safety of the Bank's assets. 4. The recommendations of the Supervisory Board were recognized and directed by the Board of Directors and General Director to review and implement, Il- RESULTS OF SUPERVISION OF BANKING ACTIVITIES. 1, Appraisal of financial statements (FS) ‘The appraisal shows that the financial statements prepared by the Board of Management and audited by Emst & Young Vieinam Co., Lid., give a true and fair perspective, in all material respects, of the financial position, results of operations and TPBank's cash flows for the financial periods ending at the closing date. Results of some financial metrics in 2021: Unit; Blu, ND, % At At 3 No Metric satzrort | 31/12/2020 esa ae nd in 2021 | and in 2020 1 | Total assets 292.827; 206315] —250.000| 117,13% 2_| Charter capital 18.818 to717| 41.717 | _135,00% 3_| Total funds raised 262.385 | 184.911 | 221.803 | _118,25% Customer deposits & 3.1 | issuance of priced] 174.967 143.342 172.010 101,72% papers Deposits & loans of 5 Bo | wes eee ceeiias 87.016 40s80| 49.883] | 174,44% 33_| Trast funding 402 689) reat | Sabena anon 160.817 132.347| 165.434 97,21% corporate bonds 41 | Loans to customers 142.196 | __ 121,042 4g | Se 18.621 11.305 bonds NPL ratio according to 5 5 2 ne 081% 117% 2% 6 _| Profit before tax 6038 4389 5.800 | _104,10% 7 CAR 13,63% | 12.95% 8 ROE 722,61% | 23.54% | __22,07% | _102,45% 3 2. Management and administration activities 2.1. In 2021, facing the 4th wave of Covid-19 epidemic, which seriously affected all socio- economic aspects and posed a significant challenge to banking operations, TPBank's Board of Directors performed well the role of strategic direction and decision-meking, supervising and directing the CEO and the Board of Management to strengthen statistical forecasting, grasping the operating policies of the State Bank to make appropriate decisions. - The Board of Directors has organized, implemented the plan and performed well the supervision duties for the CEO and the BOM. The BOS recognized that most of the operation results in 2021 met the targets approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders. - TPBank has promoted digitization of internal operating processes, applied digital channels to expand business market share; deploying many digital technology products and services to diversify revenue sources, The number of customers increased and net profit fiom services increased sharply compared to the previous year. TPBank has significantly reduced costs, the cost to operating income ratio (CIR) has decreased significantly. = The bank has proactively utilized profits to thoroughly handle many bad debts as well as oriented to increase provisions to increase bad debt coverage. 2.2, TPRank is the first bank to comply with Basel III and Intemational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 9) independently verified by KPMG. 2.3. In 2021, TPBank increased its charter capital, bringing the total charter capital to more than 15,818 billion VND. Increased equity capital and quality mobilized capital have helped the Bank improve its capital adequacy ratio (CAR). 2.4. The Bank has strictly controlled the operational safety limits and ratios according to Circular 22/2019/TT-NHINN. 2.5, TPBank has been rated Good by the State Bank of Viettam according to Circular 52/2018/TT-NHNN regulating credit institution ratings. 3. Recommendations of the BOS In order to maintain growth momentum, effective risk controls and achieve strategic goals in a sustainable manner, the BOS proposed to the Board of Directors and the Board of Management some recommendations as follows: 3.1, Implement safe, effective and sustainable credit growth solutions along with improving credit quality, controlling and handling bad debts. Credit development associated with controllability in reality. 3.2, Continue to implement comprehensive and in-depth digital innovation to truly become a leading Digital Bank. Research to orient TPBank to become a Data-driven Enterprise. 3.3, Diversify services, innovate products, optimize capital, increase cheap capital such as Casa, secondary market capital, ete... 3.4, Strengthen the role of early warning and effective risk management, focusing on risk control in cyberspace. 3.5. Improve technology infrastructure, improve service throughput and stability; increase customer experience to attract new customers. I1- KEY WORKS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN 2022 1, Monitor compliance with the provisions of law, the Charter and the Resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders in the management and administration of the Bank. 2. Adhere to the direction of the State Bank of Vietnam to implement the requirements of controlling banking activities. 3. Gover and supervise senior management for control and audit activities at TPBank. Monitor the implementation of risk management requirements in accordance with Cireular 13/2018/TT- NHNN. Increase the ftequency of audits for high-risk areas, Innovate content, operating methods and continue to strongly apply Robot Process Automation solutions (RPA), TeamMate tools to improve labor productivity, quality and intemal audit efficiency. 4. Appraise financial statements and monitor the financial position through the assessment of financial safety criteria in accordance with regulations. 5. Maintain the coordination mechanism between the BOS, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Management. Strengthen the effective coordination mechanism along the intemal control functions of each business lines, ensuring the systematic establishment, utilization and sharing of information and results 6. Recruit, train to improve risk-based auditing techniques and apply new audit tools, technologies to improve the quality and effectiveness of internal audit. Best regards, Recipien ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Shareholders; HEAD OF THE BOS - Board of Management; - Board of Supervisors; = Board of Directors; - Archive at the office of BOD, BOS. (Signed) Nguyen Thi Bao V T Pp B ank SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Liberty - Happiness ‘No.: 04/2022/BC-TPB.BKS Hanoi, April 4th 2022 UDGET REPORT YEAR 2021 AND BUDGET PLAN YEAR 2022 OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Respectfully to: Shareholders of TPBank Board of Supervisors (BOS) submit to the General Shareholder Meeting the budget report year 2021 and budget plan year 2022 of the BOS as follows: 1, Budget allocation for the year 2021 Total operating expenses of the BOS in 2021; VND 2.583 mln., equals to 81% of the approved budget, of which: ~ Remuneration, consultants: VND 2.166 mIn., reached 91% of the planned budget; - Other expenses: VND 417 mln., reached 51% of the planned budget. Note: ‘The Board of Supervisors stopped hiring consultants and reduced other operating cosis in line with the Bank's cost-cutting policy, so the 2021 budget has not been used up. 2. Budget plan for the year 2022 The BOS proposes a total budget of VND 3.658 min. for the year 2022 (Three billion, six hundred and fifiy eight million dong), an inctease of VND 1.075 mln. compared to the proposed budget of 2021. Including: - Remuneration of the BOS: VND 2.599 min., an increase of VND 433 min; ~ Advisory expenses: VND 249 mln, (maintain the same expenses as 2021); = Others: VND 810 mln, (maintain the same expenses as 2021). Summary of 2021 and 2022 expenses: Unit: min. VND i 2021 SIT NOi dung min aaa 2022 plan 1__ | Remuneration and advisory 2.387 2.166 2.848 2 | Others 810 417 810 Total 3.197 2.583 3.658 Respectfully submit to the BOD for approval! Best regards, ON BEHALF OF THE BOS Recipients: HEAD OF THE BOS ~ Shareholders; ~ Archive: BOD, BOS office. (Gigned) Nguyen Thi Bao Vv TP B ank SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness No.: 07/2022/TTr-TPB.HDQT Hanoi, April 4, 2022 PROPOSAL TO ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 2022 Ref. Approval on the profit distribution plan for year 2021 Respectfully to: GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING - Pursuant to Decree No. 93/2017/ND-CP dated 07/08/2017 of the Government providing financial policy applicable to the credit institutions, foreign bank branch; Pursuant to Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BTC dated 07/02/2018 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the financial regime for credit institutions, Branches of foreign banks; Pursuant to the Charter of TPBank; = Pursuant to Resolution No. /2022/NQ-TPB.HDOT dated on approval of plan and agenda for holding 2022 Annual General Meeiing of Shareholders of TPBank; Based on the business operation result 2021 of TPBank according to the audited financial statements. Based on TPBank’s Audit financial statements by Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited Company in 2021, profit before tax was recorded at VND 6,038,222 million (in words: Six thousand, thirty eight billion, two hundred and twenty two million dongs). ‘Therefore, the Board of Directors would like to propose to General Sharcholders Meeting for approval on distributing 2021 profit as detailed below: Unit: VND million No. Items Actual 2021 1_| Profit before tax 6,038,222 2_| Current cooperate income tax 1,209,043, 3_| Profit after tax (3)=(1)-@) 4,829,179 4 _| Allocated 5% to capital supplementary reserve (4)-(3)*5% 241,459 5_| Allocated 10% to financial service (5)=(3)*10% 482,918 6 _| Allocated remuneration bonus 5,000 7_| Remaining profit in 2021 (7=)-(4)-(5)(O), 4,099,802 Note: TPBank leave undistributed profits to expand business operations in 2022. Kindly propose to General Shareholders Meeting for approval. 7 ON BEHALF OF BOD ‘As above; CHAIRMAN BOS (to report); BOD office (to archive) (Signed) Do Minh Phu VT PBank ‘THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness No.: 01/2022/TT1-TPB.HDQT Hanoi, April 22, 2022 PROPOSAL Re: Approve the plan to increase charter capital in 2022 Respectfully to: General Shareholders Meeting of TPBank Pursuant to: The Law on Credit Institutions No. 47/2010/OHI2, the Law on amendments and supplements to the Law on Credit Institutions No. 17/2017/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; The Law on Enterprises No. 59/2020/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; The Law on Securities No. 54/2019/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; The Government's Deeree No. 155/2020/ND-CP dated December 31, 2020 on elaboration of some articles of the Law on Securities : + Cireular No, 118/2020/TT-BIC providing guidance on offering and issuance of securities, tender offer, share repurchase, registration and delisting of public companies; + The Charter of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (hereinafter referred to as "TPBank" or "Bank"); Based on the actual business situation, aiming to expand the scale of business activities and maximizing resources in TPBenk’s strategy, the Board of Directors ("BOD") of TPBank respectfully submit to Sharcholders to consider and approve the plan to increase charter capital in 2022 through issuing shares to increase capital from equity (View the attached Plan for more details) with some basic contents as follows: A. Expected increase in charter capital: 1. Current charter capital: VND 15,817,554,950,000 ((Fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventeen billion, five hundred and fifty four million, nine hundred and fifty thousand dongs), equivalent to 1,581,785,495 shares of which: + Number of common shares issued: 1,581,755,495 shares +Number of outstanding common shares: 1,581,755,495 shares + Number of treasury shares: 0 share + Number of preferred shares: 0 share Charter cepital expected to increase in 2022: VND 5,325,243,490,000 (Five thousand three hundred and twenty five billion, two hundred and forty three million, four hundred and ninety thousand dongs) equivalent to 532,524,349 shares. Estimated charter capital after completing 2022 charter capital increase: VND 21,142,798,440,000 (Twenty one thousand one hundred and forty two billion, seven hundred and ninety eight million, four hundred and forty thousand dongs) equivalent to 2,114,279,844 shares. B. The plan to increase charter capital: i. iv. vi vii. viii. ix, Increasing charter capital from VND 15,817,554,950,000 to VND 21,142,798,440,000 (an increase of VND 5,325,243,490,000) through the following phases: Type of issuance share: Common share Par value: VND 10,000/share Charter capital before the issuance: VND 15,817,554,950,000 Total common shares issued: 1,581,755,495 shares Number of outstanding common shares: 1,581,755,495 shares Number of treasury shares: 0 share Number of preferred shares: 0 share Expected charter capital increase: VND 5,325,243,490,000 Information on charter capital, reserve fund for supplementing charter capital, share premium, retained profit and other funds determined according to audit results of independent auditors: Unit: VND million Items December 31, 2021 | Capital 18,378,520 = Charter capital 15,817,555. = _ Share premium 2,560,965 Treasury shares 0 Reserves 1,388,879 ‘Reserve fund to supplement charter capital 338,343 Financial reserve fund - 1,050,536 Retained earnings 6,219,671 Total owners’ equity | 25,987,070 1, Phase 1; Increase charter capital by VND 5,272,518,310,000 through the issuance of common shares to increase capital from equity for existing shareholders 2, LL. 12. ‘Number of common shares expected to issue: 527,251,831 shares Total issuance value (at par value): VND 5,272,518,310,000 from the following detailed resources; Resources Value (VND) Shares _| Ratio Reserve fund to supplement charter capital 338,343,000,000 Share premium. 226,393,812,710 Retained camnings 4,707,781,497,290 Total 5,272,518,310,000 | $27,251,831 | 3:1. 13, 14. 15. 1.6. 17. 18. 19, 1.10. Issuance objects: Existing shareholders is on the List of shareholders on the record date for the issuance of common shares to increase capital from equity. Method of issuance: Issuing common shares for existing shareholders through issuing shares to increase capital from equity. Payment ratio: 3:1 (At the record date, the sharcholder owning 3 shares will receive an additional 1 new share), Resources: Reserve fund to supplement charter capital, Share premium and Retained earnings according to TPBank's 2021 audited financial statements, Odd lots plan (if any); The number of shares received by cach sharcholder will be rounded down, The odd lots (less than 1 share), if any, will be aborted. For example: At the record date, shareholder A who owns 688 shares will receive additional (688 * 1/3 = 229.33 new shares). According to odd lots plan, shareholder A only receives 229 new shares. The odd share (0.33 shares) will be aborted. Restricted transfer time: Common shares issued to existing shareholders are not subject to transfer restrictions. Expected implemeniation time: In 2022, the specific implementation time will be decided by the BOD on the basic of the License/Approval of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Expected completion time: In 2022, the specific completion time depends on the review and approval process of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Phase 2: Increase charter capital by VND 52,725,180,000 through the issuance of bonus shares from equity under TPBark's 2022 employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) (concurrently implemented with Phase 1 above). 21 22. Purpose of issuance: to recognize the contribution of leaders and senior managers to the success of the Bank's restructuring process and development, Number of common shares expected to issue: 5,272,518 shares e: 2.3. Total issuance value (at par value): VND 52,725,180,000 from the following detailed sources! Resources Value (VND) Shares Retained eamings 52,725,180,000 | __ 5,272,518 2.4, Issuance ratio (expected issuance shares/outstanding shares): 0.33% 2,5, Subjects to be allocated: Leaders, senior managers of TPBank named on the list meet the criteria as prescribed, approved by the Board of Directors. 2.6. Method of issuance: Issuing common shares for employees in 2022 under the bonus ESOP from equity. 2.7. Resource: Retained earnings according to TPBank’s 2021 audited financial statements. 2.8, Restricted transfer time: "Officers who are members of the Board of Directors, members of the Supervisory Board, and the Chief Executive Officer are not allowed to transfer their shares during their periods, according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 56 of the Law on Credit Institutions. . = For other staff: the transfer is restricted for 1 year from the end of the issuance. 2.9, Handling unallocated shares: In case an officer voluntarily refuses to receive the allocated shares, authorize the Board of Directors to decide on allocation to other ‘TPBank’s employees meeting the prescribed criteria, 2.10, Stock withdrawal: according to provisions. 2.11, Expected implementation time: In 2022, the speeific implementation time will be decided by the BOD on the basic of the License/Approval of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. 2.12. Expected completion time: In 2022, the specific completion time depends on the review and approval process of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Assign the BOD ‘The General Shareholders Meeting assigns the BOD to decide all related issues to complete the charter capital increase, ensuring compliance with the law and TPBank’s internal regulations, as follows: 1 For Phase 1; Select the record date to make a list of shareholders to exercise rights as soon as posible right after obtaining the License/Approval from competent state authorities, ensuring benefits for shareholders and compliance with the law. For Phase 2: 2.1. Promulgating the 2022 bonus ESOP Regulation; 2.2. Deciding on criteria, list of employees and allocated shares; 2.3. The policy/requirement applies to allocated employees; 24 Handling unallocated shares (if any). Decide, amend and supplement the Plan to increase charter capital (if necessary) at the request of competent state authorities, implementation time in accordance with the actual situation, implementing details of the Plan and carrying out procedures for submission to the State Bank of Vietnam, the State Securities Commission and other competent state authorities to give written approval for the charter capital increase and other works in accordance with the law. |. Select a securities company to act as an agent to conduct transactions (if necessary). . Actively implement the relevant legal procedures after completing the capital increase in accordance with the law based on the actual issuance, . Deploy necessary procedures to register TPBank's charter capital (corresponding to the actual capital increase) with the State Bank of Vietnam and the relevant competent state authorities, amending the Charter of TPBank (content related to the charter capital), registering and listing additional issuance shares at Vietnam Securities Depository and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange right after completing the issuance in accordance with the law. . Ensure the maximum foreign ownership in TPBank in accordance with the law in order to complete the plan to increase charter capital. . Decide and adjust the detailed plan of using additional capital from the above share issuance plan in accordance with TPBank's actual capital use demands, ensuring the efficiency and interests of TPBank and shareholders, ensuring compliance with the law. . Actively handle relevant arising issues to complete the charter capital increase in 2022 successfully. Cordially submits to General Shareholders Meeting for approval./. ON BEHALF OF THE BOD “As above; CHAIRMAN OF THE BOD = The Supervisory Board (to report); - Archived by BOD Office. (Signed) Do Minh Phu WW TPBank TIEN PHONG COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK THE PLAN TO INCREASE CHARTER CAPITAL IN 2022 OF TIEN PHONG COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK Hanoi, April 2022 I. NECESSITY OF INCREASING CHARTER CAPITAL 1. Meeting the requirements of the State Bank of Vietnam on improving financial capacity, creating a foundation for developing branch networks, expanding market share and business scale, diversifying types of banking services 2. Ensuring compliance and adequately meeting operational safety criteria, improving risk management capacity, enforcing Basel II and Basel II standards in accordance with regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam. 3. Growth of medium and long-term capital sources to meet the demand of eredit growth, 4. Investing in technical infrastructure and information technology systems to serve the needs of developing whole networks and products with high technology content. 5. Contributing capital to other authorized businesses to support TPBank's business results. I. LEGAL BASIS Pursuant to: - The Law on Credit Institutions No. 47/2010/QHI2, the Law on amendments and supplements to the Law on Credit Institutions No. 17/2017/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; = The Law on Enterprises No. 59/2020/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; = The Law on Securities No, 54/2019/QHI4 and documents on providing guidelines for the enforcement; - The Government's Decree No. 155/2020/ND-CP dated December 31, 2020 on elaboration of some articles of the Law on Securities ; = Circular No. 116/2020/TT-BTC providing guidance on offering and issuance of securities, tender offer, share repurchase, registration and delisting of public companies; - The Charter of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (hereinafter referred to as "TPBank" or "Bank"); Ill, CHARTER CAPITAL INCREASE PLAN A. Expected increase in charter capital: 1. Current charter capital: VND 15,817,554,950,000 (Fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventeen billion, five hundred and fifty four million, nine hundred and fifty thousand dongs), equivaleat to 1,581,755,495 shares of which: + Number of common shares issued: 1,581,755,495 shares B. + Number of outstanding common shares: 1,581,755,495 shares + Number of treasury shares: 0 share + Number of preferred shares: 0 share Charter capital expected to increase in 2022: VND 5,325,243,490,000 (Five thousand three hundred and twenty five billion, two hundred and forty three million, four hundred and nninety thousand dongs) equivalent to 532,524,349 shares. Estimated charter capital after completing 2022 charter capital increase: VND 21,142,798,440,000 (Twenty one thousand one hundred and forty two billion, seven hundred and ninety eight million, four hundred and forty thousand dongs) equivalent to 2,114,279,844 shares. The plan to increase charter capital: Increasing charter capital from VND 15,817,554,950,000 to VND 21,142,798,440,000 (an inorease of VND 5,325,243,490,000) through the following phases: dy: iv. vi. vii. viii, ix, Type of issuance share: Common share Par value: VND 10,000/share Charter capital before the issuance: VND 15,817,554,950,000 Total common shares issued: 1,581,755,495 shares Number of outstanding common shares: 1,581,755,495 shares Number of treasury shares: 0 share ‘Number of preferred shares: 0 share Expected charter capital increase: VND 5,325,243,490,000 Information on charter capital, reserve fund for supplementing charter capital, share premium, retained profit and other funds determined according to audit results of independent auditors: Unit: VND million Ttems December 31, 2021 | Capital 18,378,520 = Charter capital 15,817,555 = Share premium 2,560,965 = Treasury shares o Reserves 1,388,879 = Reserve fund to supplement charter capital 338,343, ~ Financial reserve fund 1,050,536 Retained eamings 6,219,671 Total owners’ equity 25,987,070 1, Phase_1: Increase charter capital by YND 5,272,518,310,000 through the issuance of common shares to inerease capital from equity for existing shareholders LL. Number of common shares expected to issue: 527,251,831 shares Total issuance value (at pat value): VND 5,272,518,310,000 from the following 12, detailed resources: Resources Value (VND) Shares _| Ratio Reserve fund to supplement charter capital 338,343,000,000 Share premium 226,393,812,710 Retained eamings 4,707,781,497,290 Total 5,272,518,310,000 | 527,251,831] 3:1 13: 14. 15: 16. 17. 18. 19. 1.10, Issuance objects: Existing shareholders is on the List of shareholders on the record date for the issuance of common shares to increase capital from equity. Method of issuance: Issuing common shares for existing shareholders through issuing shares to inerease capital from equity. Payment ratio: 3:1 (At the record date, the shareholder owning 3 shares will receive an additional 1 new share). Resources: Reserve fund to supplement charter capital, Share premium and Retained earnings according to TPBank's 2021 aucited financial statements. Odd lots plan (if any): The number of shares received by each shareholder will be rounded down. The odd lots (less than 1 share), if any, will be aborted. For example: At the record date, shareholder A who owns 688 shares will receive additional (688 * 1/3 = 229,33 new shares). According to odd lots plan, shareholder A only receives 229 new shares. The odd share (0.33 shares) will. ‘be aborted. Restricted transfer time: Common shares issued to existing shareholders are not subject to transfer restrictions, Expected implementation time: In 2022, the specific implementation time will be decided by the BOD on the basic of the License/Approval of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Expected completion time: In 2022, the specific completion time depends on the review and approval process of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. 2. Phase 2: Increase charter capital by VND 52,725,180,000 through the issuance of bonus shares from equity under TPBank’s 2022 employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) (concurrently implemented with Phase 1 above). 21, 22. 23. Purpose of issuance: to recognize the contribution of leaders and senior managers to the success of the Bank's restructuring process and development. ‘Number of common shares expected to issue: 5,272,518 shares ‘Total issuance value (at par value): VND 52,725,180,000 from the following detailed sources: Resources ‘Value (VND) Shares Retained carmings 52,725,180,000 5,272,518 24, 23. 2.6, 27. 28. 2.9. 2.10. 211, 2.12. Issuance ratio (expected issuance shares/outstanding shares): 0.33% ‘Subjects to be allocated: Leaders, senior managers of TPBank named on the list meet the criteria as prescribed, approved by the Board of Directors. Method of issuance: Issuing common shares for employees in 2022 under the bonus ESOP from equity. Resource: Retained earnings according to TPBank's 2021 audited financial statements. Restricted transfer time: "Officers who are members of the Board of Directors, menibers of the Supervisory Board, and the Chief Executive Officer are not allowed to transfer their shares during their periods, according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 56 of the Law on Credit Institutions. . = For other staff: the transfer is restricted for 1 year from the end of the issuance. Handling unallocated shares: In case an officer voluntarily refuses to receive the allocated shares, authorize the Board of Directors to decide on allocation to other ‘TPBank’s employees meeting the prescribed criteria. Stock withdrawal: according to provisions. Expected implementation time: In 2022, the specific implementation time will be decided by the BOD on the basic of the License/Approval of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Expected completion time: In 2022, the specific completion time depends on the review and approval process of competent state authorities and ensure compliance with law. Expected changes in sharcholder structure: List of shareholders and shareholders owning shares of 5% or more compared to the voting share capital and the charter capital before and after the capital increase; List of shareholders and related persons owning shares of 20% or more compared to the charter capital before and after the capital increase; Information on the current and expected total forcign ownership after the capital increase. Please view the attached Appendix for more details. IV. CHANGE OF CHARTER CAPITAL Register the change of the charter capital content (corresponding to the actual capital inorease) on the Establishment and Operation License, the Business Registration Document and the charter capital item in the Charter of TPBank, Y. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ‘TPBank discloses information strictly in accordance with laws and instructions of the State Bank of Vietnam, the State Securities Commission and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange. VI. ADDITIONAL REGISTERING AND LISTING Register and list for additional issuance shares at Vietnam Securities Depository and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange right after completing the issuance in accordance with the law YII. PROCEDURES TO IMPLEMENT THE CHARTER CAPITAL INCREASE PLAN Submit to TPBank’s General Shareholders Meeting to officially approve the charter capital inorease plan in 2022 from VND 15,817,554,950,000 to VND 21,142,798,440,000 (an increase of VND 5,325,243,490,000) and assign the BOD to decide all related issues to complete the charter capital increase, ensuring compliance with the law and TPBank’s intemal regulations, as follows: 1. For Phase 1: Select the record date to make a list of shareholders to exercise rights as soon as posible right after obtaining the License/Approval from competent state authorities, ensuring benefits for shareholders and compliance with the law. 2. For Phase 2: 2.1 Promulgating the 2022 bonus ESOP Regulation; 22. Deciding on criteria, list of employees and allocated shares; 23. The policy/requirement applies to allocated employees; 2.4. Handling unallocated shares (if any), 3. Decide, amend and supplement the Plan to increase charter capital (if necessary) at the request of competent state authorities, implementation time in accordance with the actual situation, implementing details of the Plan and carrying out procedures for submission to the State Bank of Vietnam, the State Securities Commission and other competent state 6 vu. authorities to give written approval for the charter capital increase and other works in accordance with the law. Select a securities company to act a5 an agent to conduct transactions (if necessary). . Actively implement the relevant legal procedures after completing the capital increase in accordance with the law based on the actual issuance. Deploy necessary procedures to register TPBank’s charter capital (corresponding to the actual capital increase) with the State Bank of Vietnam and the relevant competent state authorities, amending the Charter of TPBank (content related to the charter capital), registering and listing additional issuance shares at Vietnam Securities Depository and Ho ‘Chi Minh Stock Exchange right after completing the issuance in accordance with the law, Ensure the maximum foreign ownership in TPBank in accordance with the law in order to complete the plan to increase charter capital. Actively handle relevant arising issues to complete the charter capital increase in 2022 successfully. USE OF ADDITIONAL CAPITAL PLAN ‘The additional amount from the above share issuance plan will be balanced to use for the following purposes: - Invest in infrastructure facilities, develop information technology systems and expand networks ~ Supplement medium and long-term capital for medium and long-term loans - Supplement operating capital for the Bank, develop services and non-credit activities The BOD is in charge of deciding and adjusting the plan of using additional capital in accordance with the Bank's actual capital use demands, ensuring the Bank's efficiency and interests and shareholders, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law. CONCLUSION The charter capital increase in 2022 is an important step in the development process of ‘TPBank, improving operational capacity and competitive advantage, balancing the growth Tate, operation scale and expanding the market. The charter capital increase also recognizes effective management ability, talented management of leaders, attracting long-term investors to increase the sustainability of the Bank. SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE (Attached to the plan to increase charier capital plan in 2022 of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank) Pursuant to the shareholders’ list at the record date March 28, 2022 to hold 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of TPBank = List of shareholders and sharcholders with share ownership ratio of 5% or more compared to the voting share capital and the charter capital before and after the capital increase: Units: Shares, % Before capital increase Expected after capital increase x ee Registration eee eeteen Ownership | Ownership Ownership | Ownership ee No. annie Number of | —_ratio/ ratio! | Number of | ratio/ ratio/ shares voting charter | shares | voting herter shares (%) | capital (%) shares (%) | capital (%) No. 10 Pham Van Bach 1 | FPTCorporation | oorzasisi | Sts Cie fens Wart] tevong Gia Binh | 107,119,461 677% 6.77% | 142,825,948 6.16% 6.16% Vietnam So Gare: DOM Tower, No. 5 Te 2 0100365621 | Duan St.. Ba Dinh Dist. | Do Minh Phu 93,824,624 5.93% 5.93% | 125,099,498 5.92% 5.92% Remus cron: Hanoi, Vietnam ~ ‘TPBank has no shareholders and any related person owning shares of 20% or more compared to the charter capital before and after the capital increase. ~ The total foreign ownership before increasing capital is29.72% of TPBank’s charter capital, After increasing capital, the total foreign ownership is expected to account for 29.72% of TPBank's charter capital.

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