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Human-Computer Interaction

1. Group: IT1-2013
Group members: Koshekov Erlan, Ormashov Marat, Nurlanuly Bibarys
2. Ideology

Creation of a convenient application for <technodom> consultants.

3. The goal
Development an application for tracking discounts in all the popular shops,
entertainment places, which would provide users with information about current
discounts in specific stores in their city.
4. Similar projects
One of the most popular services for similar purposes in Kazakhstan is This service creates special coupons for discounts for a purchase,
which people need to print and present to a chosen organization. The service
covers mostly entertaining places, such as amusement parks, mountain complexes,
hotels, restaurants. While our application would cover simple shops too, without
collaboration with these organizations.
The other examples are SkidkaOnline, Shopguide. Their idea is kind of like
ours, but these applications do not include Kazakhstan and our market.
5. Functionality
Our application would have a useful functional which every user could set
for himself:
1. User can look for a concrete shop and look if there are any discounts right
2. The application would include mass market shops, which are widely
spread, such as Bershka, Pull&Bear etc.
3. User could turn on the notifications for the shops he likes.
6. Screenshots of similar applications and sites:
Human-Computer Interaction

- SkidkaOnline,
Human-Computer Interaction

7. Objectives
 Analysis of the problem
 Development of an information system model
 Development of the program algorithm
 IS development
 IS testing
 Debugging the IS
 Application
 Installation

8. Advantages
The program of discounts, bonuses, promotions are necessary for:
- returning old customers.
- increase in the number of repeat purchases of current customers.
- reducing the" turnover " of customers.

9. Disadvantages
Due to the use of discounts, the perceived value of the product worsens.
Studies show that consumers evaluate products purchased at discounts as less high-
quality and useful. Because of this erroneous perception, the company's image
worsens (if it is sold at a discount, it means poor quality).

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