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IITU Department of Languages

POIYa2202 Business English

Academic Year 2021-2022

Project title: Video CV

Project objectives: raise the students’ awareness of the current and future labor market demand,
increase the students’ employability chances, and develop the students’ Business English
language, creativity, logical thinking, presentation and problem-solving skills.

Project content objectives:

1. Choose your career path.
2. Search for and systematize information about the current/future career success factors.
3. Study the traditional CV format
4. Do a SWOT analysis of your hard and soft skills to identify the strengths and opportunities,
weaknesses and threats that may increase or decrease your career success chances.
5. Devise a plan of action to make the most of your opportunities and minimize the threats posed
by your weaknesses
5. Present your existing and projected achievements in a traditional CV format
6. Render your traditional CV into a creative video to make it more competitive.

Project format: individual

Project results:
a) traditional CV (1st attestation);
b) CV video presentation (2nd attestation)


Week Stages
1-2 Choice of the career and study of the traditional CV format
3-4 Collection of information about the current/future career success factors
5-6 Compiling the traditional CV
9-10 Designing your video CV presentation script
11-12 Recording the video CV
13 Video CV revision
14 Video CV presentation

Evaluation criteria:
1) task response 2) design and creativity; 3)format; 4)language (grammar, vocabulary)accuracy
and complexity; 5) presentation skills

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