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Tobias Remurok.



(Para esclarecer eu escrevi como se isso fosse uma conversa de bar apenas com as falas e
respostas do protagonista).

“I was born on a small mining village named Brimrock, third child of a poor couple, as that
were the standard on the place, if rich people existed, they were not found here”.

“Grew up with two caring brothers, the older one Isaac, and the second one, Coby, as well as
two younger ones who would be born when I was 3(That one was Garret) and 5(This one is
Leonard) respectively”.

“Don’t remember much about my ma, she left us a little bit after Leonard’s birth, a few weeks
after she was fully healed, took the boy with her, it’s strange you know, having these people
that you supposedly care about but knowing nothing of them or not hearing from them in so
long, hell, they could be dead for all I know…, but *sighs*, I really don’t want them to be ”.

“If you think I didn’t handle well my mother leaving, you should’ve seem my father, the old
man almost stopped talking to us, he would go to his job at the mines, get back home to leave
his stuff and go straight get a few drinks, sometimes he came back drunk, sometimes he just
didn’t came back, but he never made something bad to us, I guess he didn’t knew how to
handle it, like we didn’t, he would drink his sorrow’s away and we would rely on each other,
but I’m not taking the blame away from the bastard, I just like to think that his actions had
some reason behind them so that I can sleep better at night”.

“Remember one time I asked him about ma, around when I was 6, he didn’t know what to say,
just lowered his gaze, clenched his fist, and got out, to the tavern I dare say”.

“Years gone by, most of my older brother’s started finding works of their own, Isaac started as
an apprentice smith, and Coby got to mining, just like pa”.

“Guess the training requires some explanation, you see, the economy basis of the village was a
mine that was inside a few caves on a mountain, and on top of the same mountain there was a
monastery, few monks in there, they had a deal with the village, Brimrock would give the
monks food, and in case of urgency, the monks would protect the village, sweet deal for the
monks really, but you see, after a few years of this, some families started turning to the
monastery when having problems creating their younger ones, some of them were sent to be
disciplined, some because the family couldn’t afford the expenses, but mostly It became kind
of a tradition over the years, none of it was mandatory, but most would go there around
fourteen years old and come back two to four years later, always stronger physically and
mentally(well, most of them at least), some stayed for good, but not most. Isaac didn’t go
there but Coby and I did, Coby got out a little early seeing Isaac apprentice smith pay wouldn’t
be able to fill his and Garret bellies . You know, maybe I should’ve waited a little more to go to
the monastery, I started working on the mines a little less than a year before I set out…, and I
couldn’t handle it anymore, hated my old man, even hated mom at times, I didn’t want to stay
there, so I hurried to leave the place, even if for a few years, worst decision of my life”.
“The training was harsh, extensive repetition and perfection were required, with time I got
stronger, faster and lived a happy life there, even thought of staying on the monastery, but it
couldn’t last”.

“I got a letter calling me back home, apparently there was a plague on the village, as a result
Coby and pa had fallen ill, there was no time to lose”.

"No need to get a lot into this topic, there was no decent healer on the village, not one capable
of dealing with some plague, you can guess the rest".

"Final moments of the old man were nothing fancy, he just kept saying sorry, guess he saw hou
much he had neglected us, but nothing would change anymore".

"Not talking about Coby".

"Anyhow, after that, i just left, nothing on that place anymore for me, Isaac had his own
method of living already and got a girl for him, Garret just got sent to the monastery and best
case scenario i would see him again in 2 years. I refused to live the same stale life as pa, mining
all day without purpose".


The Goblin Tale

"Got a few tales from traveling, the different cities i saw, but i guess the starting point is the
goblin encounter".

"Mere two weeks had passed since i left Brimrock, was already questioning my decision, but
that doesn't matter for this tale."

"Was traveling the road on foot with a satchel on my back when i heard some ruffling near the
trees amd bushes, a line goblin sprang out from there, he seemed wounded and scared, but
decided to attack straight away, i was taken aback at the moment, almost didn't react at all,
but i dodged the little thing knife, my body kinda moved on it's on own from that point foward,
you see, i got a good amount of training and all, but never really fought before, not for my life,
so to my surprise i downed him pretty easily".

"I thought i killed him, for a few seconds, i got scared, almost ran away. The goblin started
twitching, he was alive".

"The sun was setting and i, getting hungry, so i build camp and left some stew on a campfire,
tended to the goblin wounds(the medicine training on the monastery was really handy in a
really wierd way) and tied him with some rope, i felt guilt really, he was supposed to be this
foul beast, but he seemed more scared than bloodthirsty for me".

"Woke in the middle of the night with the thing trying to get his dagger back, he noticed i woke
up and bit my arm, motherfucker, still got the scar to this day, anyway, punched him in the
face, he actually started swearing in common for my surprise, talked woth him after that,
calmed him down, he told me about what happend to him, apparently some adventurers
attacked his group on sight in the woods, he was the only one able to flee, his name is Brick by
the way".

"Talked a lot with him through the night, good fellow, he lived in a goblin village nearby, they
kinda are not in good terms with a human village also nearby, both villages didn't seem to have
any reason to fight, my guess, it happend for the same reason Brick attacked me on site, fear,
of what you don't understand mostly".

"Traveled with Brick for a little time, he was kinda cheerful after things settled, seemed to hate
most humans, but already learned before that some of us are not that bad. Followed him
through the roads, but we came to a little bit of problem, 2 woodcutters from the nearby
village, they didn't even think when they saw the goblin, came straight at him, axes in hand".

"I reppeled one while Brick ran from the other, they seemed confused with me helping him,
attacked me also, they didn't put much of a fight, but i, um, used a little more strenght than i
should've, i didn't know how to control myself well at the time ended up killing one of them on
accident, the other called me a "wretched demon" and merely ran".

"Death, killing was something new to me, the irony of my first kill, protecting a "foul beast",
but enough of that."

"Had to circle around the village, Brick got me to nearby the goblin village, they wouldn't let
me in the village, but he got me some food from there, after we parted ways, he gave me his
dagger as a farewell gift for saving his life, and that's when the story end, from there I kept


Shields of Helm
“I arrived in Neverwinter in 2 months of travel, big city, was really surprised by it and walked
around a bit, there were a lot of merchants and an amount of people together I’ve never seen

“After some time, I started asking the population about some inn and a place of work, was
already getting used to doing that, that’s when this bald and scrawny boy approached me, he
was over-friendly and offered a tour around the city if I paid him, something seemed off about
him, but the deal wasn’t bad and he was really insistent so I was gonna accept it, that was,
until a blonde man interfered, he was wearing this heavy plating armor with his helmet off, he
had blue eyes and hair that almost reached his shoulders, the bald man was quick to run off
after he appeared.”

“After some explanation, seems like the scrawny guy was called Finn, he was 2 years younger
than me and a few folks around the parts knew of him, he wasn’t that bad but would do some
mischief here and there, grew up doing what most orphans do around these parts.”

“As he helped me, I should at least thank him somehow, so I offered to buy him a drink, that
ended in a big conversation over some drinks, he told me about himself and I did the same,
going to the point, his name is Robert Bregson, he was a paladin in-training at a Helm temple
in the city, you know, the god Helm, anyway, he told me about the place, I told him I was
looking for work and could handle myself, he said I could apply for a job at the temple,
anything really, and so I did.”

“Worked there for a total of 4 years, changed my views on a lot of things, at the start I was
more of a handyman than anything, delivering letters, buying resources for the temple,
carrying stuff around, helped out during preaching sessions too, mostly standing around to
keep people from stealing the donations.”
“From time to time I would be called to help Robert on some extra work, he would ask for me
by name so I would get a few extra chances here and there, he was a really good friend at
those times, basically we acted as hired-hands mostly, protecting merchant caravans to nearby
villages from bandits, or transporting things to some dwarf cities inside the underdark, most
jobs, nothing happened really, there was this one time we were attacked by some creatures
called “Troglodyte’s” on the underdark, but there were few of them and no real threat
happened, mostly we had problems with bandits really.”

“One specific time we were attacked by Finn, well, not one time, about three times, the lad ran
away on the first two, he should’ve already been free after so many years.”

“At my third year at the place, there was talk about making me a paladin, the worked seemed
good and I liked what I had for myself at the time, I didn’t had that much faith in Helm at the
time and don’t have to this day, but if I stayed on the whole ‘paladin’ stuff, maybe that
would’ve changed.”

“I actually became an in-training paladin, Robert was already a full-fledged paladin at the time
and he was showing me the ropes mostly, there were a lot of obligations related to the
position, but I was happy, sadly, some bad stuff happened and I quit the place, after that I got
out of the city.”


(Some explanations, what really happened the character doesn’t go around telling anybody
since it would break a lot of the faith put in the paladin’s order, in turn generating problems
for the people who followed that faith. What really happened was: Basicamente a ordem dos
paladinos estava aceitando propina de um nobre que gostaria que a mesma lhe apoiasse em
âmbito político, além da mesma virar a cara para a existência de comercio ilegal feito por essa
casa nobre, isso foi contado ao Tobias pelo Robert que queria alerta-lo da existência de tais
questões dentro da ordem e saber se ele estava disposto a seguir dentro da ordem mesmo
com ela apoiando tais questões e se aproveitando dessas situações, não preciso dizer que isso
não foi bem aceito pelo Tobias que decidiu sair da ordem, a amizade dos dois foi mantida
apesar dos problemas.)



“After so much mess, I decided to depart society for a while, I lived in Neverwinter Woods for
about a year, I didn’t know what I wanted to do and was really fed up, so I took some time to
sort my head out, tried those meditations the monks taught so much, eventually I came at
peace with how things ended and came back to travelling, that’s how I’m here right now.”

Notas do jao:

A minha ideia toda com o personagem é essa jornada dele em busca de diversas coisas, nada
realmente fisico, em busca de formas de perdoar seus pais, perdoar a si mesmo por fugir de
Brimrock, encontrar um proposito proprio, algo maior que a si mesmo alem de suas proprias
crenças ja existentes, talvez um leve interesse de encontrar sua mae no meio disso tudo,
tambem um leve interesse de construir algo pra si mesmo, mas nada disso sendo o foco.

Motivo para ir a phan caralhos: n sei se precisava realmente explicar isso bem, mas eu acho
interessante ent fodase, seria basicamente um dos diversos destinos de paradas dele, em suas
viagens ele parou diversas vezes em algumas cidades e ficou la pir meses fazendo na maioria
trabalhos diversos, como mineraçao, carpintaria ou até mesmo um pouco de trabalho como
ferreiro e uns bicos de aventureiro, phan caralhos lembrava ele um pouco de casa por sua
principal economia, e por isso foi seu mais recente destino.




Name: Finn
Race/Gender: Half-Elf Male
Class: Rogue
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 26
Location: Neverwinter? (Last known location)
Skinny and Bald young thief who Tobias met when he first set afoot at Neverwinter.


Name: Robert Bregson

Race/Gender: Human Male
Class: Paladin (of Helm)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 36
Location: Neverwinter? (Last known location)
Blonde Paladin who helped Tobias through a big portion of his time at the order.


Name: Brick
Race/Gender: Goblin Male
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Location: Near ??????
Friendly goblin Tobias Met in his travels and made friends after an unusual encounter.

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