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SUBJECT: English DATE: April 29th

TEACHER: Ms. Andrea Rojas TERM: 2nd

The Five W's

Read the story of Anne Frank. Tell who (the main characters), what (important events),
why (the cause/effect relationships of these events), when (the dates these events took
place), where (the settings: countries, places, etc.)

• What happened?
In the book they tell everything that happened to Anna in the Nazi holocaust, and how
she escaped and hid for a while with her family and the van Daan.she hid for a long time
but in the end the nazis found them and took them away
• Who was there?
With she was the:
1. Margot Frank (Sister)
2. Edith Frank (Mother)
3. Otto Frank (Father)
4. Peter Van Daan
5. Mrs Van Daan
6. Mr Van Daan
7. Mr Dussel
8. Anne Frank
• Why did it happen?
Because the Nazis had a conflict with anyone who belonged to the Jewish religion.
• When did it happen?
In june 13 after the birthday of Anne.DOESN'T SAY THE AGE.
• Where did it happen?
That pass in Alemania, they live in Amsterdam but had to go into hiding
Summary of Anne Frank
The book is about everything that happens to the girl anna
frank, what she had to go through, such as hiding for being
Jewish; The book begins with anna's birthday when her father
gives her a diary, a day later she has to escape so that the
Nazis do not find them.They escape to a secret hideout and a
few days later they come to meet them to hide, they see how
they are being hidden.

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