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Claudette Anne C. Joson

Grade 11 - Stem

A Day of Recollecti on i s a t i me set asi de t o go deeper in to

your relati onshi p wi th God. I t i s t i me t o di s co n n ect f r o m the
noi se of the world and spend some quali t y time w ith Him. We
devot e ours elves to hi m. Thi s i s t he t i me we r ef lect, r epen t,
and di scover more about our selv es and, of co ur se, abo ut o ur

The recollecti on that happened last Mar ch 31 , 2 02 2 , is my f ir st

ever recoll ecti on, so I wi ll nev er f or get ab o ut it. I hav e lear n ed
a l ot of thi ngs, and I hav e di scov er ed somet hin g f o r myself . M y
perspecti ve on li f e ha s b een changed b y t he lesso n s I hear d
about .
Since then, I' ve been questioning my existence,
believing that I wasn' t good enough to do many things
around me; I can say that I was lost, and that
recollection has caused me to reconsider my own
existence. Our journey through life is not that easy.
We will face a lot of difficulties in order to make
ourselves stronger and braver. Many people have
shared their experiences, and I can say that what I
thought was difficult for me was a piece of cake
compared to what they were going through.
With the sharing, I realized that I am super blessed by
God. I have friends, family, and other people who
constantly care about me, and that' s more than enough
for me to continue my life through my journey.

Finding our true selves will never be wrong. At our age

today, we usually doubt and are confused about what we
can do. Sometimes we just need to surrender ourselves
to God. Surrender to him means we will let him do his
will for us. Through that, we will find ourselves.
God is the only one who will accept us
wholeheartedly, even if we do bad things. He will never
ever judge us. On the other hand, he will be the one to
initiate us, first to come back to him, and that shows
how much he loves us. We just need to believe in
ourselves and have faith in God, and he will do the
rest. He will move us towards him. Through our
darkest days, Jesus will be our light and he will guide
us to life.

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