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Alcantara, John Patrick b.

III Charlie

The difference between private and public administration in terms of management is private
administration is focused on the organization or private group or individual to earn profit while public
administration is focused and only concerned with the public policies and programs that provide and
benefit the public person. In terms of the environment of the private and public administration the
private administration cover multi-country operations of the organization or in short, they are so flexible
in terms of their jurisdiction while the public administration only covers the territory under their
jurisdiction or in short they are not flexible to the other country. In terms of goals, the goals of the
private administration are to give and help to get a profit or to become the owner of an organization will
be profitable while the goal of the public administration is to implement all the policies made by the
government to the public and follow it. In terms of the service the private administration deals and
services only to the private individual with the organization or usually with business entities while the
service of the public administration deals to the general public to provide public policies, government
functions &, etc.

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