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Cyber Ethics

• Cyber ethics is the ethics applied to the
online environment. The treatment of what
is and is not cyber-ethical behavior may
vary from place to place.
• Cyber ethics is a code of behavior for using
the Internet. One easy way to think about
cyber ethics and to address the subject
with children is this: acceptable behavior
on the Internet is very much the same as
acceptable behavior in everyday life.
• Cyber-Ethics is the Ethics applied to the
online environment. The treatment of what
is and is not cyber-ethical behavior may
vary from place to place
do & don’t in cyber ethics
Schoolwork Use the internet to help Don’t copy other people
you do the homework. You works and call it your own.
can find many information Do credits to the author or
inside the internet. website.

Music, videos Use the internet to learn Don’t use the internet to
and copyright about music, video and download or share
games. copyrighted material.
do & don’t in cyber ethics

E-mail and Use the internet to Don’t use the internet to

communicate with friends communicate with strangers.
instant and family. But make sure you Don’t pretend to be someone
messaging (IM) know to whom you exchange else and don’t be rude or use bad
your e-mail and IM language.

For Parents Encourage your children to Don't leave your children

use the Internet. The Internet unsupervised. Make sure you
has a lot good things to offer know what sites your children
children. visit when they're on the internet,
and with whom they're
communicating. Look over their
shoulder. Keep track of the
websites they visit.
Rules of cyber
• Do not use rude or offensive language.
• Don’t be a bully on the Internet. Do not
call people names, lie about them, send
embarrassing pictures of them, or do
anything else to try to hurt them.
• Do not copy information from the Internet
and claim it as yours. That is called
• Adhere to copyright restrictions when
downloading material including software,
games, movies, or music from the Internet.
• Do not break into someone else’s
Faults in cyber
Appropriate other people’s intellectual property
Ignore the social and legal consequences related
to the software program one is writing or the
computer system one is designing
Illegally copy or use proprietary software that
has not been paid for or for which credit has not
been given
Interfere with others computer or online work
Snoop into or alter others computer files or data
Use a computer to bear false witness
Use a computer to cause harm to others
Use others computer resources without prior
• Cyber ethics is important in
cyber life. Although cyber
world is not in reality life,
but we have to follow the
ethics. For example, don’t
take other people work and
make it like your own work.
You should credit to them.
Moreover, when people

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