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June 26 2022

It was a normal other than the fact that Josie and Niklaus were up to their usual shenanigans, for the past
5 days their least favorite teacher, Ms Pierce had been pranked by the duo. On the first day, they spiked
her coffee with lemon juice, the 2nd day, they had placed a thumbtack on her seat and a couple other
unruly pranks they had been doing this due to the fact that Ms. Pierce had placing them in detention for
the smallest little accident such as being 30 seconds late or asking a friend for a pencil today they planned
on showering her with mini water balloons they stood on the balcony above the entrance where she sets
foot into the school they heard her iconic red stilettos clacking on the concrete and SPLASH Ms. Pierce
was soaked, her laptop wouldn’t work, her hair dripping, her skirt and coat drenched and her red stilettos
ruined she looked up and saw the pair as the laughed and ran off she was furious and she had a
punishment for them that would make them wish they’d never got on her bad side

When the duo got to class they saw Ms. Pierce walking through the school covered in water leaving a
trail behind her they began laughing until later on they saw her completely dry with a change of clothes
Josie and Niklaus were shocked and began spiraling as to what Ms Pierce would do to them. Eventually
when Ms Pierce’s class came along they gulped and put on their battle faces and walked in fearfully,
However to their surprise and amusement, Ms. Pierce seemed to have forgotten about the incident
however when the class came to an end the pair were walking out of class until Ms. Pierce Said
“Josie and Niklaus please stay behind” Josie’s heart dropped and Niklaus’ smile faded. The two began
walking slowly towards Ms. Pierce and when they were at her desk she asked them “did you really think
you’d get away with all these unruly pranks without any form of punishment?” The pair looked at each
other and Niklaus nervously replied with a “No, but we didn’t mean any harm they were supposed to be
harmless jokes” Josie who had had enough of Ms. Pierce picking on them had an idea she was going to
bribe her so she pulled out a 100 dollar bill and said “Here’s 100 bucks, get yourself… anything
whatever it is will be a serious improvement” the teacher stood up and yelled “PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE
IMMEDIATELY” They grabbed their backpacks and gloomily walked with her to the office the duo
waited outside and heard the teacher explaining angrily to the principal what had happened and Josie
being the more reckless one suggested they ran to avoid punishment Niklaus was reluctant at first but
eventually he decided avoiding punishment would’ve been better than facing it so they grabbed their bags
and ran they didn’t dare look back they just ran throughout the school and into their next class

Eventually the principal had found them and he gave him a terrifying death stare then he asked the
teacher if they could borrow them for a minute and they knew this time there was no getting out of this.
So as they walked into the principals office with a feeling of dread as they knew what was coming for
them. When they walked in they were shocked to see their parents waiting for them with infuriated looks
on their faces they gulped as walked in they felt their hearts pounding in their chests to their dismay they
saw their parents waiting for them Niklaus Gasped and Josie went wide eyed the principal shot a fake
smile at them and said emotionlessly “take a seat” they placed their bags on the floor and looked at them
the principal began explaining to them that their grades were dropping and their behavior was horrible the
principal began showing the parents their grades and behavior reports. Josie’s Mom went wide eyed and
Niklaus’ parents looked at him in shame his parents took him out of the room and began screaming at him
and Josie heard the whole conversation she heard them saying “Niklaus you’ve already been in the
principals office before and have gotten us several emails home, we are sending you to the boarding
school in England. Josie felt enraged she slammed the door open and yelled “NO!, it’s my fault I made
him do those things I should be the one being sent away” Niklaus denied Josie doing those things and

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