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Conceptual Framework


Profile of Arellano University - Gathering of Data:

Andres Bonifacio Campus SHS
Students’. A. Collection of students’ profiles. Improvement of student's
B. Questionnaire survey to be confidence with the use of
A. Age answered by the students. cosmetics and the assessed
B. Gender C. Data gathering and statistical number of students who uses
C. Year Level analysis. cosmetics.

Figure 1º Input Process Output (IPO Model)

The researcher used the IPO Model Method for the conceptual framework of the research
paper. It contains all the necessary information for the process. It involves the specific details of
the process itself as well as the guide for Arellano University-Andres Bonifacio Campus SHS
students on The Utilization of Cosmetics to Enhance a Student’s Self-Esteem, as shown in
Figure 1. It shows the procedure for determining whether students use cosmetics, as well as the
estimated number of respondents who completed the survey.

For the input, it includes the student’s profile as well as information about the dependent and
independent variables of the research. Generally, all the details stated in the Statement of the
Problem are specified here.

The process includes the questionnaires that were utilized, the observations made, the data
gathering method, and the statistical analysis of the data. The collection of the students' profiles
is also included here.

In developing the questionnaire, the researcher administered a survey among the SHS students of
Arellano University-Andres Bonifacio Campus on the utilization of cosmetics to enhance a
student’s self-esteem. The evaluations of the respondents are also included.

The output includes the overall results of the study. This will show how many students utilize
cosmetics to boost their confidence.

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