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Everyday Life
 UNIT 5 Everyday Life

 Bring It All Together

 Dialogue audio
Ejercicio: Escucha la conversación y practícala con alguien:

1. Bob Hey, Susan. How’s it going?

2. Susan Hi Bob! Good to see you. What’s new? How are Diana and the kids?
3. Bob They’re good. Diana has a new job, and the kids are in school.
4. Susan A new job? That’s great. But today is Friday. You’re not at the office?
5. Bob Oh, no, I don’t work on Fridays. I have Fridays off.
6. Susan You have Fridays off? A three-day weekend every week? Lucky you!
7. Bob Yeah, it’s great. Diana goes to work, the kids go to school,
and I stay home and do nothing!
8. Susan Come on, Bob. That’s not true. You’re here at the supermarket!
9. Bob You’re right. After I bring the kids to school, I come to the
supermarket and buy food for the family for the weekend.
10. Susan So, you bring the kids to school, and then go food shopping.
11. Bob Well, after I bring the kids to school, I go to the post office.
12. Susan And after you go food shopping, you go home and relax?
13. Bob Um, no, not really. After I go food shopping I go home and
clean the house.
14. Susan And then you relax? You read or watch television?
15. Bob No, then I do laundry.

 UNIT 5 Everyday Life

16. Susan And after you do laundry, you relax?

17. Bob No, then I start to cook, and after that, I…
18. Susan Bob, you don’t have a three-day weekend. You don’t have Fridays off.
19. Bob I don’t?
20. Susan No, you work a lot on Fridays.
21. Bob Hmm. I think you’re right!
22. Susan Well, Bob, enjoy the rest of your “day off”!
23. Bob Gee, thanks a lot, Susan!

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