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- It is a human centric approach for solving complex problems by generating new ideas
- Trying out and iterating plays an important role.
- Successful innovations require both sides (Analytical and Intuitive Thinking). We must design in
a creative manner and, at the same time, stay rational to a certain degree.

David Kelley
- He is one of the founders of IDEO (a global design company)
- “Father of Design Thinking approach”

Core Characteristics of Design Thinking (H B)

1. Human-centric
→ the team working on the design challenge consider human values to be a key working principle.

2. Based on creativity and the generation of new ideas by the design team
→ the design team does not only use the left, analytical half of the brain, but in the same intensity
the right, creative-intuitive part.

Rules of Engagement for Design Thinking

✓ Active participation by everyone (be in or be out)
✓ Everyone has a voice
✓ Defer judgement
✓ Listen
✓ Hearing and exploring divergent perspectives is the goal
✓ Please – no cellphones , computers, iPads
✓ Time Boxing – (driver for creativity is pivotal to ensure the achievement of results)

* This training will require the full engagement of participants, not only physically but also from a
mental point of view.

Design Thinking Phase (D D D)

o Scoping
o 360 Research
o Synthesis
o Ideation
o Prototyping
o Validation
o Development
o Testing
o Implementation
- It is not a talent, it is a way of operating
- Design thinking is heavily based on people’s creativity
- Up to today, science does not know where it comes from

In a speech, John Cleese (Head of Monty Python) perfectly described the 5 Conditions Conducive to
CREATIVITY namely: (S T T C H)
1. Space
2. Time (space time oasis)
3. Time (stick with the problem longer)
4. Confidence
5. Humor

Innovation Approach with 3 Dimensions

➢ Innovation Approach
o Solving challenges and problems by generating ideas is equivalent to being innovative

3 Dimension (D T B)
1. Desires
2. Technological Feasibility
3. Business Viability

• The core focus of Design Thinking lies in the desirability section

- The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for
which customers will pay

Clustering Innovation types

1. By subject of innovation (P S B V)
a. Product
b. Services
c. Business Models
d. Value Chain & Processes
2. By newness of an innovation, from the perspective of the innovating company (C A T)
a. Core innovations
▪ optimize existing products for existing customers
b. Adjacent innovations
▪ expand the business of a company into territories, which are new for the
c. Transformational innovations
▪ develop breakthroughs and invent things for markets that do not exist yet
Core Components: (P E A)
1. People
o Multidisciplinary team of T-shaped people with a culture of empathy
2. Environment and Materials
o An environment with a culture of trust and the space/material for creative teamwork.
3. Approach
o That is a highly iterative process consisting of activities

Low Fidelity Prototype

➢ The key results of a Design Thinking process
➢ These are immediately validated by the users in scope
➢ Don't try to be too perfect: “Feeling the idea is key, not perfect make up”
➢ Although the initial low-fi prototype was just a painting, it was crucial for software development.
It visualizes the user requirements and makes them understandable for developers

“Fail Early, fail often”

➢ If a prototype fails validation, a new one can be created in no time
➢ Establishes a culture that encourages failure

High Fidelity Prototype

➢ The key outcome of the workshop was the need to have a UI, which would be highly visual and
would not have the classical, table-oriented presentation → This is after POSTPRODUCTION

Key Principles of Design Thinking (C F U)

1. Curiosity and willingness to learn

- Your assumptions may be misconceptions and stereotypes and can restrict the amount of real
empathy you can build.
- Instead, assume a beginner's mindset to put any biases aside, so that you can approach the
design challenge afresh.
2. Failures are allowed
- The Design Thinking approach is also fuzzy by nature, and learning is an integral part of it.
3. User Centricity and Empathy
- User centricity is the most important principle of Design Thinking.
- This means understanding user needs deeply and at an empathic level.

Design Thinking perfectly fits to other approaches.

For example, SCRUM for agile software development projects or the business model canvas for business
model innovation.

Agile development and software engineering might cover the:

a) Feasibility part
b) Implementation part
Reminders in using sticky notes (post-its)
1. Go for bold statements
2. Be visual
3. Please no essays on a single sticky note
4. Go for one thought per sticky note
5. Use thick and dark pen
6. Use different color-coded sticky notes
7. Agree within the team on a color-coding system for the sticky notes
8. Try to structure the results of the sticky note exercises

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