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Red Angela O.

Dinson BSN 1- B 12-14-21

1. As an Augustinian Student Nurse, how will you apply the Theory of Goal Attainment
and Interacting Systems Framework both in nursing practice and nursing education?
Explain in 5-8 sentences.

Goal attainment theory of Imogene King was to encourage every nurses to help out their
clients to set possible goals and through supporting them they can eventually attain their plan.
King introduced the interpersonal system where nurses and patients has the perception,
judgements and actions in that way they can encapsulate reaction, interaction and also to form a
transaction. These interpersonal interaction between a nurse and a patient contributes a lot of
factors in curing or healing a patient. The nurses objective must help the human needs of its
patient. So as an, Augustinian Student Nurse must integrate an endless patience to its patient. In
nursing practice it is being able to care for the patient to the ustmost ability while, nursing
education refers to the study and practice of nursing as a profession. King Theory can be a ladder
for Augustinian nurses where they can able to conquer various communication and interaction
and put it in an effective manner and through having attributes of disciplines nurses can have
determined intention in attaining the goals of the patients and its own. Goal attaintment theory
teach us to be comprehensive not only towards the patient but it being comprise to have
interpersonal relationship to the client’s and client’s familiy. Interacting Systems Framework is
a process by which both patient and a nurse must have congruent steps to achieve a certain
satisfaction. It encapsulates the idea of various concepts to the three systems which is the
personal, interpersonal and social system. In that juncture, Augustinian nurses can be a diverse
person in providing a care to a human being since it has the ability to interpret an action and
reaction to formulate a functional transaction. It projects the open interaction to the environment
which through this action and reaction a said problem can be not too complicated to address and

2. Cite 5 out of the 21 Nursing Problems of Faye Abdellah and explain how will you
address these problems comprehensively as a nurse. You can give an actual situation for
your answers.

Basic to All Patients:

1. To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort.

 In terms of generality, hygiene is a basic necessity for all of the patients. This good
hygiene can promote a healthful living and it can give a lot of calmness on the body. As a
nurse I can able to maintain a good quality of hygiene through providing an adequate
health care procedures. After the patients are done with a lot of treatments or health care
routines, nurses must give the bedridden patient a bath or change their beddings. Also by
shaving them and styling their hair. Through a good communication, my patient will able
to connect and follow the everyday sanitation that I will utilize to them. Having a
hygienic body can give a physical comfort, free from irritabilty and in pain.

Sustenal Care Needs:

2. To promote safety through prevention of accidents, injury or other trauma and through
the prevention of the spread of infection.

 In nurse safety disinfection plays a significant role in protecting oneself to one another. It
is complementary to the patient, nurse can be a source of risk to the patients health and
patient can also give a risk to the health workers. In that sense, as a nurse proper
disinfection of tools, equipments and every part of the body is a must. Also nurses must
always check the patients surroundings to prevent any unexpected accidents and reducing
the risk in giving them harm such as slipping on the floor or falling from the bed.

3. To facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of all body cells.

 All of the patient has a need to maintain and sustain of eating nutritional food for
enabling them to nourish their strength and health. Our body needs a nutrition in order for
us to grow as for the sick person. There are many nutrients that a patient needs for him or
her to grow and live a sustainable health. Visualizing a patient, nurse must always check
the blood glucose level or the sugar that comes from the food that we eat, if there is a
necessary intake when patient blood glucose goes up or fall down.

Remedial Care Needs:

4. To identify and accept positive and negative expressions,feeling and reactions.

 Patient has a lot of thoughts that going around in their head that causes them physical
and emotional struggles. Being isolated in an environment where you are surrounded by
numerous people who has been struggled in a lot health procedures. That resulted to
create diffuculties to open up what they actually feel because they are being in composed
in that border that they need to assist by everybody. As a nurse, I can address this through
being vigilantly capable in observing my patients physical and emotional expressions,
emotions and also their overt reactions. Their feelings are always valid, and if they feel
scared in any treatment or operations. They can openly ask any concerns and also I can
encourage them to speak or express what they feel and tell them that it is ok to take a
moment to calm themselves.
5. To facilitate the maintenance of effective verbal and nonverbal communication.

 In a health environment it is also must to have a communication skills in order for your
patient to understand you and to be understood. Nurses should speak appropriately and
concisely on their patients intellectual capabilities. All patients must be heard with or
without voices. Being a nurse, you must listen and understand the concerns of your
patients and you must give them time to comprehend with it. Having a verbal and non
verbal communication can build a therapeutic relationship with your patient since you
must have the capability to determine their body languages, gestures or facial

3. Compare & Contrast: Abdellah's 21 Nursing Problems to Henderson's 14 Basic Human

Needs. Cite 3 to 5 main points.

Faye Glenn Abdellah’s 21 Nursing Problems are categorized to 4 Needs which are the
Basic to all patient that focuses on the primary essentials of a patient, Sustenal care needs is a
mean of maintaining the oxygen supply, nourishment, excretion, fluid and electrocyte balance,
the regulatory systems and sensory processes and also the body reactions, Remedial care need
where it help patients in identifying their emotional needs and Restorative care need will assess
the patients health problems. In the 14 Basic Human Needs of Virginia Henderson speaks a lot
on the patients benefit where it can provide necessary measure on the fundamental needs of
every patient. In her needs of components she addressed the physiological needs, psychological
factors that allow communications and individuals are being able to continuously learn, the
sociologically aspects and the spiritual and moral intervention. The similarities of these two
framework are focused on the maintaining and assisting the patients. The first main point that I
want to project is that they have the necessities to indicate the basic fundaments that every
patient needs such as the maintaining of good hygiene of Abdella’s and keeping the body clean
by Henderson. Second is that they promote patient safety where they both prevent any injuries or
accidents to their patients. Lastly, they introduces the importance of communication whether it is
verbal or non verbal to interact with others.

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