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Grupo 2

Causative verbs/remembrances, used to/ ´d-would

1.- What chores do your parents make you do? Do you like them? Why?
My fathers used to make me cook the lunch for my brother when we were
childs after the school, also they made me take of the garbash every
Sunday and wash the car every Saturday.
I like wash the car but i never liked to cook because i used to burn all that i
make, now i learn it but still don’t like it.
2.- What things you make somebody else do for you? Why? Explain.
Nowadays i have a friend and he used to carries me on to the college, it´s
very important to me because before i met him i used to take the bus and
it would take a lot of time.
3.- Can you tell me one of your best memories when you were a child. Be
specific and give details.
I used to play soccer with my cousin, that is the most beautiful memory i
got. That happened every Sunday when all my family were togheter in my
grandmother´s house. We used top lay for hours and then my grandma
made us to wash our hands and after that we used to sito n the table for
eat togheter, i would like to do that now.
4.- what did you use to do when you were a Little kid? Explain and give
I used to work with my father, he worked with cars and i helped him. I
remeber how i used to make a lot of questions and i thoungt, “i would like
to know everything my father knows”. Also i used to help my mother to
cook, i loved to talk with her besides i did not like to cook.

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