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1.- Have you ever los all your personal documents? When? What exactly
Of course, in fact, i have lost my indentity card three times in my life, the
last one was the last Saturday. I was in a club and they asked to me to
show him my indentitty card, i gave it to the doorman but my cellphone
started to vibrate, was my father, he wanted to talk with me, when i
finished the pone-call i forgot to ask for my identity card.
2.- Have you ever found a stray dog? Where? What did you do with it?
Sure, a lot of times. Is veary easy to find stray dogs where i live, i
remember two years ago i found a beautiful big dog in front of my house,
it was Brown but it ears was black. I have decided to adopt it. Unluckily
someone poisoned it and died six months ago.
3.- Have you ever thought about studying a second/thrid career? If so,
explain. If not, why?
I thought about it few years ago but not now. Now i have thought its
better for me to focus on my carrer and suplement it with other courses, i
study economy so i can complement my carrer with accounting or
marketing courses, it would take less time.
4.- when was the last time you wnet to a concert? What kind? Where?
How was it?
The last concert i went to was three weeks ago, was “Tierra Canela’s
concert”. It was in Cumbaya and was very funny, i have not liked their
music too much, but my girlfirend invited to me and her sister so i decided
to go with them. Was really interesting listened another kind of music that
i usually do.

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