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This report describes Aquatic Premium Purified Water’s business planning process that
can generate crucial insights for the existing business as well as support the preparation and
creation of a successful business. This guide also provides practical step-by-step business
planning approaches and a reference for the tools and techniques necessary to complete it. The
process began by evaluating the environment in which Aquatic Water operates before analyzing
the specific industry and its suppliers, competitors, and customers. The insight from this report
and an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the business, incorporated with a set of
expectations about the future, the guide was coupled with innovative and creative thinking to
develop a range of strategic options for evaluation. The business planning process herein also
assessed alternative concepts and assumptions, as one of the primary purposes of planning is to
help the business prepare for an uncertain future. This guide focuses on business planning in the
face of uncertainty and uses strategies due to the continually changing environment in which
Aquatic must function.

Keywords: Business Planning, Strategies, Marketing, Branding, Campaign

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