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Chapter Three

Pointer and Structure

Compiled by:Nigusu Y. (

Injibara University 1
o A pointer is simply the address of
2 a memory location and provides

an indirect way of accessing data in memory.

o A pointer variable is defined to „point to‟ data of a specific type. For


int *ptr1; // pointer to an int

char *ptr2; // pointer to a char

o The value of a pointer variable is the address to which it points. For

example, given the definitions

int num; //can be written as ptr1 = #

o A pointer is a variable used for storing the address of a memory cell
and use the pointer to reference this
3 memory cell

o Common uses pointers:

 Accessing array elements

 Passing arguments to a function when the function needs to

modify the original argument

 Passing arrays and strings to functions

 Obtaining memory from the system

 Creating data structures such as linked lists

Reference Operator (&)

o The address that locates a variable

5 within memory is a reference to

that variable.

o This reference to a variable can be obtained by preceding the

identifier of a variable with an ampersand sign (&), known as

reference operator, and which can be literally translated as "address
ptr = &Var;

//Ptr now holds the address of the variable ‟var‟

// demo of the reference operator

//This program prints the addresses of the three variables.


int main()
{ 0x6aff00
int var1=10,var2=20,var3=30; 0x6afefc
cout<<endl<<&var1<<endl<<&var2<<endl<<&var3; 10

cout<<endl<<var1<<endl<<var2<<endl<<var3; 20
return 0;

Deference operator ( *)
o Pointers are said to "point to" the variable whose reference they store
value stored in the variable which it points to.

o The pointer's identifier with an asterisk (*), which acts as dereference

operator and that can be literally translated to "value pointed by".

Value = *Ptr;

// read as: "Value equals to value pointed by Ptr"

o & is the reference operator and can be read as "address of"

o * is the dereference operator and can be read as "value pointed by"
o A variable referenced with (&) can be dereferenced with (*).

Declaring Pointer Variables
o A variable name directly references a value, and a pointer indirectly
references a value.

o Pointers, like any other variables, must be declared before they can

be used.

datatype *var-name;

o The type of data that a pointer will point to is determined by its base


o Each variable being declared as a pointer must be preceded by an

//demo for pointer addresss and data value
int main()

int a = 100;
int *p = &a;
cout << a << " " <<endl; //values of a
cout<< &a <<endl; //addres of variable a
cout << p << " " <<endl; // pointer values
cout<< &p <<endl; //address of pointer
cout<<*p<<endl; //holds values a pointed by pointer
return 0;


o double* first, second, third;

// 'first' is a pointer 'second' and 'third' are ordinary variables.

o Int *a,*b,*c;

// All these variables are pointers to int values.

o long *x, y, *z;

// 'x' and 'z' are pointers, but 'y' is an ordinary long variable.

//demonstrations of pointer
void main()
float *p;
float a = 9;
float b = 4;
p = &a;
cout << p << endl; // The address of a
cout << *p << endl; // The value of a
*p *= 4; // Multiply 'a' by 4
p = &b;
cout << p << endl; // The address of b
cout << *p << endl; // The value of b
*p += 10; // Add 10 to 'b„
cout << a << endl; // Display new value of 'a„
cout << b << endl; // Display new value of 'b'
return 0;
Pointers and functions
o Pointers used to pass value from 12
calling program to a function.
//demonstration of pointer function int num1, num2;
cout << "Enter first number" << endl;
void swap( int *a, int *b )
{ cin >> num1;
int t; cout << "Enter second number" << endl;
t = *a;
cin >> num2;
*a = *b;
*b = t; swap( &num1, &num2);
} cout << "First number = " << num1 << endl;

cout << "Second number = " << num2 << endl;

int main()
{ return 0;

Array pointers
o The name of an array points only to the first element not the whole

//array pointer demonstrations
#include<iostream.h> Con’t
#include<math.h> 14
int main() {
int n[] = { 10,20,30,40,50,60};
int *ptr = n;
cout<<"\n Displaying array contents using array\n ";
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
cout<<n[i]<<" "; //using array
cout<<"\n Displaying array contents using pointer\n ";
for(ptr= &n[0]; ptr<=&n[5]; ptr++)
//cout<<*(ptr+i) <<" ";
cout<<*ptr<<" "; // using pointer
return 0;
} 5/31/2021
NULL pointer
o NULL is a special value that indicates an empty pointer

o If you try to access a NULL pointer, you will get an error or no

displayed result
int *p;
p = 0;
cout << p << endl; //prints 0
cout << &p << endl;//prints address of p
cout << *p << endl;// not display output value

o An abstract data type is an abstract
16 description of a data structure, with

the emphasis on its properties functionality and use rather than specified
implementation is referred to as ADT.

o A structure is a group of data elements grouped together under one name.

o These data elements, known as data members, can have different types

and different lengths.

o There are two broad types of data structure based on their memory


 Static Data Structures

 Dynamic Data Structure

o Static Data Structures

– A data structures that are defined & allocated before execution,

thus the size cannot be changed during time of execution.

Example: Array implementation of ADTs.

o Dynamic Data Structure

– A data structure that can grow and shrink in size or permits

discarding of unwanted memory during execution time.

Example: Linked list implementation of ADTs.

Injibara University 17
Declaration of Structure
o Structure is a collection of data items and the data items can be of different
data type and the data item of structure is called member of the structure.
o Structure is defined using the struct keyword.
struct structure_name
member_type1 member_name1;
member_type2 member_name2;
data type n member n;
o structure_name is a name for the structure type, object_name can be a set of
valid identifiers for objects that have the type of this structure.
o Within braces { } there is a list with the data members, each one is specified
with a type and a valid identifier as its name.
o Example: The follow defines a structure called „date‟ which contains
three „int‟ member variables: „day‟, „month‟, and „year‟:
struct date
string day;
int month;
int year;
o Its possible to define in all in if data types are similar.
struct date
string day;
int month, year;
o The struct keyword creates a new user defined data type that is used to
declare variable of an aggregated data type.
Declaring using sturct data types
o Once you have defined a structure you can create a variable from it just as

you would any other variable.

student std1;

date birthday;

int i;

o The above statements are similar in nature because both declare a variable

of a given type.

o The former is a built in type, which is integer while the later declares a

variable type of user-defined type.

o std1 will have the characteristics of representing id and name of a student.

Initializing Structure Variables
o Values are assigned to member
21 variables in the order that they


o For example:

date birthday = { 19, 8, 1979 };

student std1={"Abebe", "ETR/390/04",Male”,3.25};

student std2={"Fikir", "ETR/410/04",Female”,3.0};

student std3={"Rahel", "ETR/420/04",Female”,3.75};

Accessing members of a structure variable

o The Dot operator (.): to access data

22 members of structure variables.


o Example: For reading and displaying values to and from structure s1.

cin>>; //storing to id item of s1

cin>>; //storing a name to s1

cout<<; //displaying the content of id of s1.

cout<<; //displaying name

//example to demonstrate structure
#include <iostream.h>
struct date {
int day, month, year;
int main() {
date birth;
cout << “Enter your birth date: ” << endl;
cout << “Year: “;
cin >> birth.year;
cout << “Month: “;
cin >> birth.month;
cout << “Day: “;
cin >>;
cout << “You entered “ << birth.month << “/”<< << “/” << birth.year << endl;
cout << “You were born in the “<< ((birth.year / 100) + 1) << “th Century!”<< endl;
return 0;
} 5/31/2021
Array Structure
#include<iostream.h> cout<<"\nEnter Name";
struct student cin>>s[i].name;
int id;
cout<<"\n Displaying student Info";
char name[15];
cout<<"\nStudent Id \t Student Name";
}; cout<<"\n===================";
int main()
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//creating 5 student using an array
student s[5];
return 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i < 5; i ++)
cout<<"\n Enter Student Id";
Pointers to Structure
o Pointers are variables that store address of other variables.

o A structure is a user defined data type which is essentially

a collection of variables of different types under a single name.

o A structure pointer is a type of pointer that stores the address of a

structure typed variable.

o Example: Pointer structure

Student *Std;
Student Abebe;
Std = &Abebe;

o The value of the pointer std would be assigned to a reference to the object
Abebe (its memory address)
Injibara University
o The arrow operator (->) or deference operator is used exclusively
with pointers to objects with members.
o It serves to access a member of an object to which we have referenced.
i.e. To access a member through a pointer, we append its name to the
pointer‟s name separated by arrow
Std->age; is equivalent to (*std).age;
o Both are to mean, we are accessing age member variable of structure
pointed by a pointer called std.
o But *(std.age) which is equivalent to *std.age it mean that it evaluate value
pointed by member variable age of object std

Injibara University 26
//pointer structure demonstrations
#include <iostream.h>
struct Distance {
int feet;
float inch;
int main() {
Distance *ptr, d;
ptr = &d;
cout << "Enter feet: ";
cin >> (*ptr).feet;
cout << "Enter inch: ";
cin >> (*ptr).inch;
cout << "Displaying information." << endl;
cout << "Distance = " <<(*ptr).feet <<"feet = " << (*ptr).inch << " inches";
return 0;
} Injibara University 27
//pointer structure demonstrations structure name Distance
#include <iostream.h>
struct Distance {
int feet;
float inch;
int main() {
Distance *ptr, d;
ptr = &d;
cout << "Enter feet: ";
cin >> ptr->feet;
cout << "Enter inch: ";
cin >>ptr->inch;
cout<<"Displaying information."<<endl;
cout<<"Distance = "<<ptr->feet<<"feet = "<<ptr->inch<<" inches";
return 0;
Injibara University 28
Self-Referential structures
o A structure declaration cannot contain itself as a member, but it can contain a
member which is a pointer whose type is the structure declaration itself .
o A self referential structure is used to create data structures like linked lists,
stacks, queue, trees and graphs.
o A self-referential structure is one of the data structures which refer to the pointer
to (points) to another structure of the same type
struct node
int val;
int left;
struct tree *right;
o „right‟ is a pointer to a structure of type „tree‟ and the structure „node‟
is a self-referential structure with „right‟ as the referencing pointer.
Injibara University 29
o There are two types of self referential Structures.

1. Self Referential Structure with Single Links

o These structures can have only one self-pointer as their member.

o The following example will show us how to connect the objects of a

self-referential structure with the single link and access the
corresponding data members.

Injibara University 30
2. Self Referential Structure with multiple Links
o Self referential structures with multiple links can have more than one
o Many complicated data structures can be easily constructed using these
o Such structures can easily connect to more than one nodes at a time.
o The following example shows one such structure with more than one

Injibara University 31
Linked List Structure

o Linked lists are the most basic self-referential structures that allow to
have a chain of structs with related data.

o Linked list structure is a collection of nodes storing data and links to

other nodes.

o A node contains some information useful for a specific application and

a pointer to the next node.

o The most flexible implementation is by using pointers

o If a node of linked list structure has a link only to its successor in the
sequence of node, the list is called a single linked list.

Injibara University 32
o A linked list is made up of a chain of nodes and each node contains
data item and a pointer to the next node for single list.

o Start (Head) is a pointer to first node and Last (terminal) node contain
null pointer which is a pointer, what ever its type, can point to any.
o Linked list is a very flexible dynamic data structure items may be added
to it or deleted from it at will.
o As items are added to a list, memory for a node is dynamically allocated.

Injibara University 33
o Link - Each Link of a linked list can store a data called an element

o Next - Each Link of a linked list contain a link to next link called Next.

o Linked List - A Linked List contains the connection link to the first Link
called First

 Types of Linked List

– Single Linked List - Item Navigation is forward only.

– Doubly Linked List - Items can be navigated forward and backward


– Circular Linked List - Last item contains link of the first element as
next and first element has link to last element as prev.

Injibara University 34
Creating linked list
o A linked list is a data structure that is built from structures and pointers.

o It forms a chain of "nodes" with pointers representing the links of the

chain and holding the entire thing together

Struct Node
datatype data;
Node * next; // pointer to next node in the list

o When a program creates a linked list, it usually starts with an empty list.

o A new node is dynamically allocated from the free store using the new
operator, and the desired information is copied into it.
Injibara University 35
o A newly created node is linked to the list by rearranging the pointers.
o Thus linked list does not have to have a predetermined size.
o Example: Node *NodeName = new Node
Time1 * T1 = new Time1
Student *Abebe = new student
o Head, variable that holds a pointer to the first node of the list, is set to null
when the list is empty.

Node *head = 0; // Declare empty list

o Head point to the first node in the list.

Head -> next; // point to the second node

o If nodeptr is a variable of the Node * data type and nodeptr points to a
node in our list, then the value of nodeptr-> next is the pointer to the next
node or it is null if there is no next node.

Injibara University 36
o Adding a node to the list: Steps
– Allocate a new node.

– Set the node data values and make new node point to NULL.

– Make old last node‟s next pointer point to the new node.

– * Make the new last node‟s prev pointer point to the old last node.
(This is only for Double Linked list).

Injibara University 37
Linked list Traversal
o A procedure that access and processes all elements of a data
structure in sequence is called traversal.
o Traversing through the linkedlist
 To Move Forward

– Set a pointer to point to the same thing as the start (head) pointer.
– If the pointer points to NULL, display the message “list is
empty" and stop.
– Otherwise, move to the next node by making the pointer point to
the same thing as the next pointer of the node it is currently
Injibara University 38
 To Move Forward: (Double linked list)

– Set a pointer to point to the same thing as the start pointer.

– If the pointer points to NULL, display the message “list is empty" and stop.

– Set a new pointer and assign the same value as start pointer and move

forward until you find the node before the one we are considering at the


 To Move Backward: (Double linked list)

– Set a pointer to point to the same thing as the end (tail) pointer.

– If the pointer points to NULL, display the message “list is empty" and stop.

– Otherwise, move back to the previous node by making the pointer point to

the same thing as the prev pointer of the node it is currently indicating.
Injibara University 39
 Display the content of list: Steps
– Set a temporary pointer to point to the same thing as the start pointer.
– If the pointer points to NULL, display the message "End of list" and
– Otherwise, display the data values of the node pointed to by the start
– Make the temporary pointer point to the same thing as the next pointer
of the node it is currently indicating.
– Jump back to step 2.

 Insert at the front (beginning):steps

– Allocate a new node.
– Insert new element values.
– Make the next pointer of the new node point to old head (start).
– Update head (start) to point to the new node.

Injibara University 40
Injibara University 41
 Inserting at the End : Steps
– Allocate a new node.
– Set the node data values and make the next pointer of the new node point to
– Make old last node‟s next pointer point to the new node.
– Update end to point to the new node.
 Insertion in the middle: Steps
– Create a new Node
– Set the node data Values
– Break pointer connection
– Re-connect the pointers

Injibara University 42
Singly linked list
o Start (Head): Special pointer that points to the first node of a linked
list, so that we can keep track of the linked list.

– The last node should points to NULL to show that it is the last link
in the chain (in the linked list).

Injibara University 44
 It is the singly linked list which has four nodes in it, each with a
link to the next node in the series (in the linked list).

 A node‟s successor is the next node in the sequence

 The last node has no successor

 A node‟s predecessor is the previous node in the sequence

 The first node has no predecessor

o A linked list‟s length is the number of elements in it

 A list may be empty (contain no elements), if the head points to


Injibara University 45
 It can grow or shrink in size during execution of a program.

 It can be made just as long as required.

o Creation of singly linked list

struct node

int data;

node *next;


node *head = NULL;

Injibara University 46
o Operations of singly Linked List
– Adding a node to the end of a singly linked list

– Adding a node to the left of a specific data in a singly linked list

– Adding a node to the right of a specific data in a singly linked list

– Deleting a node from the end of a singly linked list

– Deleting a node from the front of a singly linked list

– Deleting any node using the search data from a singly linked list

– Display the node from the singly linked list in a forward manner

– size( ): Tells number of items/nodes in the list

– isEmpty( ): Checks if the list is empty

Injibara University 47
//main function

int main()



ForwardDisplay(); //display the data in forward manner


insertEnd(25); //insert data to the linkedlist


return 0;

Injibara University 48
o Adding a node to the end of a singly linked list
void insertEnd(int x)
node *temp=new node;
head = temp;
node *temp2 = head;
temp2 = temp2->next;
temp2->next= temp;
Injibara University 49
o Adding a node to the front of a singly linked list

void insertFront(int x) {

node *temp=new node;




head = temp;

else {

temp->next = head;

head = temp;

} Injibara University 50
o Adding a node to the right of a specific value in a singly linked list

void insert_right_y(int x, int y) node *temp2 = head;

{ while(temp2->data!=y)
node *temp=new node; {
temp->data=x; temp2 = temp2->next;
temp->next=NULL; }
if(head==NULL) temp->next = temp2->next;
head = temp; temp2->next = temp;
else }
{ }
Injibara University 51
o Adding a node to the left of a specific value in a singly linked list

void insert_left_y(int x, int y)

{ node *temp2 = head;
node *temp=new node; node *temp3;
temp->data=x; while(temp2->data!=y)
temp->next=NULL; {
if(head==NULL) temp3 = temp2;
head = temp; temp2 = temp2->next;
else }
{ temp->next = temp3->next;
temp3->next = temp;

Injibara University 52
o Deleting a node from the front of a singly linked list
void deleteFront()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = head;
head = head->next;
delete temp;

Injibara University 53
o Deleting a node from the end of a singly linked list
void deleteEnd()
node *temp, *temp3;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = head;
temp3 = temp;
temp = temp->next;
temp3->next = NULL;
delete temp;
Injibara University 54
o Deleting a node of specific data of a singly linked list
void deleteData(int x) {

{ temp = head;

node *temp, *temp3; while(temp->data!=x)

if(head==NULL) {

cout<<"No data inside\n"; temp3 = temp;

if(head->data==x) temp = temp->next;

{ }

temp = head; temp3->next = temp->next;

head = head->next; delete temp;

delete temp; }

} }

Injibara University 55
o Display in a forward manner in a singly linked list
void ForwardDisplay()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = head;
temp = temp->next;
Injibara University 56
o Creating Empty List

 To create an empty list,

 create a head pointer
 set head pointer to NULL
Node *head;
head = NULL;
Or shortly,
Node *head = NULL;
 Head pointer initialized to NULL indicates an empty list
o Size of linked list
 To find the length of a list:
int length(ListNode *myList)
if (myList == NULL)
return 0;
return 1 + length(myList->next);
Double Linked lists

o Doubly Linked List is a variation of Linked list in which navigation is

possible in both ways either forward and backward easily as compared

to Single Linked List

o Each node points not only to Successor node (Next node), but also to

Predecessor node (Previous node).

o Advantage: given a node, it is easy to visit its predecessor (previous)

node. It is convenient to traverse linked lists Forwards and Backwards.

Injibara University 59
o Node- contains reference to the next node and the previous node in the linked
list and contains data that is associated with the current node.

o Link - Each Link of a linked list can store a data called an element.

o Next - Each Link of a linked list contain a link to next link called Next.

o Prev - Each Link of a linked list contain a link to previous link called Prev.

o LinkedList - A LinkedList contains the connection link to the first Link

called First and to the last link called Last

o There are two NULL: at the first and last nodes in the linked list.

Injibara University 60
o Operations of Doubly Linked List

– Adding a node to the end of a doubly linked list

– Adding a node to the front of a doubly linked list

– Adding a node to the left of a specific data in a doubly linked list

– Adding a node to the right of a specific data in a doubly linked list

– Deleting a node from the end of a doubly linked list

– Deleting a node from the front of a doubly linked list

– Deleting any node using the search data from a doubly linked list

– Display the node from the doubly linked list in a forward manner

– Display the node from the doubly linked list in a backward manner

Injibara University 61
Creating double Linked lists
o Nodes for a doubly linked list would be defined as follows:
struct node
int data;
node *prev;
node *next;
node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
o Example:
struct node
char name[20];
node *nxt; // Pointer to next node
node *prv; // Pointer to previous node
}; Injibara University 62
o Adding a node to the end of a doubly linked list

void insertEnd(int x) {
{ tail->next = temp;
node* temp = new node; temp->prev = tail;
temp->data = x; tail = temp;
temp->next = NULL; }
temp->prev = NULL; }
if (head == NULL)
head = tail = temp;

Injibara University 63
o Adding a node to the front of a doubly linked list

void insertFront(int x) else

{ {

node *temp = new node; temp->next = head;

temp->data = x; head->prev = temp;

temp->next = NULL; head = temp;

temp->prev = NULL; }

if(head == NULL) }

head = tail = temp;

Injibara University 64
o Adding a node to the left of a specific data in a doubly linked list
void insert_left_y(int x, int y) else
{ {
node* temp = new node; node *temp2 = head, *temp3;
temp->data = x; while(temp2->data!=y)
temp->next = NULL; {
temp->prev = NULL; temp3 = temp2;
if (head == NULL) temp2 = temp2->next;
head = tail = temp; }
else temp->next = temp3->next;
if(head->data==y) temp3->next = temp;
{ temp->prev = temp3;
temp->next = head; temp2->prev = temp;
head->prev = temp; }
head = temp; }

Injibara University 65
o Adding a node to the right of a specific data in a doubly linked list
void insert_right_y(int x, int y) }
{ else
node* temp = new node; {
temp->data = x; node *temp2 = head;
temp->next = NULL; while(temp2->data!=y)
temp->prev = NULL; {
if (head == NULL) temp2 = temp2->next;
head = tail = temp; }
else if(temp2->next==NULL)
if(head->data==y) tail = temp;
{ temp->prev = temp2;
if(head->next==NULL) temp->next = temp2->next;
tail = temp; temp2->next->prev = temp;
temp->prev = head; temp2->next = temp;
temp->next = head->next; }
head->next->prev = temp; }
Injibara University 66
head->next = temp;
o Deleting a node from the end of a doubly linked list
void deleteEnd()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = tail;
tail = tail->prev;
tail->next = NULL;
delete temp;

Injibara University 67
o Deleting any node using the search data from a doubly linked list
void deleteEnd(int x)
cout<<"No data inside\n";
node *temp = head, *temp2;
while(temp->data!= x)
temp2 = temp;
temp = temp->next;
temp2->next = temp->next;
temp->next->prev = temp2;
delete temp;
Injibara University 68
o Display the node from the doubly linked list in a forward manner
void dispalyForward()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = head;
temp = temp->next;

Injibara University 69
o Display the node from the doubly linked list in a backward manner
void dispalyBackward()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = tail;
temp = temp->prev;
} Injibara University 70
Summary on array and linked list
o Arrays
– possible to access random elements
– It is possible to traverse forward and backward
o Limitation
– We do not always know in advance the exact number of elements an array
needs to store
– It is impossible to add an elements at the beginning or last (not flexible )
– Much of the memory may not be used
o Linked list
– Overcome the problem of arrays
– An element can be inserted or deleted easily from linked list
– No memory is wasted for vacant nodes
o Limitation
– It is sequential access by its nature
– Need extra memory to store pointers to nodes
Injibara University 71
Stack Data Structure

Injibara University 72
o Stack is a data structure provides temporary storage in such a way that the

element stored last will be retrieved first.

o It has a LIFO (Last In First Out) or FILO (First In Last Out) structure.

o Stack is a simple data structure, in which insertion and deletion occur at

the same end.

o Items can be inserted (“pushed”) and deleted (“popped”), but only the

most recently inserted element can be operated on.

o Stack is useful for temporary storage for dealing with nested structure;

expressions with in expressions, functions calling other functions,

directories with in directories.

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o For example, we can place or remove a card or plate from top of the
stack only.

o Stacks are more restricted List with the following constraints:

– Elements are stored by order of insertion from "bottom" to "top“.

– Items are added to the top.

– Only the last element added onto the stack (the top element) can be
accessed or removed.

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Stack operations
o push(k): push(put) an item k into stack s and Its insertion operation into

o pop(): deleting the top element of the stack s, and returning its value.

o Peek(): returning the value of the top element in stack s

o isEmpty(): return true if and only if the stack is empty

o isfull(): return true if and only if the stack is full

o createStack(): make an empty stack (remove existing items from the

stack and initialize the stack to empty)

 Note:- The operations of insertion and deletion are called PUSH and POP
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o Algorithms for the basic operations:-
 createStack()
remove existing items from the stack
initialise the stack to empty
 push( k)  pop()
{ {
if there is room in the stack s if the stack s is not empty
put item k on the top of the stack return the value of the top item
else remove the top item from the stack
give an error message decrease index of the top element
} else
give an error message

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Example:- (TOS = Top Of Stack)

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o Stacks in computer science
 The stack is one of the most important data structures in all of computer science
– Function/method calls are placed onto a stack.
– Compilers use stacks to evaluate expressions.
– Stacks are great for reversing things, matching up related pairs of things, and
backtracking algorithms.
o Stack programming problems
– Reverse letters in a string, reverse words in a line, or reverse a list of numbers.
– Find out whether a string is a palindrome. (Example: madam, lol, pop, radar)
– Examine a file to see if its braces { } and other operators match.
o Stack Application
– Reversing data
– Converting decimal to binary
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Stack implementations using Array
int f = - 1, r = - 1, s[50], n = 50;
o A stack can be implemented a static and dynamic data structure.
o When we say a static, it is using array and when we say dynamic, it
is using linked list.
o Stack has at least the following operation:
– push an element to the top of the stack
– pop an element from the top of the stack
– display the content of the top element in the stack
– display the content of all elements in the stack forward manner
– display the content of all elements in the stack backward manner
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o Push an element to the top of the stack in an Array
void push()
int val;
cout<<"Stack Overflow"<<endl;
cout<<"Insert an element to push : "<<endl;
s[r] = val;
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o pop an element from the top of the stack in an array
void pop()
cout<<"Stack Underflow ";
return; //exist if the condition is true
cout<<"Element popped off from stack is : "<<s[r]<<endl;
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o Display the content of the top element in the stack in an array
void displayTop()
cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;
cout<<"The top element in the Stack is : ";
cout<<s[r]<<" ";

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o Display the content of all elements in the stack forward manner in

an array
void displayForward()
cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;
cout<<"Stack elements are : ";
for(int i=f;i<=r;i++)
cout<<s[i]<<" ";
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o Display the content of all elements in the stack back manner in an
void displayBackward()
cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;
cout<<"Stack elements are : ";
for(int i=r;i>=f;i--)
cout<<s[i]<<" ";
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Stack implementations using linked list

o A stack can be implemented a static and dynamic data structure.

o When we say a static, it is using array and when we say dynamic, it
is using linked list.
o Creating stack using linked list:
struct node
int data;
struct node* next;
struct node* prev;
node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;

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o Linked list implementation uses a single linked list with elements
added and removed at one end head or tail of the list

The figure above show insertion at the head of linked list

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o Push an element to the top of the stack in a linked list
void insertEnd(int x)
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = x;
temp->next = NULL;
temp->prev = NULL;
head = tail = temp;
tail->next = temp;
temp->prev = tail;
tail = temp;
} Injibara University 87
o Pop an element from the top of the stack using a linked list
void pop()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";
temp = tail;
tail = tail->prev;
tail->next = NULL;
delete temp;
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o Display the content of the top element in the stack using a linked
void displayTop()
node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";

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o Display the content of all elements in the stack in a forward manner in
a linked list

void displayForward() while(temp!=NULL)

node *temp;
cout<<"No data inside\n";

else temp = temp->next;

{ }
temp = head; }

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o Display the content of all elements in the stack in a backward manner in a
linked list

void displayBackward() while(temp!=NULL)

{ {

node *temp; cout<<temp->data<<endl;

if(tail==NULL) temp = temp->prev;

cout<<"No data inside\n"; }

else }

{ }

temp = tail;

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Applications of Stacks
o Each time a function call occurs whether it is recursive function or not the
return address in the calling function is saved.

o This information is saved so that computer will know where to resume

execution in the calling function after the execution of the function has
been completed.

o This information is called activation record or stack frame.

o When a function is called arguments (including the return address) have to

be passed to the called function.

o If stored in a fixed memory area then the function can not be repeatedly
called because first return address would be overwritten by the second
return address before the first used.
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o Main function call F and F call G and H that must be first completed
before F then F before main function.
o Hence G and H contain calling function address (return address) of F

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Applications of stacks Con’t
o For evaluation of Algebraic Expressions

o Expression can be evaluated by machine by placing all operators before or after

their operands this method is called polish notation

– Example: 4 + 5 * 5

 simple calculator: 45

 scientific calculator: 29 (correct), but how?

– Computers solve arithmetic expressions by restructuring them from infix to

“post-fix notation” also called reverse-polish notation.

o The valuable aspect of RPN (Reverse Polish Notation or postfix )

– Parentheses are unnecessary

– Easy for a computer (compiler) to evaluate an arithmetic expression

Postfix (Reverse Polish Notation) 94
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o There are three kinds of expressions:
– Infix notation:
• It is the normal (human-readable) way of expressing mathematical
• Operators are written in between their operands. e.g. 4 + 5 * 5
– Prefix notation:
• Also called by its inventor as “Polish Notation”
• Operands are written before their operands. e.g. + 4 * 5 5
– Postfix notation:
• Operators are written after their operands
• Also called suffix notation or reverse polish notation (RPN).
e.g. 4 5 5 * +
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Rules of Infix to Postfix conversion
o Rules:
– Operands immediately go directly to output. Operators are pushed into the
stack (including parenthesis, but not as output)
– Check to see if stack top operator is less than current operator
– If the top operator is less than, push the current operator onto stack
– If the top operator is greater than (or equal to) the current, pop top operator
and append on postfix notation, push current operator onto stack.
– If we encounter a right parenthesis, pop from stack until we get matching left
o Precedence Priority of operators: High to low

– Priority 4: „(„ - only popped if a matching „)‟ is found.

– Priority 3: All unary operators (-, sin, cosin, ….)/exponents

– Priority 2: / *

– Priority 1: + -
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Example : Convert the following infix expression to postfix notation
Move Current Token Stack Bottom:> Postfix
1 A empty A
2 + + A
3 B + AB
4 * +* AB
5 C +* ABC
6 - + ABC*
7 - empty ABC*+
8 - - ABC*+
8 D - ABC*+D
9 / -/ ABC*+D
10 E -/ ABC*+DE
11 empty - ABC*+DE/
12 empty ABC*+DE/-

Injibara University
Example: Convert A * (B + C) * D to postfix notation.

Move Current Stack -Grows towards Postfix(Output)

token left
1 A empty A
2 * * A
3 ( (* A
4 B (* AB
5 + +(* AB
6 C +(* ABC
7 ) * ABC+
8 * * ABC +*
9 D * ABC+*D
10 empty empty A B C + * D*

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 Example:- Consider the infix expression
o If an item in the list is a number( an operand), it is pushed into the stack
o If the item in the list is an operator, two numbers are popped up and
their result is pushed back into the stack.
o The first item is a value (6) so it is pushed onto the stack
The next item is a value (5) so it is pushed onto the stack
The next item is a value (2) so it is pushed onto the stack
The next item is a value (3) so it is pushed onto the stack
o The remaining items are

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o So next a '+' is read (a binary operator), so 3 and 2 are popped from
the stack and their sum '5' is pushed onto the stack:

o Next 8 is pushed and the next item is the operator *:

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o Next the operator + followed by 3:

o Next is operator *.
o so 48 and 6 are popped, and
6*48=288 is pushed

o Next is operator +.
o So 3 and 45 are popped and
45+3=48 is pushed

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Move Current Token Stack (grows toward left)

1 6 6
2 5 5 6
3 3 3 5 6

4 2 2 3 5 6
5 + 5 5 6
6 8 8 5 5 6
7 * 40 5 6
8 + 45 6
9 3 3 45 6
10 + 48 6
11 * 288

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Excersise: Evaluate the expression 2 3 4 + * 5 * which was created by the
previous algorithm for infix to postfix.
Move Current Token Stack (grows toward left)
1 2 2
2 3 3 2
3 4 4 3 2
4 + 7 2
5 * 14
6 5 5 14
7 * 70
o Notes:
 Move 4: an operator is encountered, so 4 and 3 are popped, summed,
then pushed back onto stack.
 Move 5: operator * is current token, so 7 and 2 are popped,
multiplied, pushed back onto stack.
 Move 7: stack top holds correct value.
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Chapter end!!!


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