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International Fabrication Company produces Polystyrene products (cups, boxes,

glasses & plates) for the restaurants and off license stores in Coventry, UK. This
industry provided the products that are not resistant to microwaves. This company
is now inherited to Mr. Muhammad Hamza to produce the microwave resistant
polystyrene products.

This product has been chosen due to the excessive use of these products in the
country. These products are highly used by the school going children as a part of
their daily lunch boxes. This product is specially designed by using the
Sustainability Development Goal # 3: Good Health & Well Being (the previously
designed products, when heated mixed the styrene fumes with the food to cause
cancer). Along with this also utilized SDG Goal # 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
(the fumes of styrene when exhaust from the microwave can pollute the

 Statement of Target Market: For the restaurants & shops that provided take-
away option to its customers, International Industries Limited offers microwave
resistant polystyrene products, so that their food is protected from the toxic
fumes because International Fabrication Company used natural styrene in the
formation of products.
 Statement of Competitors Market: The Company provides the high quality
products without the addition of coloring agents. The previous products are not
recyclable and their melting temperature is low. This clear difference in
between the new developed products & materials increased the market value.
 Value Proposition: “Save Earth, Recycle it”. Clean environment for next

Kenyon, G. N., & Sen, K. C. (2015). The Value Proposition. In The Perception of Quality (pp. 13-28). Springer,

Stanton, A. D. A., & Stanton, W. W. (2013). Building" Brand Me": Creating a personal brand statement.  Marketing
Education Review, 23(1), 81-86

Sigalas, C., Economou, V. P., & Georgopoulos, N. B. (2013). Developing a measure of competitive
advantage. Journal of Strategy and Management

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