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A message :) Hil This is Jani! This is my first amigurumi pattern here on Ravelry and I can't wait to see you all try and make your own little dolls! I'm @ huge anime fan and I've noticed the lack of any amigurumi pattern in English so I decided to make my own. I hope it is relatively simple and easy to follow, feel free to contact me if anything is unclear! I've spent a lot of time and effort developing this pattern so I request yall to respect that and refrain from reproducing my patterns/ selling them as your own, That being said, I really really do hope y'all love it! Happy Crocheting! PIC-COLLAGE Using feok 225 “Wy Work starting from 2nd leg. With white yarn : With white yarn: R15 : 4 sc in 2nd leg, 2 sc in 2nd R1:8sc in magic leg, 8 sc in 1st leg (18) ring Ra-3: 8 sc Colour change to R16 - R19: 18 s¢ (18) black R4: blo 9se R5-R10:8sc Switch to peach yarn : switch to peach yarn Rll -14:8sc R20 : &se, ( dec, 2sc) x 2, 8sc (6) Make 2 legs. Don't cut yarn for second leg. Rel : (6sc , Dec) x 2 (14) RRB: (Ssc , Dec) x 2 (14) R23: (4se , Dec) x 2 (10) R24: (Sse, Dec ) KR (8) R885 : (2sc, Dec) x 2 (6) NECK: RR6-28 : 6sc (6) PIC-COLLAGE Head Rag : blo 6 Inc RSO: 12 Inc R31 : (1se, Ine) x12 (36) Make sure your stitch marker is on the left side of face and not in front or back. If it isn't, just add stitches till it is. RS2: (2 se, 2 Inc) x4, 20sc (44) RS3-35 : 44 sc (44) RS6 :( lsc, Dec) x 8, 20sc (36) RS? - 42 : 36 sc (36) R43: (4sc, Dec) x6 (0) R44: (Sse, Dec) x6 (24) R45:(sc, Dec) x 6(18) R46:(1sc, Dec) x6(12) RA?:6 Dec (6) Cut off with long tail and sow close Rl: 6 se magic ring R2-10 : 6se (6) After R10, make slip stitch and sow on to body right below neck (between R24825) Jurdaly With tan yarn: Ri: ch 7 (6) For R2, work around chain. So the first 6 stitches are down the chain, then work back up. So the Isc stitches will be in 6, 5, 4, 3,2 stitches of chain working down. and 4sc will be in the 1st stitch of chain. Then work back up around chain to stitch 2, 3 and so on, R2: Ise, Isc, 1s¢,1se,1s¢,4se, 1 se, Ise, 1s¢,1s¢,1s¢(14) follow with slip stitch to first stitch of round, switch to white yarn. RG: flo 14 se (14) 4: See, 8s¢ (10) 5] st, leave long tail and sow onto leg Sow on straps using red yarn wh ft PIC-COLLAGE BL-erain21 20) sar wih goer BEG, ino) 1080) 2s Sa akin Baa sp? 440016) BAC? dass) x2 08) sico20 28) ais tes ete Wie ad ed ang re at ee rod fis veo tho 20 afd aw our nero Bren 7) names tde (7) on: icenascas) 1 :a1g0(60) ov: Ri:euain al (20) Heeoae@o) dda, 16, do4018) RBdo des, 126d 24 (14) 168 don Are ah, sip Bor cthas, 840m llowtng eta end conti PIC-COLLAGE Coal renal (20) 1810 2060 (80) 0 35, 0, skip, 8 sch 10, skip, 80084) aL 2400 4) tout ar earn ta REE eip Seutaes, 28.0 (26) a, ne (28) ‘Teme thetttom endo he sat wie, we wil ake @ righ angle ‘Bangle loos st vow on Brens7) ave sser) 5; So, (6) ase do0 (6) 6, 50,4 (4) a, (8) 1S, tes (8) e180) ‘ese tong ta own Rl : 6se in magic ring BR-12: 650 (6) Sow the cylinder shut. ‘To make the detailing: Make 2: RI : chain 10 (10) Sow or glue on, Pass red yarn through the cylinder, sow/ tie onto head. BL: 620m mage ring (6) Re :61m0 (12) 5: (Use, tne) x6 (18) 2: (Bos, no) 6 (24) Now sl stand work each hairs: (oh 35, 52 8°) Hore the rat 28 chain wil bein blsok and next 7 will colour change to orange, Head ribbon In pink: RL seh 15 (22) Ra: 2d, Lido, B60, Bel st, 260, Ldo, 2 de (12) PIC-COLLAGE \f ) e@ 7 And that's it! I hope you can understand if there are any typos, this is a free pattern that I made during my break from uni :) ~\7 DY te JT & PIC-COLLAGE

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