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On his deathbed, Umar-ibn-Khattab RA selected a Group of six individuals to elect the next Caliph
from among themselves. Ali bin Abi Talib RA, Uthman ibn Affan RA, Abdur Rahman bin Auf RA,
Saad ibn Abi Waqas RA, Zubair RA, and Talha RA were from the group.  The majority of the 6
Voted Uthman as a caliph. Uthman was chosen as the third Caliph on the fourth day after the passing
of Umar RA.  When Uthman RA became the caliph, the people swore an oath of allegiance to him.
Uthman RA emphasized that he would follow the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and follow the
example of the previous caliphs (Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA).


Compilation of the Holy Quran: When Uthman RA became caliph, the Islamic boundaries have been
expanded to larger areas and many new areas were added in the Islamic territories.  It has become
important to compile the Holy Quran. Uthman RA took the responsibility and compiled the Holy
Quran and sent one authentic copy with the seal of the caliph to different areas of the Islamic
state. Uthman RA established the first Muslim Navy: In the time of Uthman RA, the first Muslim
navy was established to help Muslim forces in water as well through Muawiya.  Expansion of the
Prophets Mosque was done by Uthman RA himself and he funded it himself. Uthman RA fixed a
salary of Moazzans were given by the Bait al Maal. He also constructed many mosques, roads, and
buildings. As the result of these reforms, prosperity came in the lives of the Muslims.  


Yes, Uthman’s greatest achievement was the compilation of the Quran because he standardized the
entire Quran and re-united the Muslims. This act was needed as without Uthman RA standardizing the
Quran, there would have been many different dialects of the Quran due to different pronunciations
and the meaning of the original Quran would not have been preserved till today. Furthermore, many
civil wars could also occur on the argument of the meanings in the Quran being different for one
country and different for another one. After Uthman had finnished compiling the Quran, he received
the Title: Jami al Quran. So That’s why Uthman’s Greatest achievement is the compilation of the


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