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Pre- reading tasks

1. In pairs list as many strong emotions as you can.

2. What can you do to help you when you feel a strong emotion?

Recognizing feelings and emotions

It's normal to experience a wide range of feelings and emotions throughout the day. That's
what makes us human. But have you ever wondered how your feelings and emotions
influence the decisions you make? Sometimes they might motivate you to make a healthy
choice, and other times, not so much. When you find yourself feeling down or
unmotivated, try this: Think about your mood and why you feel the way you do. Ask
yourself, how am I feeling right now? What's my mood? Being mindful of your mood helps
you make healthy choices, like choosing to play outside instead of watching TV or using
your tablet. When you're having a hard time making this choice, you can always ask an
adult that you trust for help. The next time you're feeling a certain way, think about what
you can do to feel better.
Here are a few examples. When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and
think about one thing at a time. When you're feeling sad, write down how you're feeling or
talk to a friend or grown up about what's making you feel that way. When you're feeling
angry, take a step back and have a calm conversation with someone you trust about why
you're angry. When you're feeling tired, relax and recharge by lying down or resting
without a screen for a few minutes. When you're feeling frustrated, calm down by taking a
few deep breaths and use positive self-talk to tell yourself, I can do hard things or I can get
better at things when I practice.
When you're feeling restless, calm down by taking a water break or a walk, or turn on
some music and dance. Feelings and emotions come in all shapes and sizes. They're all
okay. When you take time to think about how you're feeling will discover that you have the
power to manage your mood.
Adopted from

I. Match the words from the text with their suitable definitions. _____ a. be curious, desire to know something

2.mindful _____ b. a group of similar things

3. wonder _____ c. give someone a reason to do something

4.overwhelmed _____ d. being sad, depressed

5. motivate _____ e. grown-up

6. feeling down _____ f. refresh ones energy

7. range _____ g. have a lot of strong emotions

8. frustrated _____ h. conscious or aware

9. recharge _____ i. angry when you can’t do something right

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