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Maximize the Emotional Gen Z Intelligent

Have you ever told that you have to learn a new application at work-now? Is your
department at work constantly being reorganized? Are you expected to participate in
multiple work on team, on a variety of tasks? Welcome to the 21st century workplace. It’s
very different world than our grandparents experienced. Our generation went from the
time of Walkman, MP3 player, CD player, etc. Today’s world is belong to iPad, text
messaging, video conference and social media. These speedy change has force society,
starting from Institution and people to make immediate changes. 21st century workplace
forced the applicant to have specific skills. Probably that is the kind of workplace that
Gen Z will be faced in the few years later. Considering that Gen Z is called by our first
natives technology, we believe that most of them already have the academic intelligent.
But it does not means they have enough emotional intelligent. Emotional intelligent is
how far people can manage their time, their emotions, their adaptability in society.

Firstly, emotional intelligent helps Gen Z to have some life skills, such as negotiating
skill and adaptability. We all knows that the biggest fear that happen in human history is
when speaking in front of public. In the uncertain conditions, everyone must deal with
every change that might happen. As a human, we need few times to adapt this change.
However, if Gen Z handle by the right person, right teacher, they can solve this issues.

Secondly is Gen Z known has a DIY or Do it Yourself character that makes them get
the freedom to surfed many source outside from school. This character also encourage
them to solve everything in their own. If this character can be solve in the right control.

In a society fixated on thee latest and smartest digital technology, Gen Z can easily
become confused by countless options and specifications. In a world that is increasingly
driven by instant gratification. if gene z emotional intelligence can be maximized, it will
contribute a lot to the improvement of the education system in the future

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