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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Aug - 2021
Engineering Materials - MEPC18
Assignment 1

1. Write clearly and legible (scan should be readable). Use A4 pages or As-
signment Booklets

2. Usual assumptions apply.

3. Marks are mentioned at the end of the each question.

1. For ion-ion interaction, the attractive interaction is of the form EA =
− Ar and the repulsive interaction is of the form ER = rBn . Consider
a hypothetical X + − Y − ion pair for which the equilibrium interionic
spacing and bonding energy values are 0.35 nm and −5eV respectively.
If it is known that n in the expression for ER has a value of 8 , determine
the parameters A and B.
2. (a) What is the percentage volume change when an element undergoes
BCC to FCC structural transformation? Assume that there is no
change in the atomic size during this transformation.
(b) Calculate the planar density of (100) and (111) in Nickel. The
atomic radius of Nickel is 0.125 nm. Note that Nickel has FCC
(c) The atomic radius of titanium with BCC structure is 0.137 nm.
Calculate the linear density for [111] and [110].
3. Write the Miller index representation of the crystallographic directions
of the unit cubic cell shown in Figure: 1.

Figure 1: A unit cell of a crystal depicting different crystallographic directions.

4. Below are listed the atomic weight, density, and atomic radius for three
hypothetical alloys (ref. Table 1). For each, determine whether its
crystal structure is FCC, BCC, or simple cubic and then justify your

***E ***N ***D ***

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