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Water is a necessity for human existence; its transformation and movement from

one stage to another to feed the earth with enough water is called the water cycle.


The heat of the sun dries up the land, increasing its temperature, this will make the
water available to evaporate to form a cloud, and the evaporated water can come
from water bodies or in the soil or transpire by plants. The evaporated water to form
a cloud, and when it’s saturated, it will fall as precipitation returning water to the land
for use by plants and animals. This continuous Process is called the water cycle.
Below are the details of the stages of a water cycle.


The water from the water bodies evaporates as steam and rises with the air. Water
vapor as part of the atmosphere will rise since it is relatively warm.


The cooled water vapor collects together in the sky as clouds as it condenses due to
the lower temperature of the atmosphere at that height. The force of the winds
carries the clouds laden with the water.


When the weight of water that is held together as clouds get too much eventually the
water precipitates in the form of rain or snow etc. It then flows and joins back the
water bodies’ ready for evaporation as the temperatures rise.

This completes the cycle.


 There must be insolation

 Water must evaporate
 Cloud must be formed.
 There must be precipitation.


 Effect on climate: the water cycle helps to reduce the temperature of the
 Conservation of water: it helps to conserve the available water present
on the planet by means of

The water cycle is vital for our planet. Without it, we can’t survive because we need
water for countless things. Plants need water to grow; we need water to quench our
thirst and other household uses. For commercial and industrial uses. It is also a
natured beautiful way of keeping a sufficient supply of water available without
making it too much at any time.

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