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Nama : I Gusti Putu Ngurah Wiranata

Nim :2002013969

Kls :3B manajemen pagi

Tugas Kursus Bahasa Inggris

My hobbies

So i wanna tell you about my hobbies. First, i love drawing, thats my hobby, drawing. Honestly, im
not good at it, but its just fun to do if you bored. Also, we can express our emotions to it

Second, i also like to listening music. Music can controls our emotion. If you sad, then you listen to
sad song. It can makes you feel more sad haha. Also, if you happy, and listen to the happy song, or
beats you can feel really good. How great it is.

Drawing, music, is an art for me. I like everything that related to art. I really like express my
emotions, there are many ways to express our emotions. One that i really like is trough art. I also
want to be an artists.

Explanation :

1. Topic sentence in first paragraph : my hobby is drawing, in this section it is explained that
drawing is his hobby
2. Topic sentence in second paragraph : music can control your emotion, in this section it is
explained by listening to music makes us more feel calm, comfortable and peaceful
3. Topic sentence in third paragraph : drawing and music is art, and art can use to express the

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