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Name: Lauren Clyne Age: 22 Sex: F Ethnicity: Caucasian

American Attitudes Towards Money

1. You suggest to a classmate of the same sex, “Let’s go out for lunch after class.” When the check comes for the meal, who pays? Why? Is that
typical in the US?
We would both pay for our own meals. This is very common in the US.

2. You go out on a date to the movies with someone of the opposite sex. Who would you expect to pay for the evening? Why? Is that typical?

I think that both of us would pay for ourselves, but it would be a nice gesture to pay for my date or vice-versa. This shouldn’t be ex-
pected though. I think that its still pretty typical for one person to pay for both people though.

3. You borrow a dollar from a friend to make a phone call. The next time you see your friend, do you return the money? Why or why not? Would
your friend accept it? Why or why not?

← I would return the dollar back in certain cases, but not in others. Some of my friends and I just constantly borrow/lend
money so with them I know I would pay them back by buying them something later or loaning them a dollar when they needed it,
while I would be certain to pay others back immediately. I think that my friend would generally accept this payment in return, be-
cause it is courteous to pay back what you have borrowed.

4. You need $100 for an emergency. To whom would you go to borrow the money? Would you return it? What would happen if you did not pay it
I would go to my parents in this case. I may or may not pay them back, although I would like to. Nothing would happen if I wasn’t
able to pay them back, they would be okay with this.

5. The college that you want to attend costs $5,000 more than you have. Where, of from whom, would you try to borrow the money?

I would borrow this money through loans or my family.

6. The semester is ending, and you want to thank your favorite teacher for all her help. Would you buy her a bracelet for $50? Why or why not?
What would she think if you did?

← No I wouldn’t. This seems like a very extravagant gift and my teacher would probably think I was bribing her.

7. While waiting at customs, you notice that the customs official is giving people a hard time at the front of the line. Do you slip the official some
money when it is your turn, to avoid hassles? Why or why not? In the United States, do people tip government employees in order to get a job done
well or quickly?

← No, because that is illegal and I could get in trouble for bribery. In the US it is not common to tip government employees to
get a job done well or quickly.

8. In the US, is it OK to ask friends how much money they make? Why or why not?

No, this is private information that will make those asked uncomfortable.

9. Is it OK to ask friends what they paid for their car? Their house or apartment? If not, why not?

← Generally no, although with some people it is seen as okay. How people spend their money is up to them, and I really don’t
have an interest in probing.
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10. Is it OK to ask these questions of someone you have just met, or of an acquaintance? Explain.

← Absolutely not. That would be extremely out of line, and cause for the person asked to put up a guard.

11. How would you feel if a guest at your house asked you how much you had paid for your stereo?
← I would probably be thrown off a little, but I don’t think I would refuse to answer.

12. How important is it to you to have a job which pays a lot of money?
← Not very important, although I will need a job that can provide for food, housing, medical insurance, and some fun expenses.

UniBraw 2007 - Steven Ellis 1

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