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Name: Mallorie Age: 23 Sex: Androgynous Ethnicity: Mixed Nuts

American Attitudes Towards Money

1. You suggest to a classmate of the same sex, “Let’s go out for lunch after class.” When the check comes for the meal, who pays? Why? Is that
typical in the US?

← We both pay for ourselves. This is typical for people who are just friends, even if someone invites them.

2. You go out on a date to the movies with someone of the opposite sex. Who would you expect to pay for the evening? Why? Is that typical?

← We both pay for ourselves. It is more traditional for the male to pay, but I would rather be non-traditional and pay for myself.
Or, if the guy paid for dinner, I would pay for drinks or the movie or something.

3. You borrow a dollar from a friend to make a phone call. The next time you see your friend, do you return the money? Why or why not? Would
your friend accept it? Why or why not?

← If I said, can I have a dollar, I wouldn’t pay them back. If I actually borrowed it, then I would pay them as soon as I remem-
bered and had it in my bag.

4. You need $100 for an emergency. To whom would you go to borrow the money? Would you return it? What would happen if you did not pay it

← I would ask my parents or roommate. I would return it as soon as I could. If I didn’t pay it back, my roommate might ask for

5. The college that you want to attend costs $5,000 more than you have. Where, of from whom, would you try to borrow the money?

← Borrow the money from a bank or the government if possible.

6. The semester is ending, and you want to thank your favorite teacher for all her help. Would you buy her a bracelet for $50? Why or why not?
What would she think if you did?

← No, it would be too fancy of a gift. I would make her something or get her lunch or something more casual. Even just a nice
card would be perfect.

7. While waiting at customs, you notice that the customs official is giving people a hard time at the front of the line. Do you slip the official some
money when it is your turn, to avoid hassles? Why or why not? In the United States, do people tip government employees in order to get a job done
well or quickly?

← No, I wouldn’t tip them anything. They might get angrier. People in the US do not tip government employees because its il-
legal and could be seen as offensive. AND, you might get arrested. Yay!

8. In the US, is it OK to ask friends how much money they make? Why or why not?

← It is seen as a faux pas, but I don’t think it’s that bad to ask. Especially if you are starting out in the workforce and want to get
a better understanding of how much people make doing different jobs. But, I would only ask a close friend.

9. Is it OK to ask friends what they paid for their car? Their house or apartment? If not, why not?

← Same as above. Although I think it is less of a faux pas. This is more of public information that you really could find on
google if you wanted, so why not ask if you really want to know for some reason. But it wouldn’t be a common question to ask, un-
less you were also looking to buy a car or flat.

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10. Is it OK to ask these questions of someone you have just met, or of an acquaintance? Explain.

← Ok to ask an acquaintance. Not ok to ask someone you just met. That would be seen as rude and would reveal information
that many Americans do not want to share with strangers.

11. How would you feel if a guest at your house asked you how much you had paid for your stereo?
← I wouldn’t care. Maybe they want a Bose Sounddock in their bathroom too. Then I would offer to get them a discount on an
Apple Hi-Fi. 

12. How important is it to you to have a job which pays a lot of money?
← Only important to make as much as I need to live, with a little extra for saving and entertainment. Totally dependent on where
you live, but completely relative.

UniBraw 2007 - Steven Ellis 1

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