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Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 1, No.

2, 2019 | 148 — 155

A Study of Strength Activity Index of Pozzolan and

Silica Sand with Ordinary Portland Cement Using
ASTM C595 / C595M-12 Method
Novo Susant“J, Selvia Musnicha Sar“k and Febri Maulana
’ Depnrtinent of Plc sics, Faculn ofscieiice nnd Techuolop’, Um’n’ersin’ ofJambi

Abstract. Strength Activiiy Index (SAI) is a method that aims to see the quality of
additional materials mixed into the cement. The additional materials examined in this study
were pozzolan from Lubuk Alung, pozzolan from Sicincin, and silica sand from
Payakumbuh. This study refers to the ASTM C595/C595M-12 standard. The process
started with placing specimens and mold (on a base plate) in a humid room or closet and
protecting the surface from water droplets. After the mold was removed from the humid
room. or closet, the cubes were removed from the mold. The cubes were placed in suitable
metal or glass containers, and the containers were sealed and stored at a teipperature of
38.0A2.OOC for 27 days. The specimens were cooled to 23.H2.OOC before the tests were
carried out. The compressive strength results of pozzolan from Lubuk Alung, pozzolan
from Sicincin. and silica sand from Payakuinbuh were 327 kpcrrr , 296 kg cin2 and 199
k cm2 respectively. Thus, the specimens which fiilfilled the SAI requirement according
to ASTM C-618 were pozzolan from Lubuk Aliing and pozzolan from Sicincin with
91.34% and 82.6g%, respectively. In contrast. silica sand from Payakumbuh did not
fulfill the requirement of ASTM C-618 at a iuinimuin of 75% because the result
obtained was only 55.58%.

Keyword: ASTM C595/C595M-12. Pozzolan, Silica Sand

Received 12 Mei 2019 | Revised [23 August 2019] | Accepted [31 August 2019]


The development of infrastructures in developing countries. such as Indonesia, has experienced

rapid progress in the construction of buildings, houses or other constructions. In addition to the
completion target of the consmictions, infrastructures require good quality and durable raw
materials. One of the main and important raw materials in building infrastructures is cement.
Cement acts as the basic material in the construction of buildings. Furthermore, materials used
in making cement will affect the quality of cement 1-4].

*Corresponding author at: II. Jambi-Ma. Bulian Kill 15 Mendalo Oarnt Jambi 36351 Indonesia

E-mail address: nox-a

Copyright % ?019 Published by Talents Publisher, ISSN: *656-0747 e-ISSN: 2656-0755

Journal Homepage: https:..’,',’JoTP
Journal of Technon atel iol Physics Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — 155 1.33
The production of cement iii Indonesia is one of the expos commodities. especially for
Southeast Asia. An alternative binder is. tlierefoi’e, necessary for structural and non-strucniral
buildings [5-7]. In order to produce reliable and good quality cement at an international 1ei’e1.
}9i’oducers should be able to meet the i’alues of niteriiatioiial resting standards. One of the
internationally reco_•nized testing standards is ASTM (American Staiidar‹J for Testinp•
hfaterials). There are several sections in ASTM, oiie of which is ASThI C595 C595M-12
recording Actin itv Index u’ith Ponland Cement [S]. The Activity Index u’irli Portland Ceiueiir
is a method to determine the activities of additional materials in cement. Additional materials
examined in rhis study v ere pozzolan from Lubuk Among. pozzolan from Sicincin, and silica
sand fi’om Pa\akuirnbuh.

Pozzolan has a role in increasing the sti’eneili of mortar’ by forming calcium silicate (Ca SiO,)
and calcium aliiminate hydrate (3C’aO.2SiO;. 3H O). Tlircaugli the reaction benveeii pozzolan,
calcium hydroxide C’a(OH); in cement arid water otien results iii long-term benefits includmg
iiicreBsed coinpressi›’e strenp•tli. The increased compressi› e strength can be seen froili the
coiiipressi›-e slrenp•tli test i’esiilrs.

Conipressi› e sti’eiigrli tesr is a mechanical property of morrar which fimctioiis to see rlie effect
of addin_• materials ro the cement. The compressive streiip•tli of moi’tai‘ is tesred by making a
mortar’ v’liicli v’ill be pressed to shred. The compressive strenp•rli of mortar refers to the
ASThI C’109 ’C’ 109a testing standard usinp• 5 x 5 x ? cm' cube mold [9]. The rest is carried
out alien the mortar is 25 days old in u hich the mortar is removed from rite can stored in the os
cii at a teiiiperamre of T = 35.0 - 2.00°C when the mortar is 27 days old. Before the testin_•, the
mortar is also left until ir reaches a temperature of T = 23.0 - 2.00 C. The compressive strength
test is done using Hydr. Comp & Bendiii_• Strenmli Machine until the maxiiiiinn load is
obtained. The test is conducted 3 dirties for each sample so that the average compressive
streiip•tli is obtained.


2.1 Poi’tlaiid Cement

Portland cement is hydraulic cement produced by sniootliiiie clinker. especially from hydraulic
calcium silicates can harden if it reacts with u aterl u itli ipsum as the additional material [10-
12]. Cement contains SiO . C’aO. .41 O , arid a small amount of.UgO, Fe O , and .SO . There
are sevei’al eyes ot cement, such as Ponland Cement, \X"liite Cement, arid Pozzolan Cement.
Pozzolan contains SiO . AI O , .UgO, Fe O,. and SO;. The high content of SiO; iii pozzolan
w'ill i’eact u’itli Ca(OH); foniuiig CSH v hich Rinctioiis in cement hardening [13-16].

2.2 Pozzolan

Pozzolan is a material that contains silica and aliinuiia and increases the strength of cement by
donning calcium silicate and calciiuu oliiniinate liydrate ironi the reaction of pozzolan and
Journal of Technon atel iol Physics Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — 155 I Q
calcium 1iy‹iroxide in cement and u ater (ASTkI C618-12) [17-15]. The quality i‘equirements for
pozzolan are shouii in Table 1.

Table 1. Quality Requirements o1’Pozzolan C’onteiit of Compound Pei’ceiitage

Content of Percentage
Compound SiO; — .XJiiiiinuin 70o‹
Al O — Fe;O SO,
Loss on I•nitioii
Stre Activi k(iiiinnmt 75. 0

2.3 Silica Sanil

Silica sand is the raw’ material of cement u’1iicli contains much silica oxide anrl aliuiiina and
acts as the addirix°e aim material to convex chemical composition shortage in the production of
cement. The coiiipounds contained iii silica stories are -70%o SiO•, -13 0.o Al2O3. -16%o F82O
. and *1%o CaO [19-20].

Strength Activity Index (SAI) is a method to see the quality Of additional materials mixed into
cement which refers to the ASTkI Câ95. Câ95h(-12 standard [8]. The testiiip• conducted in SAI
is the C’onipressive Strength Test.

The comparison of the compressive srrenp•th of mortnr with different variations cam be
calculated usiii_• rite foriiiiila:

f’c B

\X'liicli t’c is coinpressi›’e strength of mortar’ (kg. cm'), B is average load gi› cii (LN) and A is
area of loaded surface (cm') Pi’epai’ation of Samples

The samples tested u ere pozzolan front Lubuk Among. pozzolan from Sicincin, and silica saiid
mom PayaLunbiili. Ordiiia Portland Cement ( OPC ) from PT. Semen Padane u’as added to the
samples. There were nvo types of test objects in rliis snidy: the test materials v ithout the
Oddltlon of the third inarei’ial ( blank) and the test materials u itli rlie addition of the third

A. Bhnk
250 _ of Poillaiid cement
Journal of Technon atel iol Physics Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — 155

B. Test materials with the additional materials

162.5 _• of Portland ceiiieiit
The mass of the rhird material:

B j of POi"tfn nd ceme.nt
657.5 _• of Ottawa sand
â' riil ot water on the flow table ( 100 until 115 )

2.6 Stoi’age of Samples

After molded. samples tllBt U’ere srill iii the mold were placed iii the curing chamber at a
teiiiperanire of T = 23.0 - 2.00 cC for 24 hours. Atter that. the saiiiples u ei’e removed from the
mold and stored in an enclosed space which were protected from u’ater droplets at a
teinperafin‘e of T = 38.0 2.00°C’ for 27 days. Before the compressive stren•ptli tesl was carried
out, the samples were cooled to a reitperature of T = 23.0 - 2.00°C .

2.7 C’ompi’essive Sti’ength Test

The compressive stren_•tli test refers to the AST.YI C 109 C 109hI method using equation 1
above [4]. The sample te8t1i1p• was can’ied out on samples thar u’ere 2S days old.

2.8 C’alriilations
The Actix°ity Index wirh Portland cement can be calculated using equation 3 as follows.

A.I.W.P. C —— —A
B 100 (3)

\X'liicli .X is average compressis’e strenp•tli tesr from blank (La.’ciii') and B is axera_•e
conipressi›’e strenp•tli test from test objects u’ith additional materials (log cm')


3.1 Results of Density

Table 2 shows the results of the samples density usinp• the Gas Pvcnonieter. The density test is
useful for calculating the mass of the third material which is mixed into Ordinarv Portland
Cement OPC’).

Table 2. Data of Density Test Results

No h4aterial Mass (_•) Density’ (_• cm’)

1. Blaiilr 3.0573 3.1. 760
2. Pozzolan from LiibuL Alunc 5.9365 2.4633
3. Pozzolan from Siciiiciii 5.1287 2.4954
4. Silica Sand 5.6538 2.7003
Journal of Technon atel iol Physics Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — 155 I
Based on the gas pyciionieter results, the larp•est densitv u as obtained by silica sand from
PayaRinit alt u’itli 2.7003 _•. cm'. In contrast. the density results of pozzolan from LubiiL
.4liinp• and pozzolan from Siciiicm were 2.4633 g, ciii' arid 2.4954 g. cm , i’espectixel;'.

3.2 Analysis of Co r ate C’heniiral C’omposition of the Tñii’il ñlaterial

Based on the data collected from the laboratorv, the supporting rnatei’ial for the usage analvsis
of pozzolan and silica saiid on the X-Ray Fluorescence test IXRF I can be seen in Table 3. The
chemical composition test u’aS Conducted because the increasing amoiint of rotal oxide of
silica, aluminum. and iron present in the test samples iiiight result in the lii_•her activity of the
pozzolan. The minimum total aiiiouiit of SiO• .XI O Fe•O of pozzolan is 70âo. This
percentage is in accordance with ASTâI C 616-12. In tennis of internal specifications of PT.
Semen Padanp•, lion ei er. the total amount of SiO — AI;O; * Fe;O; is >80'. o. Based oii Table
3. all samples fulfilled the rec}uirements according to ASThI C 61S -12 and internal
specifications of PT. Smitten Padaii_•. However. the X-Rav Fluorescence test (XRF1 caiinot be
used as a benchmark ro replace llie pozzolan currently used by PT. Semen Padan_ because oihez
factors might also influence the pozzolan activities.

Table 3. Data or’C oiiiplete Clieiiucal C ornposition Test Results

Test Results
Name of materials HCO SiO_ Al;O; Fe;O, C aO h4gO LOI
( 0,@)
Il (b) (°) (b) (b) (°) (°)
Pozzolan from
89.62 16.93 70.59 16.81 1.92 2.19 0.66 4.10
Lubuk .thing
Pozzolan from
16.95 68.71 17. 75 2.78 1.46 0.93 4.95
Silica Sand 97.87

3.3 Results of the Co r ’ • ssive Str ength Test

The coinpressix e strenRrJi tesr of mortar v as tested at 28 days on 19th JalNiary 2017 u itli
ti’eatiuents according to the ASTM C’595. C’595.U-12 method [3]. Before the tesr. the samples
that were still in the mold v’ere stored at a temperBRire of T=23.0 - 2.00'C for a day. Then, the
thee saiiiples u ere stored at a teinperanu’e of T=35.0 - 2.00°C for 2.7 days. Before the test was
carried out, the samples u ere left until it reached the temperanii‘e of T=23.0 - 2.00'“C . The
coinpressi› e stren_•t1i test was done using Hydr. Coiiip & Bending Strength machine tool
which can reach a compressive sti’enat1i up to 300 LN.

The results of the compressix e strength test of pozzolan end silica sand in the present study ith
OPC using the AST.SJ C’395 C’595-12 method is Prescribed in Table 4.

Table 4. Data of Compressii’e Strength Test Results

Location Physics Laboi’atory of C’einent in PT. Smitten Padang

Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — 155 153

SAI of Pozzolan SAI of SAI of Silica

Name of Example SAI of Blank from Lubuk Pozzolan from Sand from
Alun Sicincin Pa akumbuh
Area (cm ) (A) 25 25 25 25
kN (1) 86.3 81.9 71.3 48.2
kN (2) 86.5 78.9 71.7 48.6
kN (3) 90.3 79.7 74.9 49.2
Average (kN) (B) 87.7 80.2 72.6 48.7
Compressive Strength: 358 327 296 199
Bx tk g /cm 2 )
AIWPC % 91.34 82.68 55.58

Based on the above data, the results of compressive strength were obtained on the treamient
for 28 days using the ASTM C595/C595M-12 method with different additional materials
[8]. The compressive strength of pozzolan from Lubuk Alung, pozzolan from Sicincin, and
silica sand from Payakumbuh was 327 kg/cm2, 296 kg/cm2, and 199 kgcm , respectively.
This means that pozzolan from Lubuk Alung has the largest compressive strength compared
to other additional materials.

The Strength Activity Index (SAI) results can be one of the guidelines to determine the
quality of the third material as shown in Figure 1.



■ Lubuk alung ■ Sicincin B Pasir silika

Figure 1. The Results of Activity Index with Portland Cement Using ASTM
C595/C595-12 Method

According to ASTM C618-12 [17], the quality requirement for pozzolan shown in Table 1
is the SAI result should be a minimum of 75%. Based on the data above, the materials
which met the requirement of ASTM C618-12 [17] were pozzolan from Lubuk Alung and
pozzolan from Sicincin with 91.3% and 82.68% respectively. In contrast. silica sand from
Payakumbuh did not meet the requirement because the result was only 55.58%.


Based on the study results, data analysis, and discussion, it can be concluded that:
Journal of TechnomateriaJ Phrsicr Vol. 1, No. 2, 2019 | 148 — US 154
1. The 28-day compressive strength test values of the three additional materials mixed into
the cement were as follows: pozzolan from Lubuk Alung was 327 kg/cm , pozzolan from
Sicincin was 296 kg/cm2, and silica sand from Payakumbuh was 199 kg/cm2.
2. The Strength Activity Index (SAI) values that fulfilled the requirement of ASTM C618-12
were ponolan from Lubuk Alung with 91.3% and ponolan from Sicincin with 82.68%. In
contrast, silica sand from Payakumbuh did not fulfill the requirement because the value
was only 55.58%.

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