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IT IS THE OLD GAME OF ITS MATRIX TO POSSESS GROWING LAWS THAT ARE ILLEGAL. So-called anti-porn crusaders are lying to the world and to themselves !!! The truth was and is that the systems and all forms of Pharisaic religious orders and members are very much the cause of everything they claim to be fighting to stop. They speak of scars and are so fake that they do not cease from dramatizing their so-called counselling of pained souls. They profess much and call themselves experts yet in their achieved haughty self-righteousness they are turning the world into a cartoon. That serves all forms of self-pity to the cost of those that truly need to be quickly saved or delivered.

I heard a fallacy statistic telling of 57% of U.S. pastors saying that porn is the most sexually damaging issue to their congregation. The same ministers would unlikely admit that their preaching is the most. The same ministers fail to know of what is happening in the lives of those that attend their churches so of what damage is being done and the many causes. Many of the pastors cannot be trusted to be honest. Another statistic given is that 51% say porn is a possible temptation. That is a manifest failure to be honest. Porn is a probable temptation until one overcomes temptation. If porn were only a possible temptation then it would not be that great of an issue.

The Christians that lobby to every unstable conscience also fallaciously say that the primary purpose of porn is to stimulate sexual interest or excitement. That is false. Humans that have an understanding of worth search to find the worth in sex. Marriage and sex is the last nature that humans understand. Since understanding the worth of marriage and sex is seen as an eternal issue to many and seen as the great mystery that it is,-many humans may enter into many forms of sex to understand that mystery. Murdering and torturing people is not a part of that quest to find the worth in sex that is to understand the mystery! As the Government and others plant fears in people on the issue of sex it becomes a matter of system abuse, a failure in the Governments laws, the cause of social sexual transmogrifications, and forms others into criminals.

Although this may appear to be a simple excuse for much of the sexual liberties in the world it is far from that and is key to understanding that the sex & porn laws are a part of evolving lies against the inhabitants of the earth that equate into many legal matters Christians lobbying to every unstable conscience fallaciously say that those that may be into porn are patently offensive to society and community standards. That is nonsense! Most of our world is pornographic! Even the mannequins in the shopping malls wearing lingerie are pornographic. People lobby their faith for the part of the political system that they are in bed with or for their family that is into politics. Such (delude) in claiming community standards and yet that claim is very bizarre since it is contrary to the two thousand year old story of the woman caught in the act of adultery who the people were chasing down and preparing to stone to death. Although the woman was said to be offensive to the society and contrary to the laws of the land Jesus gave a test warning that those without sin were to cast the first stone. What that tells the world is that talk of community standards is a fallacy that may condemn the people claiming it against others. The Laws definition for porn is that it lacks literary, artistic, political and scientific worth. That is another false teaching. It is alarming and disturbing that anyone would have young people and others weigh the worth of their sexual feelings and thoughts in terms of whether or not there is a political and scientific language handling those feelings and thoughts. Such a suggestion is psychotic and likely from people with a religious and political agenda.

Another thing to beware of is the matter of people using a sexual disease as the lens to see all human sexual issues through. Such use the lens of their own (torment) to possess others to a false perception of understanding and patience. It is from that position that such put their own sexual expiry date on other people. That can become a recipe for forming cults that commit to false ways of operating on issues. It is also alarming & disturbing since it works for the control & mischief of the Government.

I am writing of matters that are not spoken of under the scandal that is the system. The people Governing that work mind control and brainwashing want to profess God and Christ yet without them proving to be merciful and understanding it is impossible. Some like to say that God wants people to only enjoy the beauty of the physical form in the context of marriage, yet the Bible tells of King David dancing naked before the Lord. It is often those that have not learned to be truly open or naked under the Judgment of God that use the word marriage as a fig leaf to cover the true nature of their soul that is in need of greater magnification through mysterious testing and time. One fallacy is in claiming that porn (makes) you a partaker in homosexuality, group sex, bestiality, trafficking of women & children, terrorism, drug trafficking and murder. What a convenient thing to blame those things on porn! What makes people monstrous partakers of those things is in denying the matter of the hidden societies that I have proven controls Canadas systems & systems internationally. On the fallacy I can also say that I have examined thousands of porn images and I have not been ((made)) to desire the using of fear to possess someone, and not made into a homosexual nor made into a lover of beasts. What is alarming and disturbing is that the one claiming the fallacy appear to be saying that engaging in porn would make their own soul commit to or partake in those acts. Such also say porn (makes) you into a voyeur. What a convenient thing to blame porn on that. The truth is, that did not begin from porn but began when humans grew (eyes) & (sexual desires). - It is not logical to say otherwise ! The one that wrote of what porn makes people do also claim that Countries that have legalized porn condemn child porn. That is not only a fallacy (it is also a complete contradiction against what the one claims porn makes people do.) The one claimed that 90% of children 8 to 16 discover porn accidentally. That is the mark of deluding. It is nonsense to act as if teens do not know of porn. Its also contrary to what is proven in my GFR. The claim is a form of political and religious propaganda that acts as if it has the ability to conclude the sexual nature & intentions of all young people. The so-called anti-porn crusading Christian wrote that they never liked sex and never wanted sex. That is the mark of a person failing to be honest since the truth is that sex is pleasure and when one forms a trustworthy nature then they still know sex is pleasure but they see that it does not compare to Holiness or Love. And it is only when one is nearing perfection that they begin to form a deeper righteous rejection against sexual sin. King David was the blessed writer of the Psalms, yet he sinned with Bathsheba. It is also an immature and haughty thing to say since it suggests that only men are lustful or perverted. There are also those that blame their use of drugs and alcohol on male sexual abuse. That works to put the guiltiness of sin on the male like magic. The matter reminds me of the show; - A thousand ways to die yet the title could be; A thousand ways to prove hypocrisy. In many ways the Bible warns that God has that ability. My Great Final Report reveals and proves the truth and any that deny that are in one way or another lying! God warns that he looks to those that show the faith to confess and warns that the heart is deceitful above all things. The Bible warns that all liars shall suffer the destruction of hell and commands to let your self be proven a liar!

Author/ Shawn G. Cullen

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