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Arjuna JEE 3.

Lec no - 1

Arvind Suthar
01 Inequalities

02 Wavy curve method

Title of the slide

1. Inequalities & wary curve method

2. 4  3 True or false?
3. 4  4 True or false?
4. + X is positive or negative?
5. – X is positive or negative?
6. x is positive or negative?
7. +x –2 is positive or negative?
8. a>ba+c>b+c
9. a>ba–c>b–c
10. 𝑎 . 𝑐 > 𝑏. 𝑐 if 𝑐 > 0
𝑎>𝑏 ቊ
𝑎 . 𝑐 < 𝑏. 𝑐 if 𝑐 < 0
Same happens with division
11. a > b  (–a) ? (–b)
12. (x) > 5  (x)(x) ? 5(x)
13. (x – 2) < 6  2(x – 2)? 2(6)

1. ab > 0  a & b have same signs

2. ab < 0  a & b have opposite signs.

1 1
14.  a  b If a & b have signs i.e. ab  0
ab 
 1  1 If a & b have opposite signs.
 a b
15. a  b  a 2
 b 2
If a & b are both positive
 2 2
 a  b If a & b are negative.
16. Intervals and their representation
16. Intervals and their representation
17. Intervals and their representation
18. Intervals and their representation
19. Intervals and their representation
20. Intervals and their representation
21. Intervals and their representation
22. Intervals and their representation
23. Intervals and their representation
–1 < x < 1 or 4 < x < 5
Any doubts ask at

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