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Bring Me is an avenue where accountancy students and faculty members have the opportunity
to take a break from academic stresses and find entertainment once in a while. Accountancy students
participated by taking a picture while in possession of a required item or performing a required activity.
In doing so, their respective Houses earn points. The first to submit a valid entry earns twenty (20)
points while the subsequent valid entries earn five (5) points. This event took place during Accountancy
Week on November 9 to November 13.

The fun part in this activity lies in the ridiculousness of each entry. Almost all entries were so
hilarious that they gained so much engagement from the whole School of Accountancy. The comment
section of DWCC JPIA, where the entries were posted, was filled with fire and fury as each Houses
compete wo earn as much points as possible. In the end, the House of Ravenclaw won the game with a
total score of 795, followed by Slytherin with 705 points, followed by Gryffindor with 505 points and
Hufflepuff with 345 points.

To sum it up, Bring Me serves as one of the media for accountancy students and faculty
members to socialize, express themselves, and most importantly, have fun.

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