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Biodiversity is 

spectacular environments that offer oxygen, safe drinking water, plant

reproduction, insect infestation, sewage treatment, and a variety of other natural ecosystems.
Many leisure activities, including birding, trekking, backpacking, and fisheries, rely on our
unique biodiversity. It is the cornerstone of one's nutrition. The protection and maintenance of
biodiversity can give numerous benefits to human health by preserving the existence
of commodities and services that biodiversity delivers. On the other hand, worldwide habitat
destruction poses a direct risk to human health and well-being. No world's civilization can thrive
without a healthy global environment designed to accommodate a diverse range of species.
The cycle depicted above highlights the potential advantages of biodiversity. People in
society help to keep the environment healthy for everyone. It promotes agricultural production,
nutritional wellbeing, and the long-term viability of communities. Moreover, it offers useful
materials for clinical research as well as different traditional medicine. Communities value
biodiversity on societal, intellectual, and psychological levels. It leads people to the fundamental
essence of a healthy ecosystem, which is the people's habitat in society. We, the people, are
accountable for all environmental hazards and threats, as well as for maintaining the health of
our ecosystem.
Food security, climate change mitigation and economic growth, and poverty reduction all
benefit from biodiversity conservation. We will have a healthy ecology that everyone may enjoy
once it is conserved. A healthy environment leads to a healthy society and individuals. When
society is strong and healthy, it restores the environment that encourages biodiversity. It is a
cycle in which key components of existence are given and taken. We cannot expect the
environment to provide us with a healthy ecosystem if humans provide hazards and risks to it.
People should strike a balance between tradition and current environmental protection. We need
a healthy environment, and the environment needs healthy people.

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