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Python Components

01.- Python Networking and File I/O.

Network Reconnaissance with Python

02.- Building a Port Scanner

03.- TCP Full Connect Scan
04.- Banner Grabbing
05.- Integrating Nmap Port Scanner

Web Reconnaissance with Python

06.- Scraping Web Pages

07.- Phishing Attack
08.- Mass Mailer Attack
09.- Research and Discovery

Password Cracking with Python

10.- Introduction – Python Script

11.- Python Script to Attack on Facebook
12.- Python Script to Attack on Twitter
13.- Python Script to Attack on Instagram

Antivirus Evasion in Python

14.- Antivirus Evasion Python Script

15.- Generate a Payload with Python
16.- Transfer Payload into the Victim Machine
17.- Take Complete Access of the Victim Machine

Forensic Investigations with Python

18.- Introduction – Forensic Investigation

19.- Read Registry
20.- Parse Metadata
21.- Investigating Application Artifacts

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