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The number of persons who are in need of blood are increasing in large number day by day.
In order to help people who are in need of blood, my Online Blood Bank App can be used
effectively for getting the details of blood donors having the same blood group and with in
the same city. With the help of my Online Blood Bank people who are having the thought of
donating can do it with ease.

My Online Blood Bank app is available to everyone easily. A person who likes to donate
blood gives his entire details i.e., fill in the registration form and can create a username with a
password by which he can modify his details if at all there are any changes in his information
given before.

My app also helps people who are in need of blood by giving the details of the donors
by searching, if at all there are no donors having the same group and with in their own city
they will be given the addresses with phone numbers of some contact persons in major cities
who represent a club or an organization with free of cost. If at all the people find any
difficulty in getting blood from the contact persons we will give them a LIVE FEED WALL
through which they can give the message on every ones pagers with the blood group and city
they are living in, such that the donors who view the messages in their pagers having the
same blood group and the in the same city, he contacts the person on phone who are in need
of a blood. Such that the person gets help from us which saves his life.

The present project elucidates the following features.

 Registering the Donors

 Modification of Donor Information

 Searching a Donor

 Life Saving Contacts (in major cities)

 Booking An Ambulance

 Live Feed Wall

 Symptoms Of Diseases

 Home Remedies

1.1.1 Need of a Project

The persons who like to donate blood registers in my site as well as he can modify the details
if necessary, giving the Login Id and Password. The persons in need of blood searches for the
persons having the same blood group and with in the city. If he found a donor in his city then
he gets the total details of the donor, if he doesn’t find any donor then he is given the contact
numbers and addresses of the Life Saving Contact Persons for major cities. If he doesn’t
have any chance to contact them then he will be provided with Live Feed Services in order to
get the blood.

The basic need of this project is to automate the whole procedure of blood donation. Blood
Banks can know the donors feelings and opinions about the blood bank's policies and
practices. It keeps a check on the supervisor’s attitude and behavior towards their
subordinates. Donors and Requesters gets a chance to do their part with ease. Also to build
good moral, maintains code of discipline. Brings uniformity in handling operations. If also
develops faith of both. Reduces personality conflicts. Also provides judicial protection to the
donor as well as staff.

1.1.2 Why it was Build?

 Earlier organising blood donation camp info was given in normal,slower ways.

 Earlier loss of important details are possible and does not have any right proof due to
manual and time wasting work.

 Earlier these systems were not efficient due to high maintenance and higher

 Cost and maintaining large amount of databases was difficult.

 Large manpower was required.

 Earlier the information are taken only working days due to which the emergency
problem it waits till long time and difficult take the appropriate action.

 Administrator spend lots of time in writing entries and details in books.

 Earlier system was not suitable for getting information of each and every people.

 Earlier donating was not so easy to search due making it in notebooks.

The solution for this entire problem is to automate the system and migrate it to the app,
automation database maintenance will reduce manpower, man days will result in accurate
information and all above all increase the efficiency of the blood banks and increase storage
for organization. It does not require any hardware or software maintenance that is very costly
task due to everything is manage by app providers. Also no staff and donor need to come in
blood bank for any query he/she can able to see blood camps using this app online very easily
anytime and anywhere.

1.1.3 Features of the Project

 Role based Login for architect as well as developer and admin in app.

 Authentication Mechanism.

 Secure storage and creation system.

 Camps and Database Management.

 Entering, Deleting and Editing of details in firebase.

 Does not require hard-ware maintenance.

 Gives fast services and fastest servers that is time efficient.

 It improves operational and streamlining operations.

 It maintains all the project, administrator, donor, requestor and blood bank database.

 It maintains all the global standards of the project development.

 It reduces manpower and manual paper works for maintaining the records online
anytime, anywhere in the world.

 It enables self-services for any organization to perform basic and advance

learning/understanding/practice functions and tasks in a one-step.

 It combines data sources and process them through a single function that
supports one-time entry of data.

 It enable the employee to air his/her blood request.

 Include Implementation and support services that meet developer, programmer,

architect and everyone needs.

 It clarify the nature of the request being made.

 To investigate the reasons for dissatisfaction.

 To obtain, where possible, a speedy resolution to the problem.

 It takes appropriate action and ensure that promises are kept.

 To inform the employee of his or her right to take the donation to the next stage of the
procedure, in the event of an unsuccessful resolution.


The given below table shows the Software Specifications of Project:-

Name of Component Specification

Operating System Windows 10 and Windows 8 RT Server
Database SQL
Software Used Android SDK and Sublime Text 3
Framework Used Flutter
Technology Android


The given below table shows the Hardware Specifications of Project:-

Name of Component Specification

Processor Intel i5 7th Gen and Intel Xenon
RAM 8GB or above
Hard Disk 500GB or more
Monitor Colored with any size
Keyboard Classic keyboard


Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is
used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of
creating applications for Google Fuchsia.The first version of Flutter was known as "Sky" and
ran on the Android operating system. It was unveiled at the 2015 Dart developer summit,
with the stated intent of being able to render consistently at 120 frames per second.[7] During
the keynote of Google Developer Days in Shanghai, Google announced Flutter Release
Preview 2 which is the last big release before Flutter 1.0. On December 4th, 2018, Flutter 1.0
was released at the Flutter Live event, denoting the first "stable" version of the Framework.

The major components of Flutter include:

• Dart platform
• Flutter engine
• Foundation library
• Design-specific widgets
Flutter apps are written in the Dart language and make use of many of the language's more
advanced features.

On Android, and on Windows, macOS and Linux via the semi-official Flutter Desktop
Embedding project, Flutter runs in the Dart virtual machine which features a just-in-time
execution engine. Due to App Store restrictions on dynamic code execution, Flutter apps use
ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation on iOS.

A notable feature of the Dart platform is its support for "hot reload" where modifications to
source files can be injected into a running application. Flutter extends this with support for
stateful hot reload, where in most cases changes to source code can be reflected immediately
in the running app without requiring a restart or any loss of state.This feature as implemented
in Flutter has received widespread praise

Flutter's engine, written primarily in C++, provides low-level rendering support using
Google's Skia graphics library. Additionally, it interfaces with platform-specific SDKs such
as those provided by Android and iOS.The Flutter Engine is a portable runtime for hosting
Flutter applications. It implements Flutter's core libraries, including animation and graphics,
file and network I/O, accessibility support, plugin architecture, and a Dart runtime and
compile toolchain. Most developers will interact with Flutter via the Flutter Framework,
which provides a modern, reactive framework, and a rich set of platform, layout and
foundation widgets. The Foundation library, written in Dart, provides basic classes and
functions which are used to construct applications using Flutter, such as APIs to communicate
with the engine.

UI design in Flutter typically involves assembling and/or creating various widgets. A widget
in Flutter represents an immutable description of part of the user interface; all graphics,
including text, shapes, and animations are created using widgets. More complex widgets can
be created by combining many simpler ones.

However, the use of widgets is not strictly required to build Flutter apps. An alternative
option is to use the Foundation library's methods directly, interfacing with "canvas"
commands to draw shapes, text, and imagery directly to the screen. This property of Flutter
has been utilized in a few frameworks, such as the open-source Flame game engine.

The Flutter framework contains two sets of widgets which conform to specific design
languages. Material Design widgets implement Google's design language of the same name,
and Cupertino widgets imitate Apple's iOS design.

Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Firebase, Inc.
in 2011, then acquired by Google in 2014.As of October 2018, the Firebase platform has 18
products,which are used by 1.5 million apps.

Firebase evolved from Envolve, a prior startup founded by James Tamplin and Andrew Lee in
2011. Envolve provided developers an API that enables the integration of online chat
functionality into their websites. After releasing the chat service, Tamplin and Lee found that
it was being used to pass application data that weren't chat messages. Developers were using
Envolve to sync application data such as game state in real time across their users. Tamplin
and Lee decided to separate the chat system and the real-time architecture that powered
it.They founded Firebase as a separate company in September 2011 and it launched to the
public in April 2012.

Firebase's first product was the Firebase Realtime Database, an API that synchronizes
application data across iOS, Android, and Web devices, and stores it on Firebase's cloud. The
product assists software developers in building real-time, collaborative applications.

In May 2012, one month after the beta launch, Firebase raised $1.1M in seed funding from
venture capitalists Flybridge Capital Partners, Greylock Partners, Founder Collective, and
New Enterprise Associates.

In June 2013, the company further raised $5.6M in Series A funding from venture capitalists
Union Square Ventures and Flybridge Capital Partners.

In 2014, Firebase launched two products. Firebase Hosting and Firebase Authentication.This
positioned the company as a mobile backend as a service.

In October 2014, Firebase was acquired by Google.

In October 2015, Google acquired Divshot to merge it with the Firebase team.

In May 2016, at Google I/O, the company's annual developer conference, Firebase expanded
their services to become a unified platform for mobile developers. Firebase now integrates
with various other Google services, including Google Cloud Platform, AdMob, and Google
Ads to offer broader products and scale for developers.[16] Google Cloud Messaging, the
Google service to send push notifications to Android devices, was superseded by a Firebase
product, Firebase Cloud Messaging, which added the functionality to deliver push
notifications to iOS and Web devices.

In January 2017, Google acquired Fabric and Crashlytics from Twitter to add those services
to Firebase.

In October 2017, Firebase launched Cloud Firestore, a realtime document database as the
successor product to the original Firebase Realtime Database.

Firebase Analytics is a cost-free app measurement solution that provides insight into app
usage and user engagement.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

Formerly known as Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a
cross-platform solution for messages and notifications for Android, iOS, and web
applications, which as of 2016 can be used at no cost.Firebase Auth is a service that can
authenticate users using only client-side code. It supports social login providers Facebook,
GitHub, Twitter and Google (and Google Play Games). Additionally, it includes a user
management system whereby developers can enable user authentication with email and
password login stored with Firebase.Firebase provides a realtime database and backend as a
service. The service provides application developers an API that allows application data to be
synchronized across clients and stored on Firebase's cloud. The company provides client
libraries that enable integration with Android, iOS, JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, Swift and
Node.js applications. The database is also accessible through a REST API and bindings for
several JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, React, Ember.js and Backbone.js.The
REST API uses the Server-Sent Events protocol, which is an API for creating HTTP
connections for receiving push notifications from a server. Developers using the realtime
database can secure their data by using the company's server-side-enforced security rules.
Cloud Firestore which is Firebase's next generation of the Realtime Database was released for
beta use. Firebase Storage provides secure file uploads and downloads for Firebase apps,
regardless of network quality. The developer can use it to store images, audio, video, or other
user-generated content. Firebase Storage is backed by Google Cloud Storage.Firebase
Hosting is a static and dynamic web hosting service that launched on May 13, 2014. It
supports hosting static files such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript and other files, as well as
support through Cloud Functions. The service delivers files over a content delivery network
(CDN) through HTTP Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer encryption (SSL). Firebase
partners with Fastly, a CDN, to provide the CDN backing Firebase Hosting. The company

states that Firebase Hosting grew out of customer requests; developers were using Firebase
for its real-time database but needed a place to host their content.

The following problems occur in a typical blood donation management system:
•Personal profile accessibility ( P1 )
The donor’s information can only be updated by the administrators of the blood
bank. A donor can update their information by calling, faxing, e-mailing, but not by
themselves. This is a waste of time just for updating a piece of information and it may be
troublesome for some donors.
•Lost or damaged card ( P2 )
A typical membership card can easily get damaged if it is exposed to the sunlight
or weather and this causes to ruin the card’s barcode which is significantly
important for retrieving records. If the card gets lost or stolen, the donor has to
make a replacement card to keep their membership at the blood bank.
•Donation record accessibility ( P3 )
The donor ID card is the only tangible evidence that contains the donor’s recent
donation records, if the card gets lost, donors may find it difficult to schedule their
next appointment since they are not able to see the last time they had donated
•Blood result notifications ( P4 )
After the process of blood donation, the donor will receive a card that only
contains their name and blood type. They will not be notified of their blood result
unless they request that information from the blood bank.
•Blood stock management ( P5 )
Blood banks are required to maintain account of blood bags in the inventory. This
increases with each blood donation recorded in our system, and decreases as they
are checked out upon hospital requests. Our system will need to keep the
information up-to-date to ensure correctness of the inventory.
•Mailing by postal system ( P6 )
Blood banks will only mail donors when the donated blood is disqualified,

however, this mail is sent through the postal system to the donor’s given address. If
the donor’s address is recorded incorrectly, the mail will be sent to the wrong
address and the donor will never be notified that their blood is rejected and given
the reason for that.


Whatever we think need not be feasible. It is wise to think about the feasibility of any
problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the organization
by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or negative. When the
positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here the feasibility
study can be performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

2.2.1 Technical Feasibility

We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much difficulty in
getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as well. All the
resources needed for the development of the website as well as the maintenance of the same
is available in the organization here we are utilizing the resources which are available already.

2.2.2 Economical Feasibility

Development of this application is highly economically feasible .The organization needed not
spend much money for the development of the system already available. The only thing is to
be done is making an environment for the development with an effective supervision. If we
are doing so, we can attain the maximum usability of the corresponding resources. Even after
the development, the organization will not be in condition to invest more in the organization.
Therefore, the system is economically feasible.





1.Testing Methodologies
o Black box Testing:
o White box Testing.
o Gray Box Testing.
2.Levels of Testing
o Unit Testing.
o Module Testing.
o Integration Testing.
o System Testing.
o User Acceptance Testing.
3.Types Of Testing
o Smoke Testing.
o Sanitary Testing.
o Regression Testing.
o Re-Testing.
o Static Testing.
o Dynamic Testing.
o Alpha-Testing.
o Beta-Testing.
o Monkey Testing.
o Compatibility Testing.
o Installation Testing.
o Adhoc Testing.
o Ext….
4.TCD (Test Case Documentation)
o Test Planning.
o Test Development.
o Test Execution.
o Result Analysis.

o Bug-Tracing.
o Reporting.
6.Microsoft Windows – Standards
7.Manual Testing
8.Automation Testing (Tools)
o Win Runner.
o Test Director



 The process of executing a system with the intent of finding an error.

 Testing is defined as the process in which defects are identified, isolated, subjected for
rectification and ensured that product is defect free in order to produce the quality
product and hence customer satisfaction.
 Quality is defined as justification of the requirements
 Defect is nothing but deviation from the requirements
 Defect is nothing but bug.
 Testing --- The presence of bugs
 Testing can demonstrate the presence of bugs, but not their absence
 Debugging and Testing are not the same thing!
 Testing is a systematic attempt to break a program or the AUT
 Debugging is the art or method of uncovering why the script /program did not execute
Testing Methodologies

 Black box Testing: is the testing process in which tester can perform testing on an
application without having any internal structural knowledge of application.
Usually Test Engineers are involved in the black box testing.

 White box Testing: is the testing process in which tester can perform testing on an
application with having internal structural knowledge.
Usually The Developers are involved in white box testing.

 Gray Box Testing: is the process in which the combination of black box and white
box techniques are used.
Levels of Testing

Module1 Module2 Module3

Units Units Units

i/p Integration o/p i/p Integration o/p

System Testing: Presentation + business +Databases

UAT: user acceptance testing

Fig : levels of testing


Test Planning: 1.Test Plan is defined as a strategic document which
describes the procedure how to perform various testing on the
total application in the most efficient way.

2. Objective of testing,

3. Areas that need to be tested,

4. Areas that should not be tested,

5. Scheduling Resource Planning,

7. Areas to be automated, various testing tools used

Test Development: 1. Test case Development (check list)

2. Test Procedure preparation. (Description of the test cases)

Test Execution: 1. Implementation of test cases. Observing the result.

Result Analysis: 1. Expected value: is nothing but expected behavior

of application.

2. Actual value: is nothing but actual behavior of the


Bug Tracing: Collect all the failed cases, prepare documents.

Reporting: Prepare document (status of the application)

Types of Testing

 Smoke Testing: is the process of initial testing in which tester looks for the availability of
all the functionality of the application in order to perform detailed testing on them. (Main
check is for available forms)
 Sanity Testing: is a type of testing that is conducted on an application initially to check for
the proper behavior of an application that is to check all the functionality are available
before the detailed testing is conducted by on them.
 Regression Testing: is one of the best and important testing. Regression testing is the
process in which the functionality, which is already tested before, is once again tested
whenever some new change is added in order to check whether the existing functionality
remains same.

 Re-Testing: is the process in which testing is performed on some functionality which is
already tested before to make sure that the defects are reproducible and to rule out the
environments issues if at all any defects are there.
 Static Testing: is the testing, which is performed on an application when it is not been
executed. ex: GUI, Document Testing
 Dynamic Testing: is the testing which is performed on an application when it is being
executed. Ex: Functional testing.
 Alpha Testing: it is a type of user acceptance testing, which is conducted on an application
when it is just before released to the customer.
 Beta-Testing: it is a type of UAT that is conducted on an application when it is released to
the customer, when deployed in to the real time environment and being accessed by the
real time users.
 Monkey Testing: is the process in which abnormal operations, beyond capacity operations
are done on the application to check the stability of it in spite of the users abnormal
 Compatibility testing: it is the testing process in which usually the products are tested on
the environments with different combinations of databases (application servers,
browsers…etc) In order to check how far the product is compatible with all these
environments platform combination.
 Installation Testing: it is the process of testing in which the tester try to install or try to
deploy the module into the corresponding environment by following the guidelines
produced in the deployment document and check whether the installation is successful or
 Adhoc Testing: Adhoc Testing is the process of testing in which unlike the formal testing
where in test case document is used, without that test case document testing can be done
of an application, to cover that testing of the future which are not covered in that test case
document. Also it is intended to perform GUI testing which may involve the cosmotic
TCD (Test Case Document)

Test Case Document Contains

 Test Scope (or) Test objective

 Test Scenario
 Test Procedure
 Test case
This is the sample test case document for the Academic details of student project:

Test scope

 Test coverage is provided for the screen “ Academic status entry” form of a student
module of university management system application
 Areas of the application to be tested
Test Scenario

 When the office personals use this screen for the marks entry, calculate the status
details, saving the information on student’s basis and quit the form.
Test Procedure

 The procedure for testing this screen is planned in such a way that the data entry,
status calculation functionality, saving and quitting operations are tested in terms of
GUI testing, Positive testing, Negative testing using the corresponding GUI test cases,
Positive test cases, Negative test cases respectively

Test Cases

 Template for Test Case

T.C.No Description Exp Act Result

Table : Template for Test Case

Guidelines for Test Cases:

1. GUI Test Cases

 Total no of features that need to be check

 Look & Feel
 Look for Default values if at all any (date & Time, if at all any require)
 Look for spell check
Example for GUI Test cases

No Description Expected value value Result

Check for all the features in The screen must contain

1 the screen all the features

Check for the alignment of The alignment should be

2 the objects as per the validations in proper way

Table : GUI test cases

2. Positive Test Cases

 The positive flow of the functionality must be considered
 Valid inputs must be used for testing
 Must have the positive perception to verify whether the requirements are justified.
Example for Positive Test cases

T.C. Description Expected value Actual Result


1 Check for the date Time The date and time of the
system must be displayed
Auto Display

2 Enter the valid Roll no into the It should accept

student roll no field

3. Negative Test Cases

 Must have negative perception.

 Invalid inputs must be used for test.
Example for Negative Test cases

T.C. Description Expected value Actual Result

No value

1 Try to modify the information in Modification should not

date and time
be allow

2 Enter invalid data in to the It should not accept invalid

student details form, click on data, save should not allow


Table : Negative test cases



The Android software development kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development
tools.These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU,
documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Currently supported development platforms
include computers running Linux (any modern desktop Linux distribution), Mac OS X 10.5.8
or later, and Windows 7 or later. As of March 2015, the SDK is not available on Android
itself, but software development is possible by using specialized Android applications.
Until around the end of 2014, the officially-supported integrated development environment
(IDE) was Eclipse using the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin, though IntelliJ IDEA
IDE (all editions) fully supports Android development out of the box, and NetBeans IDE also
supports Android development via a plugin. As of 2015, Android Studio,made by Google and
powered by IntelliJ, is the official IDE; however, developers are free to use others, but
Google made it clear that ADT was officially deprecated since the end of 2015 to focus on
Android Studio as the official Android IDE. Additionally, developers may use any text editor
to edit Java and XML files, then use command line tools (Java Development Kit and Apache
Ant are required) to create, build and debug Android applications as well as control attached
Android devices (e.g., triggering a reboot, installing software package(s) remotely).
Enhancements to Android's SDK go hand-in-hand with the overall Android platform
development. The SDK also supports older versions of the Android platform in case
developers wish to target their applications at older devices. Development tools are
downloadable components, so after one has downloaded the latest version and platform, older
platforms and tools can also be downloaded for compatibility testing.
Android applications are packaged in .apk format and stored under /data/app folder on the
Android OS (the folder is accessible only to the root user for security reasons). APK package
contains .dex files(compiled byte code files called Dalvik executables), resource files, etc.
The Android SDK Platform Tools are a separately downloadable subset of the full SDK,
consisting of command-line tools such as adb and fastboot.The Android Debug Bridge (adb)
is a tool to run commands on a connected Android device. The adbd daemon runs on the
device, and the adb client starts a background server to multiplex commands sent to devices.
In addition to the command-line interface,numerous graphical user interfaces exist to control
Fastboot is a diagnostic protocol included with the SDK package used primarily to modify
the flash filesystem via a USB connection from host computer. It requires that the device be
started in a boot loader or Secondary Program Loader mode, in which only the most basic
hardware initialization is performed. After enabling the protocol on the device itself, it will
accept a specific set of commands sent to it via USB using a command line. Some of the most
commonly used fastboot commands include:
• flash – rewrites a partition with a binary image stored on the host computer.

• erase – erases a specific partition.

• reboot – reboots the device into either the main operating system, the system recovery
partition or back into its boot loader.
• devices – displays a list of all devices (with the serial number) connected to the host
• format – formats a specific partition; the file system of the partition must be
recognized by the device.
Code written in C/C++ can be compiled to ARM, or x86 native code (or their 64-bit variants)
using the Android Native Development Kit (NDK). The NDK uses the Clang compiler to
compile C/C++. GCC was included until NDK r17, but removed in r18 in 2018.
Native libraries can be called from Java code running under the Android Runtime using
System.loadLibrary, part of the standard Android Java classes.
Command-line tools can be compiled with the NDK and installed using adb.
Android uses Bionic as its C library, and the LLVM libc++ as its C++ Standard Library. The
NDK also includes a variety of other APIs:zlib compression, OpenGL ES or Vulkan graphics,
OpenSL ES audio, and various Android-specific APIs for things like logging, access to
cameras, or accelerating neural networks.
The NDK includes support for CMake and its own ndk-build (based on GNU Make). Android
Studio supports running either of these from Gradle. Other third-party tools allow integrating
the NDK into Eclipse and Visual Studio.
For CPU profiling, the NDK also includes simpleperf which is similar to the Linux perf tool,
but with better support for Android and specifically for mixed Java/C++ stacks.
The Android 3.1 platform (also backported to Android 2.3.4) introduces Android Open
Accessory support, which allows external USB hardware (an Android USB accessory) to
interact with an Android-powered device in a special "accessory" mode. When an Android-
powered device is in accessory mode, the connected accessory acts as the USB host (powers
the bus and enumerates devices) and the Android-powered device acts as the USB device.
Android USB accessories are specifically designed to attach to Android-powered devices and
adhere to a simple protocol (Android accessory protocol) that allows them to detect Android-
powered devices that support accessory mode.



The current web based system’s in India for Blood Bank are not available according to the
user’s requirement as they are deployed on web which are handy to use as they can be
accessed in the case of emergency or an trauma Situation. The Mobility provided By Android
based system which is accessible on mobile through Application are available on the go.
4.2 Location Accuracy
Web based system provides the list of Blood banks with unique Identifier in nearest city,
which is not that feasible as compared to direct access of mobile application as that of surfing
the internet on personal system. Using GPS location identification of the applicant towards
the blood bank application will provide location and path for nearest blood bank
4.3 Highly Trained Dataset
Dataset Training i.e., data storage, manipulation, service etc., provides a great supporting
model for the Application. The filtered dataset in which is uniformly structured helps end
user to access this information and make fruit from it.The key features and information are
date of birth of the donor as well as patient, blood group of the patient/ donor, date of last
blood donated, mobile number, address with city and state, email id. It provides the criteria
according hospital, blood bank wise advance search for the list and retrieval of data.
4.4 Inventory Management
There are many Web Based Application which stores and provides information of both user’s
like donor of blood and blood bag applicant. The blood bank Organization are relatively very
large in the context of their physical and geographical aspects. So the
inventory management of the Blood bank Systems is very necessary the information to be
handled is very vast.Generation of report for the inventories used in the
application should be properly done. Inventory includes the patient, donor, hospitals, blood
banks, stock and the seeker inventory. Secondly the blood bags inventory should be discarded
automatically once it has expired and the expiry policy is 21 days from the
day of inventoryincluded, so proper record should be kept for the expired blood as it will save
manual work of the manager who is inserting the record into database.
4.4 System Security
The Blood Bank management systems facilitate the application with advanced security
feature like validation and verification for web base application. This security service is
provided by the android application were the user is Already registered to the system and its
profile related information is stored And maintained for the further validation and verification
of the user.
4.5 Alert System
In case of emergency were the availability of blood is not known and the time is the major
concern for user as they cannot manually search for required blood from each hospital and
blood banks. So the Application provides an alert button which as soon as is clicked the
information according to the best search attribute id displayed to the user profile with the
nearest hospital and blood bank with its route to the destination.





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