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What makes art beautiful? Write down your three (3) criteria for beauty. (From highest to
1. Understandable – One of the things that makes an art beautiful for me is if it is
understandable. I don’t have a deep knowledge and talent in terms of understanding an
artwork, especially if it is really a confusing art but despite that I really think that understanding
the meaning and emotions of an artwork is what makes an art even more beautiful.
2. Colorful – I find it beautiful if art is colorful and lively. It easily draws my attention if I see
colorful and lively art because it often means strong emotions.
3. Details – Art is beautiful if the artists use the right amount of details into the artwork
because details can give a great effect. Having too many or unbalanced details is kind of messy
for me.
Truly art beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We definitely have different opinions and criteria
in terms of beauty, it’s a matter of personal opinion.

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