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Directions: Write a little to your future self to read at tfle

end of tfle scflool year. Use tfle instructions below to flelp

you write your letter
• Remember to use proper letter formatting (include a
greeting and a closing).
• Include proper spelling, grammar & punctation.
• You letter sflould answer tfle following questions:
• Wflat are you excited about tflis scflool year?
• Wflat do you like/dislike about scflool?
• Wflat are you excited to learn?
• Wflat are your goals for tfle year?
• Wflat are you good at? Wflat is sometfling you need to
work at?
• Wflat are your flobbies outside of scflool?
• Wflat is your favorite subject? Wflat is your least favorite
subject and wfly?

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