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Герундіальний комплекс (Complexes with Gerund)

- словосполучення герундія з іменником, іменником у присвійному відмінку, присвійним
займенником, становлять один складний член речення і вживається у тих самих функціях, що і
Оскільки в українській мові такого явища немає, то ці комплекси перекладаються підрядним
реченням із сполучниками
те, що
той факт, що
для того, щоб
після того як
I rememeber your promising me to lend your dictionary.
речення без герундіального комплексу речення з герундіальним комплексом
1. The joy from seeing her was great 1. Her coming gives me much pleasure
2. Going out took a longer time than 2. People’s loving spring is natural.
coming in
3. Is he really good at swimming? 3. We have doubt about the plan having
been drawn up

The gerund modified by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case forms a gerundial
complex. The relation between the nominal and verbal parts of the complex is that of secondary
subject and secondary predicate.
I  insist on Mary's (her) going there.
Mary's (her) going - is a gerundial complex.

The Gerundial Complex consists of 2 parts:

 In written English:
1. A noun in possessive case (’s) or a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
2. Gerund
I’m surprised at their having come at all. I’m against the idea of Tom’s doing it.
 In colloquial (informal) speech
1. A noun in common case (mother, children, house) or a personal pronoun in objective case (me,
you, him, her, it, us, them)
2. Gerund
I’m against the idea of Tom doing it. The teacher insists on the task being done at once.
1. I insisted on my going there.
2. He looked forward to his coming back.
3. She thought of her being sent there.
4. We objected to our being given this task.
5. You dreamed of your being invited to the party.
6. They looked forward to their inviting to the party.

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