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POPULAR IDIOM Nguồn:Langmaster


1. The early birth gets the worm

 Meaning: Success will come with people who can catch the chance
2. The elephant in the room
 Meaning: Big problem nobody wants to mention
3. Hold your horses = Pull oneself together
 Meaning: Let’s keep calm
4. Break the ice
 Meaning: Make the atmosphere ease and comfortable
 Example: My friends have a row so I have to break the ice
5. Let your hair down = Take it easy
 Meaning: Let relax
6. Be out of sorts
 Meaning: Be quite tired
7. Down in the dumps
 Meaning: Be sad
8. Be of the same mind
 Meaning: Share or have the same thought
9. Think outside the box
 Meaning: Have many creative idea
10.Be on point
 Meaning: Be perfect
 Example: The timetable you make is on point. Good job!
11.Let off steam
 Meaning: Let your head or your mind relax
 Example: You will have a competiton so you should let off steam
12.Kill two birds with one stone
 Meaning: One thing brings two good sides
 Example: I type this document to help you improve your English and
help me to review my knowledge. It kills two birds with one stone!

*Câu nào khó hiểu mới có vd nha ^_^

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