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The Moon, the planet Earth's only natural satellite and constant companion, is
the second-brightest celestial body in our sky after the Sun. The importance
of the Moon to humanity is enormous. Recently, researchers were baffled by
a discovery of a strange crack on the Moon’s surface, which is continuing to
expand. Large scale research conducted by the Smithsonian Institute to study
the fault on the lunar surface using sensors installed during Apollo 17 has
found the faults. The obtained data indicate a mysterious crack appeared due
to a powerful shock, the magnitude of which could be closer to 5.5 on the
Richter scale, which is enough to cause above moderate damage to buildings
on Earth. Since the moon formed 4.3 billion years ago, asteroid impacts have
scarred its face with pits and craters. But the damage goes far deeper than
that, with cracks extending to depths of 12 miles (20 kilometers), researchers
recently reported. Such information is crucial to scientists as they remotely
explore the lunar surface for future colonizing the satellite body. It also
provides information on the seismic activity of the lunar surface.

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