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Arlene L.

Mendoza Bachelor of Laws I-C

REACTION PAPER: The trials that I observed last January 25, 2011 was at Branch 14 of Regional Trial Court of Malolos City. The Presiding judge was Hon. Teodora R. Gonzales. Present also That time was Public Prosecutor Eufracio Marquez, O.I.C. Legal Researcher Mrs. Lucila R. Aricheta, Stenographer Mrs. Susana S. Garcia and Court Interpreter Ms. Corazon O. Luntayco. Fifteen criminal cases were called for the attendance. Cases regarding Bigamy, Falsification of Public Document, Estafa, Frustrated Murder, Homecide, Murder, Violation of Sec. 83 R.A. No. 337 as amended by P.D. 1795, etc., Violation of R.A. 6539, and Petition for Cancellation of Record of Birth were the cases for the set hearing. The session started of course with Ecunemical Prayer for the Court, followed by the calling of attendance of the people involved in each cases, from the victims to the accused including their respective legal counsels. Some cases had been set for a reschedule because one of the parties was not there, some havent present their witnesses. I observed that inside the court room, the people keep on going in and out of the room even if the judge was already there. The court interpreters voice was not clear so it is hard to write down notes. While in session the room was not that quiet as I expect it to be. People inside keep talking to one another. The judge was not that strict. I also noticed that the Public Prosecutor sometimes did not know some flows of the cases. There were times that Judge Gonzales asked him to comment regarding some matter on the case but he cannot comment anything and hes reason was some reports and documents were not been received by his office yet. Judge Gonzales gave him 10 days to comment on that matter. As I looked at some of the accused, I have mixed emotions. Those who committed homicide, frustrated murder and murder excite me. For the first time I have faced people who committed crimes with such corresponding greater punishments. Some of their relatives were sitted beside me and asked me why I am there. I told them I am a law student and I am there to observe. Of course I was distracted by those people who kept using their cellphones inside the court room. I thought using mobiles inside is prohibited. Well, some people really do not know how to discipline themselves. Judge Gonzales is very linient. When I felt that I cannot comprehend the discussion because of the different noise inside and outside the court room I went out and ended my observation.

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