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Turn of Turf Cooperage gets the go ahead

Mumbai: Football, or Soccer as it is referred to worldwide, has always been known to take backseat in the Cricket dominated sports sector in India. Funds are grudgingly allocated towards its development since the revenue our government makes from this sport is less than a fraction of what it makes from its more glamorous counterpart, Cricket. Yesterday, in a major development, the Bombay High Court permitted the Western India Football Association (WIFA) to go ahead with the proposed renovation o f Cooperage Football ground in South Mumbai.The state football body w as fighting a long legal battle with the Oval Cooperage Residents Association, which was hampering them from making any construction at the ground. The development means that WIFA can go ahead with their renovation plans and turn the age-old stadium into a World Class arena, complete with the International standard turf ground. Cooperage, which is the home ground of FC Air India and Mumbai FC, has been undergoing constant renovation, especially after it was selected as one of the venues for Indias most prestigious football league, the I-League. It has a capacity of about 12,000 people, though it is rarely full on occasions other than important matches of the League. It is a great thing to happen for Mumbai and Maharashtra. We will now build a first class stadium with international standards which would make the city a hub for football matches, said WIFA CEO Henry Menezes. He further added that AIFF and WIFA President, Praful Patel was also delighted after hearing the news. He was happy that a major hurdle in our way has gone away. We can now go ahead with our plans and make all necessary renovations, so that football can once again take center stage at the Cooperage, Menezes added. The citys only football ground didnt see any I-League football last year as it was going under turf laying approved by the FIFA. Everything is falling in place now. The turf work is almost over and would be ready in second-third week of July. We can now start our work on seating and club house, he said. Earlier, FIFA had sanctioned $2 million for the renovation of Cooperage football ground as a part of the FIFAs Win in India with India program. Which meant that they will get new floodlights, temporary stands with proper seating facilities and world-class dressing rooms. Apart from FIFA, even Business tycoon Mukesh Ambani had shown personal interest in redeveloping the ground. Whether it becomes a business venture or not remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain, India definitely looks like its heading towards a positive change in the Football sector.

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