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The camel's nose

An ancient story tells us about an Arab traveling with his camel through the desert.Let´s see what
happens ( a partir del 0:35)

What could be the moral of the story?

The story says that the camel did not bother anymore that night. Of course, there was no reason to
bother. When it dawned, the animal was inside the bed, and the man was outside.

Something similar happens in the spiritual life: "If you give the devil a finger, he will grab his whole

Ephesians 4:27 gives us an important advice: "nor give place to the devil"

Is there a space in your life where you can see "the nose of the camel"? Do you have any questionable
friendships? Any harmful habit or vice (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs)? Have you gotten used to watching
movies where obscene words or sensual scenes abound? Do you tell white lies?

Of course, the ideal is not to allow the camel to insert its nose. But if you discover that this has already
happened, today I have good news for you: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1: 9).

Get to the Lord in prayer for any situation in your life and he will forgive you, and if you have not fallen,
but you are treading on forbidden ground, remember our today message: "Do not give the devil a
chance." This cheater, if you give him a finger, he will grab his whole arm.


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