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ASS\GNMENT= Quesno.sor 4 Tg a a Brierly explain types OF Project organization stsucture. Project organizational Structure ONTO NL iE oe RS aE Project organization must have specitic Objectives a FOwMAL Styuctaye OF authority with Some percons in leader FShIP VOLES And othed iM Sub—OVciNAtE YOLeSs division oF WOsk WWiCh entails cpectalization by mEmLets IN VAIO $ Activities OFF tunetions, a for~mal—sy stem or CommuntcotiOne land generally 0 cet oF formal pygmes and~ Customers hot aistinguisn trem tue secieL entities. Types of Project ewganiaction seructure pamierend meiner Neate 1. Line and Start organization 2. pivisionar organization 2. Matty organizoxton hy. TaSe FOCE Organtzoxton ©. Totally pyojectized orgenizotion Line and stare organization aS ae Tn this fosm OF Project Oyeanizections a Person is appanted wit He Prmary responsibility OF cooxdinoting thre wore EF tne People in Functions, ACrAEMents. Sucn a Pemson Is Commonly called aS Paoject coordinator /Projeer Melnngey WhO Alex esnertany iM a Star position totactliate tne Co-Otetin OF Jine wmonagemont i twncttonar teratoma Chier Evetative eon ae Pa dhuition vce Project Manogex Y—paojeca | Moeetx oxganization iRotion js Corductive tp an efficient use of YESOUSCOS but 16 not THEY [ive Ond +tunetionnt from of Organi Sultavle for on prfentte yealization of Project Objectives, The divisional form oF Osqonization is Suttabie for PALL Ob}eceives bue noe Covducive to On eFPICIENt uce OF vyesources. The CHELENE TOAKAtION of MOLY FOLML OF OSGanizotion SECL S tp pees twin Objectives of eEFficent use of ae OCFFECIVE yen izOkIOn of Project ject When tris Ornangement oF graying Project WADWOBON carol one eRe Towalizel, We have on orga ~—Zortton >

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