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critical analyzing of Diversity






Reflection in critical analyzing of Diversity

A blend of ideologies, cultures, nations, genders, socioeconomic positions, and other

traits constitutes a satisfying variety. As a result, I will talk about how my analysis would have

changed if I had utilized one of the other general education lenses to look at my subject in this

reflective essay. I'll also talk about how this course has helped me appreciate the benefits of

variety and how critically examining diversity enhances interactions with people, including my

own personal experience.

A Way in Which My Analysis Would Have Been Different If I Had Used One of the Other

General Education Lenses to Analyze My Topic

The idea of variety, when viewed from a cultural point of view, is to respect and embrace

the traditions of other peoples. This suggests that people need to understand other people's

differences and similarities. The differences and similarities could be attributed to gender,

political beliefs, political affiliation, race, and ethnicity. Cultural diversity and inequality are a

result of ethnic identity. People must focus on getting along with people from different nations.

How ethnic diversity is viewed is one of the most significant issues currently at hand—and one

that might continue into the future.

How Critically Analyzing Diversity Adds Value to Interactions with People

Understanding variety is the first step toward appreciating various cultures. There are a great

number of unique cultures in the world. As a result, it helps us understand and value these

different categories (Gründler & Köllner, 2020). Understanding diversity also helps you respect

the people you interact with. Diversity in the workplace is beneficial because it promotes

communication across ethnic, social, and gender divides. People who are forced to confront and

overcome their differences are more likely to be socially equal and less likely to have prejudice.


Gomez, L. E., & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of

the National Medical Association, 111(4), 383-392.

Gründler, K., & Köllner, S. (2020). Culture, diversity, and the welfare state. Journal of

Comparative Economics, 48(4), 913-932.

Varhelahti, M., & Turnquist, T. (2021). Diversity and communication in virtual project

teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(2), 201-214.

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