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What I have Learned

I learned that Philosophy is defined as a love of wisdom and the birthplace of the philosophy is in the
West of Greece.I also learned that the Father or the Western Philosophy is Socrates.There are Branches
of Philosophy,the first two are metaphysics and epistemology,the next three branches of Philosophy are
ethics, politics, and aesthetic.And the most basic normative branch of philosophy is ethics or
morality.The tools that the Greek philosopher are frequently utilize is Philosophical Questions and
Logical Reasoning.I also learned that the activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts,
feelings and actions and learn from experience is called Reflection.There are two types of Reflection it is
the Primary Reflection and Secondary Reflection.

I feel that Philosophy is important because It assists us with investigating ideas, definitions, contentions,
and issues. It adds to our ability to put together thoughts and issues, to manage inquiries of significant
worth, and to remove what is fundamental from huge amounts of data.

I commit to apply Philosophy in my life.It will help me to solve my problems,and it will help me to make
better decisions by developing my critical thinking.

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