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Numbers of persons with disabilities in Egypt

Population in Egypt is around 95 million people.

In the year of 2017 there were 14 million people with some kind of disability. Three
quarters of them had a mental disability.
Around this year, people with disabilities made about 10.7 per cent of the total

By 2018 persons with disabilities were estimated at about 11 to 14 million persons.

The President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi declared this year, the year of Persons with
Disabilities under the slogan " Capable with Difference”.

In 2019 statistics by central agency for public mobilization and statistics, reported
that number of special needs in Egypt is 10.64% of the total population.

The 2006 census indicated that of the 475 576 persons with disabilities in Egypt, 170
360 of them were females.

A 2002 study commissioned by the Japan International Cooperation Agency found

that mental disabilities comprised almost 75 per cent of all disability in Egypt with
mobility impairment making up 15 per cent and visual and hearing impairment
constituting the remaining 11 per cent.

Of the more than ten million persons with disability in Egypt, only two percent have
access to some kind of service.

Women numbers

-Women in Egypt represent 48.4% of total population, according to official data

issued by Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in 2017.

-Women contribution in work power reached less than quarter “20.9%” of total work
power (15 years and over) compared to 79.1% for men. The unemployment rate
reached 21.4% for females compared to 6.8% for males, also the percentage of
working females (15 years and over) reached 18.2% compared to 81.8% for males.
The percentage of permanently working females reached 89.3% compared to 67.1%
for males.

-Percentage of specialists and scientific professions reached 41.2% of total

employed, 35.7% of technicians and assistants, 28.9% of clerical workers, and
28.8% working in farming and hunting, 17.7% working in services and shops, and
1.7% craftswomen and so on.

-The percentage of total female enrollment in the pre-primary stage was 27.0%,
98.6% in the primary stage, and 93.8% in preparatory stage in 2017/2018 compared
to 95.8% in 2016/2017, 65.2% in secondary stage in 2017/2018 compared to 68.6%
in 2016/2017.

-The drop-out rate in primary stage reached 0.3% for females compared to 0.5% for
males in 2017/2018, 3.4% for the preparatory stage for both females and males in
the same year.

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