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1.To 0.1 gm of the acid add 1cc of alcohol and 5 drops Sweet smell. Formation of ethyl benzoate, an
of Conc.H2SO4 warm for a few minutes on a water ester.
bath and pour it into dilute Na 2CO3 solution contained
in the beaker.
2. To about 0.2 gm of the acid in a dry test tube, add Crystals of Benzanilide separate The acid chloride reacts with
twice the weight of PCL5. Warm the tube while stirring out. aniline to give anilide.
the contents until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.
Cool and shake with cool water to decompose the
excess of PCL5 and pour off the aqueous layer. Add 1
cc of aniline slowly drop and shake. Boil the reaction
product with 10 cc of dilute alcohol and filter
(4) Cinnamic acid
1.Dissolve 0.1 gm of the acid in CCL4 (1 cc) add drop by Decolourisation takes place. The acid is unsaturated and
drop solution of Bromine in the same solvent. therefore undergoes addition
with Br2 to give dibromo
cinnamic acid.
2.In a test tube, thoroughly mix 0.1 gm of cinnamic Smell of benzaldehyde is noticed.
acid with 5 cc of a strong solution of KMnO 4.
The typical reaction of phenols:
1.Benzoylation by the Schotten- Baumann method
2.Fusion with phthalic anhydride, give rise to Phthalein dyes.
The representative sample is phenol
1.To 4 or 5 drops of melted phenol and NaOH solution Phenol dissolves, showing that it is The compound formed is
(2 N, bench regeant) drop by drop and shake. acidic. Sodium phenate.

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