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Gabriel, a handsome man, was sad because he wasn´t as rich as Marco. Gabriel invited Sylvia to the cinema but she
refused to go with him. Gabriel had a rose for Sylvia but when she didn´t want to go to the cinema with him, he threw the
rose to the ground.

Sylvia went out with Marco. Marco wore expensive clothes and he gave Sylvia a lot of roses. Gabriel decided to go to the
cinema alone. He was out of the cinema when the earthquake happened.


Sylvia lived with her mother in an expensive flat but they did not have money. They had money in the past. Mrs. Delgado,
Sylvia´s mother, was ill and needed money to buy medicines.

That night Sylvia went out with Marco, he drove her to the Oasis restaurant, the best restaurant in town. Marco had a
beautiful car. In the restaurant they got a table next to the kitchen door and Marco complained angrily about that.
Everybody looked at them and Sylvia felt embarrassed and went to the washroom, which was outside the restaurant, in a
small garden. A minute later, the earthquake happened.


Lights went out and everything was dark. People started to scream but Sylvia couldn´t move. One of the restaurant walls
fell and the roof came down. The Oasis restaurant was not there; it was only rubble (=escombros). Sylvia climbed onto a
wall and that way, she could escape. She wanted to find her mother. Sylvia ran and ran. Finally, she got her building, it
was safe. However, the other buildings were in ruins. She entered her flat but her mother wasn´t there.


Then, Sylvia saw her neighbour Mr. Enriques and she asked him about her mother. He said that Mr. Garcia took her
mother in his car to Liberty park because it was safe. So Sylvia went back to her flat and took her mother´s warm clothes
and medicines. Then, she walked to the park.


Gabriel was safe because he was outside the cinema when the earthquake happened. Some rubble hit him on the head
and he fainted. When he came round, he realized his arm was hurt. Daniel tried to go to Sylvia´s flat to save Mrs. Delgado
but he couldn´t. Somebody hit his arm and he fainted again. Later he was in the park, among many other hurt people.


Sylvia heard two men talk about Marco. They told her that they helped Marco out of the rubble but Marco did not say
thank you. He was very rude. He was only worried about his car. He didn´t help the other people. In that moment, she
realized she loved Gabriel. Later, she reached Liberty park and found Mr. Garcia. He took her with her mother.


The following morning Gabriel got Sylvia´s building. There were 5 or 6 men at work in the ruins of the building next door.
They were pulling the rubble away. Suddenly, they heard a child. Gabriel wanted to help them but he couldn´t; his arm
was hurt. Slowly, Gabriel got Sylvia´s flat and found the rose. It was dried. When he entered the flat, he saw two thieves,
they were running with a box full of jewellery. Mrs. Delgado´s jewellery! Gabriel stopped them and recovered the

Then, Gabriel went outside the building and helped the men to rescue people. He couldn´t take the rubble out but he
could get food and drink for the workers. After three days, the firemen arrived and Gabriel stopped working. He went to
Sylvia´s flat and fell asleep on the floor, next to the door.


Finally, the earthquake was over and people could return to their houses. Dangerous buildings had a white cross on the
door. Sylvia´s building did not have a cross so they could go to the flat. When Sylvia got home, she found Gabriel, he was
asleep near the door, on the floor. He woke up and saw Sylvia. Next, he gave Sylvia the dead rose, and she said thank you.
They were happy ever after.

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