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Lecture 01:

Nouns and countablity

To learn different tyes of nouns.
To recognise the countability of English nouns
in different contexts.

Dr fethiza T. M
What is a noun ?
 common nouns (e.g. table, boy and most
 proper names (e.g. Joanna, New York)
 concrete noun (cup, bus).
 abstract nouns (love, beauty).
 Collective nouns ( family – class - a flock of
birds, etc. )
 count nouns and non-count
Countability: sigular or plural
Countable Meaning UNCountable Meaning
I'd love a coffee,' please (= a Do you drink coffee? (= the
cup) liquid)
I'll buy a chicken? for dinner Would you like some chicken
tonight(=the whole bird for dinner? (= a part/the
This is an amazing drawing? My son is very good at )=
by Leonardo (= a picture) drawing the activity)

drinks: teal /a tea, colal /a cola, lemonade/a lemonade

Countability: sigular or plural
•Not all nouns of these types can be both countable and
X a beef, a mutton ✓a paper/paper,
X an art, a poetry ✓a rock/rock
X a wool, a cotton ✓a lamb/lamb
•We can use words like piece and bit to make some
uncountable nouns countable:
The Council will remove two pieces of unwanted furniture if
•Other common nouns used in this way are: a slice of
bread/meat/cheese/cake; an item of furniture/clothing; a
lump of sugar/coal; a cup of coffee/tea, a pair of
Countability: sigular or plural
•Why are the uncountable nouns in bold used
as countable nouns?

a. Our new skincare cream contains several

essential oils.
b. This is a soft cheese from the Pyrenees.
c. A love of fashion and music is common
amongst teenagers
Countability: sigular or plural
Key answers:
a. Our new skincare cream contains several
essential oils. = ( different types of oil)

b. This is a soft cheese from the Pyrenees.

=( specific type of cheese )
a. A love of fashion and music is common
amongst teenager.=( a specific feeling )

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